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Phrasal Verb Examples

Audio Lessons: 81 to 90
Lesson 81: Bend Over #1
Alternative: To lower the upper part of your body.
Example 1:
I have to bend over when Im tying my shoe laces.
I have to lower the upper part of my body when Im tying my shoe laces.
Example 2:
I had to bend over to pick up my keys when I dropped them
I had to lower the upper part of my body to pick up my keys when I dropped them

Lesson 82: Bend Over #2

Alternative: To fold or flex
Example 1:
To mark the last page she was reading, she bent the corner over.
To mark the last page she was reading, she folded the corner of the page.
Example 2:
The tree was bent over because the wind was blowing very hard.
The tree was flexed toward the ground because the wind was blowing so hard.

Lesson 83: Print Out

Alternative: To print a document
Example 1:
I print out the schedule every week so I know when I work.
I print the schedule every week so I know when I work.
Example 2:
He had to print out an 80 page document.
He had to print an 80 page document.

-1 2015 Amy Whitney & Curtis Davies

Lesson 84: Rip Off #1

Alternative: A dishonest transaction by overcharging or not providing the service.
Example 1:
The stadium is ripping off the clients by charging $150 per ticket.
The stadium is overcharging the clients by charging $150 per ticket.
Example 2:
The cashier ripped me off by pretending she did not have change.
The cashier did a dishonest transaction by pretending she did not have any

Lesson 85: Rip Off #2

Alternative: To remove something by tearing.
Example 1:
I had to rip off the sock from my foot when I sprained my ankle.
I had to tear the sock from my food when I sprained my ankle.
Example 2:
He ripped off his shirt after the wresting match to show his strength.
He tore off his shirt after the wrestling match to show his strength.

Lesson 86: Move Up #1

Alternative: To relocate something to a higher position
Example 1:
I moved the glasses up in the cupboard so I could put the plates on the first shelf.
I relocated the plates to a higher position so that I could put the plates on the first
Example 2:
Move the picture up on the wall, it looks strange where it is hanging.
Move the picture to a higher location on the wall, it looks strange where it is

-2 2015 Amy Whitney & Curtis Davies

Lesson 87: Move Up #2

Alternative: To get a promotion at a job
Example 1:
After only 3 months, he was moving up in the company.
After only 3 months, he was promoted within the company.
Example 2:
It can take a long time to move up in a government organization.
It can take a long time to get promoted in a government organization.

Lesson 88: Move Over

Alternative: To make room for someone beside you.
Example 1:
Curtis decided to move over so I could sit beside him.
Curtis decided to make room for me so I could sit beside him.
Example 2:
Move the box over so I can put this bag down.
Move the box to another area so I can put this bag down.

Lesson 89: Sum Up

Alternative: to summarise
Example 1:
After reading the story Anna had to sum up what it was about to the rest of the
After reading the story Anna had to summarise what it was about to the rest of the
Example 2:
The police began to sum up all the events after the robbery.
The police began to summarise all the events after the robbery.

-3 2015 Amy Whitney & Curtis Davies

Lesson 90: Talk Into

Alternative: To convince (someone)
Example 1:
I think I can talk Suzy into helping me move this weekend.
I think I can convince Suzy to help me move this weekend.
Example 2:
The car salesman was trying to talk Rob into buying a more expensive car than he
The car salesman was trying to convince Rob to buy a more expensive car than he

Phrasal Verb Story

Let me sum up (to summarize) what I did this weekend. My friend Jaime talked me into
(to convince someone) coming to an event with her on the weekend. She had just moved
up (to be promoted) in the company she is working for and they gave her 2 free tickets to
an outdoor concert.
I printed off (to print) the directions to the location so that I didn't get lost. The picture of
the map was small so I ripped off (to tear) the bottom part of the page, folded it in half
and bent over (lean forward) to put it in my purse which was on the floor.
When we arrived to our table it was quite crowded and I had to ask the person next to
me to move their chair over (to move to the side) a bit so I could sit down. I picked up
the drink menu and couldn't believe the prices, they were ripping off (a dishonest
transaction or a bad deal) everyone at the event with their overpriced drinks.
All of the sudden it became really windy. The wind was so strong that it was bending
over (to bend or flex) the trees. They decided to move the concert up (to relocate to
another area higher up) to an area they had indoors where the weather would not affect
the performance.

-4 2015 Amy Whitney & Curtis Davies

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