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Human Capital Management

Define human capital management? Explain its advantages in current
business scenario?
Differentiate between HCM and HRM?
State and explain application of talent and knowledge management as
modern HR tools.
Short Note Questions
Role of HR in HCM
Resources for HCM
Talent management V/s knowledge management
2. Human Resource Development

Explain need, importance and scope of Human Resource Development?

Short note questions
Need and importance of HRD
HRD Frame work
3. Basics of Job Analysis

What is job analysis? Why it is important? Discuss the steps involved in job
Explain the concept of job specification? Write job specification for trained
and untrained persons in an IT industry. Assume suitable data.
Enlist various sources for job analysis
Short Note Questions
Job summary
Job specification
Job description
Job Analysis
Methods of job specification
Steps of job analysis
4. Employee Testing & Selection
Selecting a write candidate is always a challenging job for HR person.
Comment on the statement
Define testing? Describe various methods of testing with suitable example
What do you understand by conducting interview? Explain various
interview techniques

Define interview? Enlist various types of interview with its application to

various industries?

Short Note Questions

Effective techniques for conducting interview
Short comings of Interview process
Measuring effectiveness of selection
Structured v/s unstructured interview
Intelligence quotient
Emotional Quotient
Behavioral event interview
Cognitive abilities
5. Developing Effectiveness of HR
5.1. Potential Appraisal- Concept, objectives and Importance
5.2. Training- Investments in Training, Aspects of Training
5.3. Training Process5.3.1. Need Assessment- Organizational Analysis, Task Analysis, Personal
5.3.2. Designing Training Program- Instructional Objectives, Trainee
Readiness & Motivation, Principles of
Learning & Teaching, Areas & Principles of Training, Characteristics of
Good Instructor
5.3.3. Implementing Training Program- Methods
5.3.4. Evaluating Training Program- Essential Ingredients for Successful
Evaluation, Evaluation TechniquesGeneral Observations, HR Factors, Controlled Experimentation,
Performance Tests, Cost Value
Relationship, Training Metrics, Kirkpatrick Model
5.3.5. Benchmarking of HR Training
6. High potential Employees & Competency Management- (06)
6.1. High Potential Employees6.1.1. -Definition, Concept, Categories & Characteristics
6.1.2. -Identification of High Potential Employees
6.1.3. -Retention of High Potential Employees-Motivators, Retention
6.2. Competency Management6.2.1. Concept & Types
6.2.2. Competency Framework- Competency Dictionary, Competency
Band Matrix, Job/Role Competency Profile, Competency Assessment Tool

1. What do you understand by potential appraisal? What are the objectives

and importance of potential appraisal?

2. Explain need, importance and scope of Human Resource Development?

Section II
4. Write note on (Any 4)
a. Importance of interview
b. Aspects of Training
c. HRD Framework
d. Job description
e. Job specification
f. Spiritual and emotional quotient
g. Performance Tests

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