Reflection About The Death of Bonifacio

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The death of Andres Bonifacio (founder and leader of the nationalist Katipunan society)
shows that the Filipinos at that time is not yet united. Even though some Filipinos like Andres
Bonifacio fight for the freedom and independence of the Philippines from Spain, some
Filipinos chose to work for Spain and betray their own countrymen instead of joining and
helping their countrymen to succeed in their fight against Spain.
The abuses of Spain and the execution of Gom-Bur-Za and Rizal lead to a revolution
that Andres Bonifacio formed, the KKK (Kataas taasang Kagalang galangang Katipunero).
Bonifacio was born of poor parents in Manila and had little formal education, working as a
messenger and warehouse keeper before becoming involved in revolutionary activity.
I admired the braveness, love for the country and the leadership that Andres Bonifacio
showed, that many Filipinos looked up to until now. Even though Andres Bonifacio isnt like
Jose Rizal who is an educated person, the nationalist poet and novelist. He showed and
proved that he can lead the Filipinos to fight against Spain. He advocated complete
independence against Spain.
He inspired me for the braveness he have shown us in the conquest of the rights and
independence of the Filipinos against the superior Spain. Even though they dont have the
weapons they needed, they didnt stop and continued to fight. His love for the country
showed us that the Philippines is ours and no one should rule us, even the superior countries
like Spain can take our rights and independence from us.
I felt sad because Andres Bonifacio was killed by his own countrymen, the betrayal of
some Filipinos at that time was shameful for me because the real enemy at that time was
the Spaniards who ruled us for so
many years.





The Discovery of the Katipunan

The news of Rizal's deportation shocked and surprised the people, for Rizal to them
was the symbol of freedom. That night of July 7, 1892, Andres Bonifacio, Valentin Diaz,
Teodoro Plata, Ladislao Diwa, Deodato Arellano and a few others, met secretly at a house on
Azcarraga (now Claro M. Recto Avenue), near Elcano Street, Tondo, and decided to form a
new association called Kataastaasan, Kagalanggalang na Katipunan nang manga Anak ng
Bayan or Katipunan for short. The men gathered around a flickering table lamp, performed
the ancient blood compact, and signed their membership papers with their own blood. It was
agreed to win more members to the society by means of the triangle method in which an
original member would take in two new members who did not know each other, but knew
only the original member who took them in. Thus, original member A, for instance, would
take in new members B and C. Both B and C knew A, but B and C did not know each other.
Also agreed upon during the meeting was the payment of an entrance fee of one real
fuerte(twenty-five centavos) and a monthly due of a media real (about twelve centavos).

The Katipunan Aims and Objectives

Under the leadership of Bonifacio, the Katipunan laid down three fundamental
objectives or aims: political, moral and civic. The political objectives consisted in working for
the separation of the Philippines from Spain. The moral objective revolved about around the
teaching of good manners, hygiene, good morals, and attacking obscurantism, religious
fanaticism, and weakness of character. The civic aim revolved around the principle of selfhelp and the defense of the poor and the oppressed. All members were urged to come to the
aid of the sick comrades and their families, and in case of death the society itself was to pay
for the funeral expenses. For the purpose of economy however, the society saw to it that the
funeral was of the simplest kind, avoiding unnecessary expenses so common under the rule
of the friars.


The Tejeros Convention (alternate names include Tejeros Assembly and Tejeros Congress)
was the meeting held between the Magdiwang and Magdalo factions of the Katipunan at San Francisco de
Malabon, Cavite on March 22, 1897. These are the first presidential and vice presidential elections in
Philippine history, although only the Katipuneros (members of the Katipunan) were able to take part, and
not the general populace.
I do not agree with the result of the tejeros convention because Great leaders need not be formally educated, neither
rich or famous.. One's commitment to the common cause which offered his life, time, talents and sincerity to serve is one factor
which one can be considered a hero. This is Bonifacio's humble share of doing what is expected of him -- a father figure of the
liberation movement. It took his simple courage to spark the light on the quest for freedom... long live our past heroes.. In our
midst we're still longing to be one, but by just doing simple exemplary things for others to follow -- we can be heroes in our
modern times.
It's just sad that only a few knew what transpired after the founding of the first Republic which is well comprised more of
the Spanish decent colonials and a tyrant General who with the help of those power hungry congressmen (which still reflects in
our congress today) put him in the seat of power until he was finally able to die of old age while the Americans enjoyed
maneuvering this guy to their own gains. This General even ran for the presidency but fortunately lost to a more suitable
candidate which in turn fought for the right of sovereignty of our country.
I really think that Andres Bonifacio should be the National Hero instead of Rizal simply because Rizal is more of a
martyr than a hero and I'm saying this not to diminish totally the Heroism of Rizal but simply make him an equal to other hero

mind contributors like Apolinario Mabini and others. If only our dear NHI could study this further instead of hunting for mistakes
of singing the National Anthem in Pacquiao bouts. The bottom line is that Andres Bonifacio deserves the title and justice like a
real Hero deserves.

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