Who Is Worth What

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‘XN An overall rise across the os seen SI Telarc la nase elo] 03303 >» that professional workers have WScistnicenckstncielsreitit especially the ones at the » top of the ladder. ollowing an overall decrease Strong growth was seen in Asian In average salary of two per expat salaries, rising 9.74 per cent from cent in our 2014 survey, pay $8,673 to $9,518 a month, while Western packets returned to form salaries almost kept pace, up 9.6 per this year with significant growth seen cent, or $10.93 on average, from $11,385 across the board. to $12,478 a month, ‘Average salary across all countries, Lagging slightly behind in a positions and racial groups in our list respectable third place were Arab expat rose 7.88 per cent, increasing from salaries, rising 4.69 pee cent, or $521, ‘10,392 a month to $11,211 a month. fiom $11,117 to $1,638. SALARY INCREASE BY COUNTRY (ALL RACES/POSITIONS) Ton a on 2 country-by-counsy basis, growth ‘was also seen on average across the board. In Babrain, combined average salaries rose by 443 per cent, from $9,338.33 2 ‘month to $9,251.67 a month, while Saud ‘Arabia and Qatar saw growth of seven. ‘pe cent and 7.74 per cent respectively, {increasing from $12,126 to $12,978.3 inthe ormer and $11,473 to $12,361 in the later. ‘Oman saw similar gains of 7.9 per ‘cent, oF $722 a month, from $9,140 to $9,862, while in the nelghbouring UAE, a significant 9.97 per cent increase was seen, up $1,018 a month from $10,206 last year to $11,224 this yea ‘Standing at the top of our survey for growth, however, was Kuwait, with average salary for expat professionals Hsing 10.19 per cent, or $1,025, ffom $10,064 to $11,090.3. ~What we tend to find in Kuwait is that people don't change jobs there. A good average for a person staying in the job in the UAE is three o five years. In “Kuwait, t's 10 to 15 years,” says Tan GGiullanot, director at Nadia Recruitment Consultants. “People don’t move jobs but costs are going up in Kuwait, and that’s ‘why you're seeing rises there.” A significant factor driving overall srovrth in our 2015 survey was the strong salary Increase in the CEO/MD of a ‘muldnational position, up 39 per cent for ‘Asians from $24,217 in 2014 t0 $33,861 a month this year, 32.57 per cent for Arabs from $30,010 to $39,785 and a whopping 45.21 per cent for Westerners from $28,874 to $41,929, ‘Combined across all three groups, ‘multinational CEO wages were up 39 per cent on average to $38,525, in contrast to last year’s survey where there ‘was an 8.9 per cent dip overall, fom $30,407 in 2013 to $27,700. “These people are paid on results and the matket is starting to boom,” says Giulianott, explaining the significant increase, “There is also a big influx of contain 48 / MARCH 2015 Per PREP Pte ep BURRS SRS RYP REY ERR Rae & Oe a) PAYING COUNTRY IN 2015 Bahrain at $9,751.67 followed by Oman at $9,862 industries, particularly in local food production, that are coming in. In order to bring their experienced CEOs and manages, they ate paying premiums above what their current salaries are, and so that’s reflected as well.” Indeed, some of our participating firms suggested that a Western CEO of | a multinational atthe very top of the pay stale could earn a staggering $100,000 a month in KSA, Kuwait or Qatar. ot nt THE RACIAL DIVIDE = Altec some online controversy inthe wake of our 2013 ress, we focused pareaar Stenson onthe racial py dive in ag | as year’s salary survey, noting that he | disparity bemeen pay cheques based on for nationality seemed tobe decreasing. a | In the 2014 survey, Arab expat salary abs_ averaged only 2.38 percent less than Sag, estemers overall, compared othe 1.5 percent seen in 2013, while Asian spats were found to eam 27 percent than Westemer, down from 29.8 ent the yes betore “The gap between Westem and Asian 1s decreased agin inthis year's although only very slighty, with ernerseaming 2691 per cent more average, More progress was also seen een Arab and Asian salaries with former eaming 20 per ent more on in this year's earvey compared 16 HIGHEST & LOWEST PAYING © PAY DIFFERENCE. POSITION ON RACE Westerners earns on average 6.96 per cent more than Arabs and 26.91 per cent more than Asians. Arabs earn on average 20.04 per cent more than Asians. Asian executive Western CEO/MD secretary/PA - Multinational in InBahrain at KSA at $46,960 $3,003 amonth a month However, there was a noted widening in the gap between Western and Arab expat salaries, with Westerners gaining sround at 6.96 per eent more on average {nthe 2015 survey. ur recruiters polnt to a number of factors impacting the dynamics of the pay divide this year including candidates ‘with heritage in the Indian subcontinent but wielding Canadian, American or Australian passports. ‘An Increase in candidates from, European countries, particularly in the east, s also believed to be balancing the market, traditionally dominated by south Asian job seekers. “That gap for people being paid by their nationality is changing very slowly and people are being paid more for theit ability and the job role, but don't think - Saudi Arabia at $12,978.3 i wl ever be completely eradicated, not ee tains eae cteme, followed by Qatar at $12,361 WESTERN HIGHEST PAYING COUNTRY IN 2015 | ‘ulfbusiness.com / 4 f 4 cater trode svn by era nce = 2 premium eodated ih foie language ssn eran ans and = clang bn, whl some ghighed then of ernie that tthe tinlcenwatonratsiey toca Ml) KSA VS QATAR ‘on nationality in the Gulf, : Tire ina def nde for whom a dcr er a ey - ‘They get paid the same more or less,” QATAR & eet i soe ae: 7 ‘Arab CEO/MD ~ Multinational 45,34 os Akad ere eee Western