SAP SD Transaction Codes and Tables

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SAP SD Transaction Codes and Tables

List of Transaction codes in SD

SAP SD Sales
Sales Order [VA01] Create Sales order
[VA02] Change Sales order
[VA03] Display Sales Order
Quotation VA21 Create Quotation
VA22 Change Quotation
VA23 Display Quotation
Inquiry VA11 Create Inquiry
VA12 Change Inquiry
VA13 Display Inquiry
Scheduling Agreement VA31 Create Scheduling
VA32 Change Scheduling
VA33 Display Scheduling
Contracts VA41 Create Contract
VA42 Change Contract
VA43 Display Contract
Back Order Processing V_RA Back Order Processing
SAP SD Transaction Codes and Tables
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Rescheduling V_V2 Rescheduling

List of Sales orders VA05
List of Incomplete Orders V.02
V.26 Sales Document By Order Status
V.15 Display Back orders
VA35 Display List of Scheduling
V.05 List of Incomplete Scheduling
VA45 List of Contracts
VKM3 Release Credit Hold Orders
SAP SD Delivery
SAP Training
VL01N Create Delivery with reference to
Sales Order
VL02N Change Delivery
VL03N Display Delivery
VL04 Batch create deliveries
VL09 Reverse Goods Movements
LT03 Create Transfer order for Delivery
LT01 Create Transfer Order ( General )
SAP Access

SAP SD Billing
VF01 Create Billing Document
VF02 Change Billing Document
VF03 Display Billing document
VF04 Batch processing of Billing
VF11 Cancel Billing Documents
VF21 Create Invoice Lists
VF22 Change Invoice Lists
VF23 Display Invoice Lists
VB(7 Rebate Settlement
VBOF Update Billing Documents
SAP Revenue Recognition
VF44 Revenue Recognition
VF48 Reconciliation report
VOK0 Pricing
VOTXN Text Text Determination
VOPAN SAP Partner Determination
OVK1 SAP Tax Determination Rules
VKOA Assign G/L Accounts in Account
VOV8 SD Document Type Configuration
VOV7 SD Item category Configuration
VOV6 Schedule Line Category
VOV5 Schedule Line Category
VOV4 Item Category Determination
OVA2 Define Incompletion Procedure
OVAK Define Simple Credit Check
OVA8 Define Automatic Credit Control
OIS2 Serial Number Profile
VTFA SAP Copy control from Order to
VTAA Copy control from order to order
VTFL Copy control from delivery to
VTFF Copy control from Billing to

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