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Jan u ar y 21st , 2017

Wh eeler
Sch ool

Open t o all st u den t s in Cobb Cou n t y

Grades 3-12
Private | Public | Homeschool

En t er in on e of t h e cat egor ies below :


3-D Modeling
Audio Production
Device Modification
Digital Game Design
Digital Photo Production
Digital Video Production
Graphic Design
Internet Applications

Mobile Applications
Multimedia Applications
Productivity Applications
Project Programming
Tech Literacy Challenge

Regist er by Decem ber 16t h , 2016

$10 per st u den t at h t t p:/ / t in yu r / CobbRTC

Fir st place w in n er s
in each cat egor y
w ill be eligible t o
com pet e at t h e
St at e com pet it ion
in M ar ch 2017.

For m or e in f or m at ion , visit :
Sign up for Remind Updates:
Text @CRTC1617 to 81010

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