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Air emissions

In the 2-EHAcid plants, most of the chemicals can be categorized as Hazardous Air Pollutants
(HAPs) and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), thus, steps must be taken to mitigate their
release to the atmosphere which may cause toxic atmosphere or fire and explosion. Therefore,
the first measure to handle extra gases generated from the process such as unreacted off gases
(syngas and propylene) from the hydroformylation process or extra hydrogen from the
hydrogenator system and boiler off gas, a gas flare must be installed. Other than that, gas flare is
also used to burn off gases released by the pressure relief system during the event of
overpressure of equipment. The gas flare is also used to plan the combustion of gases during the
plant startups and shutdowns. A typical gas flare system is shown below:

During the event of overpressure, the gas from the source (reactors etc.) are routed to the flare
stack via a piping system called flare headers. The gases are then burned as they exit the flare
stacks. Typical components and their descriptions are available in Table x.
Knockout drum
Water seal drum
Gas recovery system
Steam injection system

Remove oil or water from the relieved gases
Prevent flashback of flame from the top of flare stack
Any recovered gas can be used as fuel for boilers
Promote smokeless burning
Ensure smooth operating when needed

To prevent release and to mitigate the effect in cases of unexpected release, several steps can be
taken including:

Proper piping system to channel any off gases to flare stack for combustion.
Constant maintenance of piping and valves used to minimize risk of on-site fire.
Use gas detectors around equipment to monitor gas levels.
In the event of release, use water sprays to reduce the effect of gas.
Proper design of equipment to minimize release of substances.
Install appropriate firefighting system such as fire extinguishers and water sprays in case
of fire.
7) Ensure proper barrier is installed around tanks in tank farms.
8) Installation of bypass tanks to store substances in case of release.
9) In case of accidental release, comply to the planned emergency actions and response
10) Sufficient ventilations must be applied to mitigate toxic effects.
Ensure workers wear PPEs when operating equipment in the plant.

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