Effective Planning: Template For Table of Contents

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Effective Planning: Template for Table of Contents

1 Executive Summary
2 Marketing Aspects of the Disease
2.1 Definition (ICD Code)
2.2 Epidemiology
2.3 Diagnosis
2.4 Treatment
3 Product Background
3.1 Pharmacology
3.2 Patent Situation
3.3 Study Results (Key Clinical Findings)
4 Target Market
4.1 Market Definition
4.2 Current Market Volume
4.3 Market Potential
4.4 Social and Regulatory Aspects
4.5 Market Research Results
5 Competitive Environment
5.1 Competing Products und Product Revenues
5.2 Companies and Relevant Portfolios
5.3 Marketing und Sales Activities
5.4 Patent Situation of Competing Products
6 SWOT Analysis
6.1 Internal Strengths
6.2 Internal Weaknesses
6.3 External Opportunities
6.4 External Threats
7 Commercial Goals and Financial Forecast
7.1 Qualitative Objectives
7.2 Quantitative Objectives: Market Share, Revenue, etc
8 Budget: Planned Marketing & Sales Investment
9 Positioning / Product Story / Unique Selling Proposition
10 Branding Guidelines
10.1 Brand name
10.2 Logo, Colors, Layout, Typography, etc
10.3 Brand Vocabulary
10.4 Images: Key Visuals, etc
11 Target Groups

Prescribing physicians



Patient Advocacy Groups

Partners and Family Members


Nurses and Paramedics

Payors, Managed Care

Wholesalers and Distributors

State Authorities


Customer Relationship Management Program

12 Internal Communication Program

Contact to Key Persons



Internal Interviews


Communication Platform

Sales force

Headquarters / Affiliates

Regular information

13 External Communication

Experts: Individuals, advisory boards, professional societies

Events: Conferences, workshops, presentations

Scientific publications: Abstracts, original articles, reviews

Personal contacts: Connect and network with people

Market research: Interviews, focus groups

Electronic media: Websites, videos, social media

Public relations: Engage the media, work with journalists

Advertising: Print and electronic ads, brochures

Sales force: Train and motivate representatives, samples

Direct response marketing: Print and electronic mailings, telephone service hotlines,
call centers

Additional options: Continuing medical education, clinical studies, sponsorships, selfhelp groups, imaginative actions

Integration and Coordination

14 Packaging
15 Pricing Strategy
16 Market Access and Health Economics Outcomes Research
17 Cooperations, Licensing and Strategic Alliances
18 Life Cycle Management

Phase IV Studies

Brand Defense Strategy

Line Extensions

Switch to OTC Status

Early Entry Strategy

19 Key Success Factors

20 Contacts
21 Appendix


Adjust plan to indication, product and company

Some items might not be applicable

An action plan is essential

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