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Randell P.

Bs Architecture

Reaction paper

Last March 17, 2004 republic act 9266 also known as the
architecture act of 2004 has been signed. This gives the
architects a privilege to plan, sign and seal the architectural
plans of a structure. The civil engineers demands that they also
can create building plans and if so they must also be qualified
to sign and seal architectural plans.
As an architecture student it is so terrifying knowing that
my future job is in jeopardy. Studying architecture is far beyond
different from studying civil engineering, architecture focuses
on three key factors utility, strength and beauty while civil
engineering mostly focus on strength. Studying architecture takes
5 years of knowing and understanding the dos and donts in
creating a building plan, 5 years is not enough architects still
need to take apprenticeship for 2 years to gain experience, to
gain more knowledge and to gain confidence in creating building
plans before an architecture student takes board exam but it
seems that it is so unfair for the architects that civil
engineers who only have less knowledge in creating building plans
can be qualified to sign and seal architectural plans. Architects
are the ones who has the capacity to design the spaces needed for
a structure so that the people who may use the building will feel
comfortable. The architects are the ones in charge of the
structures creative part which I think that the civil engineers
are not that much qualified compared to a licensed architect, it
is also the same for the architects, the architects are not that
much qualified to carry out the structural plans compared to a
misunderstanding, both civil engineer and architects must work in
harmony, must work hand in hand to create a building not to take
others job.

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