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Lesson Plan for Implementing

NETSSTemplate I
(More Directed Learning Activities)
Template with guiding questions
Lindsey Wallace

Pre - Teacher


Southeastern Oklahoma State University




Grade Level(s)

7th Grade

Content Area


Time line

2 days

7.1.W.2 Students will work effectively and respectfully within diverse groups, show w
illingness to make necessary compromises to accomplish a goal, share responsibilit
y for collaborative work, and value individual contributions made by each group me
Content Standards

7.7.W.2 Students will utilize multimedia to clarify information and strengthen claims
or evidence.
Standard 3 Knowledge Constructor - Students critically curate a variety of resources
using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make meaningful

NETS*S Standards:

learning experiences for themselves and others.

Students will explore keeping online boundaries and discover what it means to be a cyberbully. Students will also
learn how to stand up to cyberbullies and use creative methods to inspire others in positive ways. Students will
view two short videos over open access and how to be somewhat anonymous in social media.

Essential Questions
1. What is cyberbullying?
2. Have you ever been cyberbullied?
3. Have you ever bullied someone?
4. Have you ever seen something happen to someone else and do something to change it?
5. If so did you stay out of it?
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1. The students will be able to understand the difference between a bystander and upstander.
2. Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to participate respectfully and responsibly through social media.
3. I will divide the students into small groups and have them create a student video concerning bullying and how
to create a positive environment in the school system.
The assignment will be graded based on a rubric.
1. The students will need basic knowledge of navigating a computer.
2. The students will need to access the internet to research facts about cyberbullying.
3. The students will need to view two short videos over cyberbullying and then create their group video
Instructional Plan Preparation
Students will need knowledge of using a computer and the internet. The teacher will ask questions about
cyberbullying to activate any background knowledge. Students will be asked to describe a situation they have
experienced with cyberbullying. Some students may not be able to access a computer or know how to navigate
the internet. The teacher will be available to assist if needed.

The students will be required to work on their assignments in the classroom. The students will be divided into
small groups when it is time to brainstorm and create their video presentations. They will go to the computer lab at
this time to do their research.

Instruction and Activities

The teacher will give the students necessary handouts, instructions, computer access, and assessment rubrics.
The teacher will assist with accessing and navigating the websites provided. During the researching portion of the
lesson, the teacher will divide students into small groups where they can work together to complete assignment.
The students will be required to define upstander, bystander, and cyberbullying.

The students will work in small groups for answering specific questions and researching cyberbullying. The
teacher will make sure each group has a fluent reader and a student that is advanced technologically. The teacher
will be available to assist if extra help is needed. The students will receive a list of approved websites they can
use to research information on this topic. Upon completion of the lesson, each group will present their videos to
their classmates.

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Closure and Reflection

Each student will turn in a list of creative methods to inspire others in positive ways when it comes to cyberbullying
on social media. The teacher will review the students videos to see how much knowledge was gained. The
students will also be given a survey sheet to complete. Here is a list of questions for the survey.
1.Was the lesson meaningful?
2.What did you enjoy most about the lesson?
3.What was your least favorite part of the lesson?
4.Were the videos you viewed helpful?
This survey will help the teacher know what the students enjoyed and what can be revised for next year.

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