CEO/MD ~ Mathai! ware = Papi rps areal ‘Asin Human Resources ~Naroer 3909 = nate Ty eligi bepenen ‘Ara Fnanen& Aecruting = Manager 10020 = mt ey ee pay. on pent ‘Asian Information Technology ~ Manager 19,620 ca genie Western Banking ~Reti/Personal Banking Manager 2i61 es ‘same or similarly at multinationals, Asian Media ~ Public Relations Manager 7949 a regarlless of where they were bora or ‘Western Executive Secretary/PA sma fore what passport they hold. But recruiters puss a et tie same ae at rae Despite stronger growth in some of _ banking treasury manager at atten Toe ow ghneencnaek ool, ect their peers, Saudi Arabia followed ‘$16,097 compared to $15,918. ‘waditional systems for pay based on by Qatar remained our top two KSA still topped our list for the ‘nationality are still widely used. markets for average salary overall, —_ best expat pay packet, however, | MS12970 and SacI repectve, wi ou Noes paying poston Es f ‘THE OIL QUESTION But this wasn’t always the case on the survey this year being s ‘While the sliding global oil price has been for every role. For example, An a Western expat CEO/MD of 2 = «talking point for businesses across the Arab CEO/MD of a multinational multinational in the Kingdom, i region in recent months, recrters point was found to earn 25 percent _—_earning a whopping $46,960 a c Reaerpeniomy: om pea more notar wih average pay month on everage- Ths Wasa : ‘a ene ata, kava ol pe ave standing at $45,314 a month significant gain over the $33,229 L ncaa oe ore CompeeitsSekxeTemerts| ston our rye et Yate : a niet - {ithe Kingdom Wilean sre 480 percent Nghe then the : eee ee ane ene finance and accounting manager —_ average of $44,721 seen in : aS serves companies taatiomatoy, ‘also averaged higher in Qatar at Qatar this year. : a large contract and flexible workforce, $10,020 compared to $9,923 in “Saudi Arabia and Qatar, can F says Thomas Bennett, managing ‘the Kingdom. have greater ‘barriers to entry’ consultant for Oil & Gas at Charterhouse Asian publishing editors in linked to cultural components E Middle East. Qatar also recorded higher and immigration policy. Thus, to E “They will shed this workforee on averages than their counterparts cater for the increased demand, E ee ae inkSauinpayandngal— pockaces need torefettne ' muss andihen when ey sckup moe Te Srmentncorparsto rele nd pct po! ' an ey ane eas cae S651 nthe Kngcom Steandstes sees or ate Torwestenerssavorietyof ‘ese arts Forte ght fal eaaliy Sr project Secure in Qatar, inciuding executive markets in particular, present : ‘companies, the impact is expected to secretary at $5,714 a month both exciting and financially be less profound, with no immediate compared to $5,611, bank retail/ rewarding opportunities,” says difference and salaries remaining personal banking manager at Gareth Clayton, senior director at t largely the same. $12,161 compared to $11,312, and Charterhouse Middle East. 50 / MARCH 2015 “This is because there is an abundance mid-sized oll producers to have wouble Much has changed since then, with ‘of work and stil very real skills gap in at those oil prices, meaning some of their reports released by consultants JLL in the market and candidates now ther loans wil go bad and they won't have 2s January suggesting the Dubai residential vale adds Beane much cash" he says “They won't need sector would remain subdued over 2015, In other sectors, only minor cuts are as many people in 205, but they sll withthe markt at to aboorb 25,000 expected in terms of jobs and salaries, need more than they curently have” extra uit, with Gl counties wielding enough Another key aes of change in recent LL also forecasted that lower of prices capital to weather the impacts of lower months has been the construction and woud impact rent ia neighbouring Abu oil prices for now. real esae market, where a boom period Dhabi, wit renal growth aniipated to Government employes have seen in the lites of Dubal and Abu Dhabi led slw this year to sigle gt, afer an slight reductions in some of ther to the launch of host of new projects percent increase in 20% benef, as seen in Abu Dhabi where looking to capltalise onthe marke’ This slowing of momentum is haying uty bills are no longer covered, wile momentur lst year 4 mixed impact on expas inthe Sectors linked to oil and gas are also seeing some minor impacts Tier 1 candidates are paid the same or similarly at ‘This Includes the banking ndusty where multinationals, regardless of where they were born or ed sith acninew sets" what passport they hold. But recruiters suggest that the na aie a yn same cannot be said at the local or government level, forward but they are just redoing ther Where traditional systems for pay based on nationality budgets hecause they expect some ofthe are still widely used. = BAHRAIN KSA KUWAIT UAE OMAN QATAR er CEOMD Lol conpany ses zm =e setae famon scree” harager coor ose nae 809 Iormatenctciogy “Manson «STS naga tess wae20 SateaMeretingAeout anager «4863=SCa Saat ease : Lasal-amerNlaetranage 7088 == «Saa rset j Facilities Management - Manager S25 8787 7834 7750 7,226 8,500 FrenceGAccomtinglinayer =a? meee ew Irerattrent— vonage soo 798 garam tee tineare=CrealPrctoneNeraye 6099 visso = 50s ams Taal ate nage mma "9577 aes, sal gata tte slag tacit aoe taesasee seas Banking Tras ogee ae Get a Ge eee : Bain) —fealPcra fauby ig Gen, esos eer ney — eS Mada Adwetsng restvetanager Tost aa? ake aan ce = uth lla anger Salons gs te — ee vd — using ear fa ee ee on ee eeaetend eee vale am wes a0 assum waee een ap ‘see aay gaara Executive Sertry/PA 3008 3302S et TOTAL 2014 8,005 10,214 9,223 8,853 8188 9,876 ‘uifbusiness.com / 54

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