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You are a recent new hire at your company and have been given the
responsibility for soliciting the employees in your 10-person departement
for the companys annual drive to support united way (a national nonprofit
organization that works with a coalition of volunteers, contributors and
local charities to help people in their own communities). Your company
sets giving goals based on each employees annual salary. You have
completed your initial solicitation of coworkers. And several of them
declined to contribute, while others have pledged amounts well under
their giving goal. As a result your department is a few thousand dollars
short of its goal. You have a meeting this afternoon with the senior vice
president responsible for the companys united way program. You are
concerned that you may be pressured to resolicit and encourage under
contributors to pledge more. Do you think that this is a fair request ? how
would you respond if such pressure is applied to you.
2. You are recent graduate of a well-respected business school but you are
havig trouble getting a job. You worked with a professional resume service
to develop a well-written resume and placed it on several website, you
also sent it directly to contacts at a dozen companies. So far you have not
even had an invtation you are considering beefing up your resume by
exaggerating the extent of the class project you worked on for a few
weeks at your brother-in-laws small consulting firm. You could reword the
resume to make it sounds as if you were actually employed and that you
are responsibilities were greater then day actually were what would you do
3. You have just completed a grueling 10-days business trip calling on two
dozen accounts up and down the west coast. There were even business
meetings combined with social event late into the nigth and on the
weekends. On the flight back home at the end of this marathon. You are
tired and feeling as if you have not seen your family for a month. As you
work on completing your expense report you say to your self, the
company does not pay me enough for the work that i do. For more than a
few moments, you think about padding your expense report to make up
for all the extra hours and time away from your famil. Would it beokay to
add extra expenses to compensate for the hardship of the trip
4. Your old roommate from collage was recently let go from his during a wave
of employee termination to reduce costs. You two have kept in touch over
the six year since school, and he has asked you to help him get position in
the IT organization where you work. You offered to review his resume,
make sure that it gets to the right person, and event put in a good word
for him however, as you read the resume, it is obvious that your friend has
greatly exaggerated his accomplishments at his former place of work and
even added some IT-related certifications you are sure he never earned.
What would you do ?
5. You are in chargeof awarding all computer hardware service contracts
(valued at over $2 million per year) for your employer. In recent emails
with the companys current service contractor, you casually ec=xchanged
ideas about family vacations. You mentioned that your family is planning
on vacationing in scottdale, arizona, area. You are surprised when the
contractor email you an offer to use his companys condominium at a
plush scottdale resort, complete with golf and health club privilages. He

assures you that the condo would normally be empty the time of year and
that other customers frequently use the condo. The resort is one you are
familiar with but have never used because the rental is well over $5000
per week. You would really like for your family to experience staying at a
five-star resort but you worry about the potential consequences of
accepting the offer. If you manager saw a copy of teh emails exchanged
with the contractor, could it appear the you were soliciting a bribe? Could
this offer be considered a bribe? What would you do ?
6. You work part-time evening and weekends as a real estate salesperson.
You also work full-time for an IT consulting group. When ordering business
card for your real estate business, you decided to include your full-time
work email adress. As a result, you frequently find your self receiving and
sending emails related to your real estate work from your computer at
your IT consulting job. you try to limit this actiity at your lunch hour, but
there are often urgent messages that require an immediate reply. Lately
the number of such emails is increasing. Sometimes you worry what would
happen if your manager found out about this activity, but cutting off the
flow of emails for your clients could have a serious impact on your ability
to serve them and earn commisions. What should you do ?
7. Do research to capture several opinions on the effectiveness of the
controlling the assult of non-solicited pornography and marketing (CANSPAM) act. What would recommend any changes to this act?, if so what
changes would you like to see implemented and why ?
8. It appears that someone is using your firms corporate directory-which
includes job titlesand email addresses-to contact senior managers and
directors via email. The email requests that the recipient click on a URL,
which leads to a web site that looks as if it were designed by your human
resources organizations. Once at this phony web site, the employees are
asked to confirm the bank and account number to be used for electronic
deposit of their annual bonus check. You are a member of IT security for
the firm. What can you do ?
9. Imagine that you have decided on a career in computer forensics. Do
research to determine typical starting positions and salaries for someone
with a four year degree in computer forensics. Do further research to find
three universities that offer four year degrees specializing in computer
forensics. Compare the three programs and choose the best one. Why did
you choose the university ?
10.Your friend is considering using an online service to identify people with
compatible personalities and attractive physical features who would be
interesting to date. Your friend must first submit some basic personal
information, then complete a five page personality survey, and finally
provide several recent photos. Would you advise to do this ? why or why
not ?
11.You have been asked to review how wellyour company is prepared for a
major data breach of your frms customer database containing some 15
million records with names, addresses, passwords, credit card numbers,
and payment history. The goal is to minimize the potential impact of a
hacker getting access to this data and to avoid expensive class action
lawsuits from affected customers. How would you proceed with this audit ?
what sort of measures would you look for or recommend ?

12.Your friend is going through a tough time with his current significant othet
and believes she is cheating on him. He is aware of your thecnical prowess
and he asked you to help him purchase and install a stalking app on her
cell phone. What would you do ?
13.You are young, recently graduated attorney working part time as part reelection campaign team for your midsize citysmayor. Several citizens
have taken to writting strongly worded letters to the local newsaper
voicing their displeasure with your candidates actions in his initial term as
mayor. The campaign manager has suggested that your file at least three
defamation lawsuits againstthe most vocal the complainers as warning to
others of what they can expect if they are too vocal in their disagreement
with the mayor. The goal is to intimidate others who might be inclined to
write negative letters to the newspaper. How would you respond to this
suggestion ?
14.A friend contacts you about joining his company, anonymous remailers
anonymous. He would like you to lead the thecnical staff and offers you a
20 percent increase in salary and benefits over your current position. Your
initial project would be to increase protection for user of the companys
anonymous remailer service. After discussing the opportunity with your
friend, you suspect that some of the firms customers are criminal types
and purveyors of pornography and hate mail. Although your friend cannot
be sure, he admits it is possible that hackers andterrorists may you his
firms services. Would you accept the generous job offer? Why or why
not ?
15.Imagine that you receive a strongly worded hate email at your school or
job that threatments physical violence toward you. What would you do ?
does your school or workplace have a policy that covers such issues ?

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