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Meagan Thorlakson

Professional Inquiry Project

Teaching the Alberta elementary music curriculum in a
French Immersion program

Statement of the focus of the project.

Alberta is a province in which there are many thriving French Immersion

programs. There are many English resources for teaching elementary music
in Canada. However, in my experience searching for resources in Alberta, I
have found that there is limited access to relevant resources suitable for the
French immersion elementary music classroom. This brings me to the focus
of my project: to uncover what French music education resources are
available and how I might be able to incorporate them fully into the
curricular outcomes and concepts of the Alberta Program of Studies.


Description of the
activities, processes,
and research involved in
the project.

a. Contact Fdration des

Associations de Musiciens
ducateurs du Qubec and
the Quebec Music Educators
Association for
recommended resources and
b. Read and research
pedagogical information to
gain an understanding of any
notable differences in French
music education.
c. Familiarize myself with
resources and create an
annotated resource list.


Timeline of events in
completing the project.

a. September 23, 2016

b. October 7, 2016

c. October 19, 2016

d. Relate activities, songs, and

games from resources to
outcomes and concepts from
the curriculum to create a


d. December 1, 2016

Description of the final presentation

In the final presentation I will lead participants through an activity driven by

the resources I have collected. My presentation will conclude with a
discussion of the high-level concepts and skills taught through the activity,
then briefly summarize the compendium, and resources.


Summary of the final outcomes of the project

Upon completion of my Professional Inquiry Project, I will have a compendium

of resources, activities, songs, and games, through which the Alberta music
curriculum can be taught in a French Immersion program. This will include an
annotated resource list of all resources I used. This annotated resource list
will be valuable not only for myself, but for any music teacher, not familiar
with the French resources, who might find themselves teaching French
Immersion music.

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