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A Most Unforgettable VETERANS DAY 2016

By Charlene McLaughlin
I just had to harness my energy for something good today. So I put together a 4 x 11 card as shown
here :

Then I considered where I might go to recognize Vets today. What came to mind were a couple places
that my mother (no she was not a Vet) lived during her last 2 years of life. (She has been gone for 6
years). Why did they come to mind? First, I have many fond memories at each location, due to their
kindness and caring attitudes, and because I remembered there were a large number of forgotten or
ignored veterans that were also living in those same locations. So I called both locations and they
cheerfully said: no problem if I wanted to stop in to shake hands with Vets.
So my first stop was at Bellaire Senior Living Apts. In Riverview, Mi

All of the Staff, Bonnie and Ren and those who are new to me that I did not write down
your names (sorry) and even the Owners at The Bellaire were so warm and receptive and happy to
have me there and took the time to point out who was who during their dinner hour. THANK YOU for
the warm reception and invitation to return anytime. You are all STILL wonderful and as I observed
today you have expanded the feeling of family, inclusion and warmth. God Bless You All

As Bonnie so graciously walked with me and then introduced me she carried the sign that was
prominently displayed in the main aisle of the hallway to the dining room to ensure we didnt miss
anyone present in the room.

I introduced myself and asked each Vet if I could shake their hand before extending mine and they all
were so humble and warm and everyone said yes! Even though some were a little handicapped and it
took them a minute to extend their hand out for me to assist in getting to shake their hand it did not
stop that powerful moment of looking into their grateful eyes without tearing up to say Thank you for
your service They seemed so surprised , proud and honored that some stranger took the time to
recognize them! I made sure they heard me say that I am honored to shake your hand sir or mam.
What amazing character, grace and dignity in all of them. The WWII vets are a spunky bunch, I was
laughing and choked up at the same time. I was so inspired by them and I wondered if they know how
special this day was for me? Some said I made their day little do they know they made a lifelong
impression on me! God Bless our amazing VETS! Bonnie mentioned before I left that one of the
gentlemen had already come up to her to say how nice it was for someone to go out of their way to
recognize them today. I sense that even WWII Vets felt shunned or maybe even forgotten about since
their selfless service for our country! Such a little effort on my part to people that gave so much! How
special are our VETS?
My grateful appreciation and Recognition to:
Mary- former Marine wheelchair bound
Fred-Army for 19 years and was in the Battle of the Bulge he is 92
James Air Force 1952 served in Korea
Robert- Navy he joined in 1948 was a radio man and ship #783 no name as it was not in

Geraldine- Navy very quiet and humble

Charles-Army he was in for only 3 years (his words) but he was in Thailand, Japan, Italy,
Philippines, etc. and said he was drafted and was very reserved about me thanking him almost
as if he felt he didnt deserve recognition. Charles wore a hearing aid and a big smile. His wife,
Darlene (helped with his impaired hearing) was sitting with him and she explained that her
husband worked in Gen. Douglas MacArthers bunker/office. They proudly told me they are
both 92 as they were smiling with pride and they were so very kind and humble. Charles
actually worked at Great Lakes steel and so did Darlene and they said a few times they are
retired now. What a beautiful couple and story
Several residents do not or cannot come down to the dining room and one was in the hospital or a
special section of the building and so I left them each a personalized card with their name on just like
everyone else received after I shook their hands.
My recognition and appreciation for those not present:
William T- Navy
William G- Marines
My Next Stop was :Aberdeen Rehabilitation & Skilled Nursing Center in Trenton,

Nursing Homes are a whole different living environment. (Patients vs. Residents)
Upon arriving during their late dinner hour I remembered that Senior Living residents are a little more
accessible than nursing center patients and that I may not get to see to many VETs at this time.
Everyone I spoke to was very warm and happy that I took the time to stop! Thank you for your kind
assistance and warm welcome. However the administrative staff was on break during their dining hour
and they were out so I could not find out who the veterans were.

