Chuck Baldwin and New Administration

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Chuck Baldwin

19 hrs

Now that Trump has won the presidency, here is what we need to see (if he is
serious about making America great again):

He needs to follow through with strict enforcement of our national borders.

He needs to stop illegal immigration. He needs to deport the Middle Eastern
refugees that Obama brought into the country. He needs to cut off financial
aid to the illegal aliens that are already here. He needs to immediately lead
the charge in a totally Republican Congress to rescind Obamacare. He needs
to put an end to our endless wars of aggression in the Middle East. He needs
to leave Syria alone and stop meddling in President Assads internal affairs.
He needs to pull NATO back from encroaching on Russias territorial
boundaries, waterways and airspace and let Vladimir Putin know that the
United States will stop being a global bully. He needs to instruct our CIA (and
find a director who will enthusiastically follow his instructions) to withdraw
ALL covert U.S. support for Muslim terror groups such as ISIS--in which case,
they would quickly dissolve.

He needs to lead the charge in Congress to reduce taxes and government

regulation and spending across the board. If he would propose dismantling
the EPA, BLM, OSHA, and the federal Department of Education (and throw in
the Department of Commerce and a bunch more of these government
bureaucracies whose only reason for existing is to harass the American
people), we would know he means business. He needs to tell the ATF to get
off the backs of law-abiding gun manufacturers, retailers, and gun owners.
And he needs to fire FBI Director James Comey.

He needs to follow through with his trade policies. He needs to lead the
charge to expunge NAFTA, to kill TPP dead in its tracks, and to institute fair
trade practices, including enacting competing tariffs and imposts and
removing the egregious taxes and regulations that have forced businesses to
relocate production plants overseas--and give them every financial incentive
to bring them back to the United States.

He needs to appoint a Supreme Court justice that not only recognizes the
constitutional rights of life and gun ownership and possession but one that is
also determined to protect the Fourth Amendment. He also needs to follow
through with his stated intention of urging Congress to remove the 1954
Johnson Amendment from the 501c3 tax code. In addition, he needs to sign
an executive order rescinding most of the executive orders issued by former
presidents Obama, Bush, and Clinton.

He needs to appoint a special prosecutor to thoroughly investigate and then

prosecute Hillary and Bill Clinton along with many of their willing
accomplices. If Trump truly wants to drain the swamp, he must begin by
bringing these career criminals to justice.

These are the things that we need to see, and if Trump is as genuine and
committed to liberty as he claims to be, many of these things we will see.

Now let me caution everyone. That Donald Trump was not controlled by the
establishment was obvious. But that doesnt mean for one second that he
cannot yet become controlled by the establishment. Being an outsider does
not necessarily mean that Donald Trump truly understands the reach and
tentacles of the globalist conspiracy. I truly hope he does; but only time will

And here is something that we do NOT need to see:

We do not need to see Trump putting a lot of neocons and globalists in his
administration. This is what seriously compromised Ronald Reagans
presidency. Trump already chose a soft globalist, Mike Pence, as his Vice
President. Reagan chose Granddaddy Globalist George H.W. Bush, which led
to all of the assaults against our liberties that have taken place through the
successive administrations of Bill Clinton, G.W. Bush, and Barack Obama.

We need to pay close attention to who Trump places in his administration.

During his victory speech, he lauded neocon globalists Rudy Giuliani and
Chris Christie. That was not a good sign. If Trump loads his cabinet with
neocons, globalists, and CFR members (of which none is worse than Newt

Gingrich), he dooms his presidency. These people are no friends of liberty or

the Constitution and would use their considerable influence to dilute Trumps
less government, more freedom agenda.

And forgive me for gloating just a bit. Over a year and a half ago, on April 14,
2015, I made this bold prediction on this Facebook page: You heard it here
first: Hillary Clinton will NOT be our next President. :)

P.S. Television reporters from Singapore and London interviewed me and then
followed me around and filmed my election day activities last Tuesday. I have
been interviewed by MANY members of both the U.S. and foreign press. To be
honest, most of them bring a big government bias with them. But I came
away from this interview with the distinct impression that these folks
sincerely wanted to understand my positions without bias. They seemed
warm and genuine and their questions seemed honest. But, again, we'll see.

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