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Paladin Oath: Dark Commander

You are the commander of legions of monster devoted to your dark deity. You
have a way with monsters that makes them more prone to follow you and
because of this you never fight alone when there are monsters to who would
like to be your shield. You control dark magic that allows you to enhance
yourself, control others, and destroy those that would stand in your way.

Dark Commander Spells:

3rd lvl: Burning Hands, Shield
5th: Aganazzars Scorcher, Crown of Madness
9th: Fireball, Slow
13th: Confusion, Fire Shield
17th : Dominate Person, Immolation

Channel Divinity: At 3rd level you have access to these two channel divinities.

Dominate the Monster horde: As an action when you use this channel
divinity up to your paladin level in evil humanoid or elementals within
15th feet of you must make a wisdom save or come under your
command for 24 hours. This only works on creatures equal to you
paladin level minimum cr . Creatures under your command like this
all move on the same turn.

Monster Bomb: Choose one monster under your control within touch
range and as an action touch them. The monster is filled with dark
unstable magical energy. When it next turn comes it may only take a
move action if it wants to and as its action it chooses to blow up. When
it blows up all targets within 5 feet of it must make a dexterity save or
take your weapon damage plus your cha mod in necrotic damage. If
the creature is an elemental that you do this to the damage type is the
same the elemental type.

Aura of Madness: You Gain this Aura at 7th level. When you activate this Aura
any monster under your control within 10 feet of you gain a melee damage
bonus equal to the paladins charisma modifier and advantage on attack rolls.

While under the effects of this aura your monsters will attack anything and
anyone who is not directly an ally.

Resistance to the Elements: beginning at 15th level creatures you control

have resistance against fire, cold, lightning, thunder, and acid.

Commander of Monsters: At level 20 you have learned the secrets from your
dark deity of how to truly channel the power of monsters under your control ,
as an action you activate this ability and it last for 1 minute. As a reaction
you cause one of the creatures under your control to take damage instead of
you, this can be done after your hit but not before damage has been rolled.
In addition as a bonus action you can grant all creatures under your control
temporary hitpoints equal to 15. As an action you can cause 5 of the
creatures under your control that have been killed to rise from the dead with
3/4th of their hitpoints.

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