After going to 3 different dining rooms unfortunately the aids were unable to say if anyone in their
room was a Vet. I did get lucky and one of the attendents told me of a gentleman that happened to
be eating in his room #411, so I immediately went to find that room
As I approached I could see the lights were out and there were 2 men eating at their beds in the dark.. I
asked who is Ken and the gentleman at the 1st bed pointed behind him..I walked over to the side of the
room the 1st gentleman pointed to and asked if his name was Ken and he nodded yes. I identified
myself (wearing my stars and stripes) and as he looked up at me (even in the darkened room) he smiled
as if he knew why I was there.
Ken- Air Force 4 yrs. He was very humbled by my visit, if only he knew that his shy nervous smile and
low voice moved me to tears when I left. He was Amazingly grateful and gracious for my visit, I made
sure he heard me say that I am honored to shake his hand! I wrote his name on a card and left if for him
to read in the daylight.
As I left the building and walked to my car a thought occurred to me about other FB messages I had seen
throughout the day, when I realized I was not far from another Senior Living location that a friend in
Florida mentioned and recognized his father as a Vet that once lived there. RIP Vet, Martin W.
Next stop: Atria Kinghaven in Riverview, MI.
No notice on my part. I wasnt sure that I would get to see anyone as it was nearing 6:30pm.

Oh what an elegant Senior Living facility. What a remarkable staff and the Residents were so classy and
dignified almost as if they were at an all-inclusive resort!
Pamela was at the front desk and she was so kind and helpful once I explained why I was there.
Thank you for your wonderful welcome and great assistance!
She left the desk to escort me into the dining room without any visual aids and began walking with me
to the 5 different tables that had VETs seated at them. The room was beautifully appointed and very
elegant, I felt like I was in a 5 star restaurant.

Again, I introduced myself and asked it could shake their hands. Their replies were words like: Sure, and
Oh yes, and of course. They were all ladies and gentlemen with dignity and manners I have not seen in
such a long time. They were such inspirational examples of what I hope to never forget and I will strive
to do them proud!
I want to recognize and appreciate:

Jim- I did not get his info

Bob-Navy sorry I didnt write his info down, things were a little busy when I was with him.
Kay- Marines in the 50s when I ask her what she did her answer was I only worked in the office
not much really. She did it for 19 years. So humble and trying to minimize her worth. I
reminded her that I am honored to shake her hand and she is special. Her son was also in the
service and currently lives in Roanoke, Va. She was sitting alone tonight.
Jesse- Army He spent time in Germany and said something in German but I needed him to
translate, he just asked why am I there? Of course I answered and his meal was delivered and
our conversation was brief, but he explained that he was a pilot before entering the Army and
that he did fly for the Army but that the Air Force did not yet exist when he was in the service.
Wow! he was full of energy and smiles. He was happy with my visit.
Pamela took me to the last table and jokingly mentioned this was in essence the table of real
characters. LOL

Clarence- Army 1944-1946 Air assignments. I asked if I could shake his hand and he said well
just a minute, He stood up out of his chair and said: I must stand when I shake a ladys hand!
He then went on to say jokingly that the war did not have ended until he went in. He had all of
us laughing with other stories. What a fine gentleman!
Jack- Army 1943-1945 Navy 1951-1953 He was in a wheelchair but boy was he a fine gentleman
and happy to be recognized! He joked around and had all of us laughing.
Paul- Navy 1973-1995 he was in many areas but security was his major field, he was also a
gentleman and stood to shake my hand, BTW- Clarence at the same table is his father. That is a
lot of time serving our country! He too was funny and all smiles.
While at their table another young lady was across the room and as she was leaving with her
mother after finishing their meal, she was walking past the table of the 3 Vets I was talking
to she bent down and said, I overheard your conversations and I just want to thank you for
your service, Low and Behold she too was a Vet and shared that she served stateside 20002004 (I think) 2 conversations and I tried to catch her words. Sorry if I mixed things up. I
thanked her and shook her hand and gave her a card too! I loved the kindness I saw tonight!

I walked up a beautiful winding staircase to the 2nd floor and this is what I observed.

Todays events touched me beyond expression. If you ever get the chance to spend a few
minutes with a Vet, I highly recommend it! My sincerest thanks to all of you for making this

God Bless our Veterans and God Bless America!

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