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In 2017 UQ EUS is planning a range of new initiatives and we need your

Are you a first or second year engineer looking to get more involved in our
societies while at UQ? We are looking for a confident and outgoing group
of people to join our team in 2017.
The UQ EUS Sub Executive will be focused on creating a platform of new
and engaging events for 1st and 2nd year engineering students in 2017,
along with transitioning new students into our established affiliated
It is an excellent opportunity to make new friends and develop your vital
leadership skills as well as getting involved with the best clubs on
Applications close on 24th of October
Web form link

UQ EUS Sub-Executive Role Guidelines

In 2017 UQ EUS is undergoing renewal in a number of areas, bringing
fresh ideas to our calendar and looking offer more to our members. A key
part of this renewal is the expansion of our social events, personal
development workshops and career based activities targeted at first
years. To achieve this goal, we are creating a new Sub-Executive group of
young leaders to plan, run and develop these events.
Our primary aim in creating this new group of leaders is to engage and
connect newer students at UQ to the amazing clubs, societies and
communities we have in Engineering at UQ. The UQ EUS sub executive will
form its own independent committee working alongside the EUS and
Affiliated Committees in 2017.
We are searching for confident and outgoing students who can bring fresh
ideas to the table for new events and initiatives. It will be a great
opportunity for you to develop your leadership and communication skills
as well as branch out and meet new people within engineering.
If you are interested in running for a position on one of the EUS or
Affiliated Society management committees in 2017 this will also be a
great way to get involved and get your name out there.
Sub Executive Engagement Officer (General)
Key Responsibilities of all sub-executive members

Present on market day 22nd of February 2017 to help with setup,

signup and pack up of equipment.
Able to attend development workshops and meetings scheduled
between 17-19th of February.
Attend committee meetings scheduled by the chair of the
Help out with committee organised events and EUS events

Once the sub executive has been chosen the EUS committee will further
identify the following positions for the duration of 2017.

Committee Chair (Non Voting attendee of EUS Executive Committee

Finance Officer
Operations Officer
Social Officer (3 to be Selected)
International Officer

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