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Cumulative Project Tracheostomy Management

1. Performance Objectives
a. Given a Bivona tracheostomy tube, the learner will be able to distinguish
whether it is cuffless or TTS (Tight to Shaft)
b. When notified of a pending MRI transport for a patient with a Bivona
tracheostomy tube, the learner will be able to recognize that Bivona
tracheostomy tubes contains materials which are not MRI-compatible.
c. Given a particular size of Bivona tracheostomy tube, along with a sizeconversion chart, the learner will be able to identify an equivalent sized
Traceo tracheostomy tube
d. When viewing a tracheostomy tube, the learner will be able to identify
whether the cuff should be filled with air vs. sterile water. Correct
identification of the hub of the tube as being blue (air) or white (sterile water)
should be included in the correct answer.
e. Given a cuff-pressure manometer to use with a mannequin, the learner will be
able to demonstrate filling the tracheostomy tube cuff to an acceptable level.
A range of 20-30 cmH20 is considered acceptable.

2. Assessments
a. Learners will receive knowledge assessments at two levels
i. eLearning Module The availability of assessment type is constrained
by program software. The integrated assessment will utilize
True/False, Multiple-Choice, and Short Answer formats
ii. Hands-on session with instructor - Learners will be validated by
instructor when the following three criteria are met:
1. Identifies tracheostomy tube correctly by brand (either Traceo or
2. Demonstrates correct cuff inflation technique
3. Identifies tracheostomy tubes which are:
a. Contraindicated for MRI
b. Acceptable alternatives for MRI procedures

3. Delivery Format
For this project, the SME has requested:
a. an e-learning module that includes:
i. Narrated Slides
ii. Video demonstration
iii. Integrated Quiz
iv. Request that module does not exceed 5-minutes in length

b. 20-minute hands-on practice with tracheostomy tubes. It is important to note

that completion of the eLearning module will be considered a perquisite for
the hands-on session.

4. Instructional Strategy
a. Increase motivation/buy-in from Staff - The department director will
announce the upcoming course in staff meetings as part of a new high
visibility initiative for Respiratory Care to take over tracheostomy
management for the hospital.
b. Surveys/Evaluation:
i. Learners will complete a pre-course survey to gauge their current level
of knowledge and comfort with the Tracoe and Bivona brands of
tracheostomy tubes.
ii. At the end of the hands-on session, learners will be asked to complete
a short post-course evaluation, rating their post-course knowledge and
comfort with material, as well as to rate their satisfaction with the
course design. Specifically:
1. Did the eLearning module convey concepts in a way that was
2. Evaluate the length (did it fit in well with patient care
3. Their satisfaction with eLearning modules as a delivery system
appropriate in length,
Wow, this has been the most challenging assignment yet for me in this course, and I THINK I
would like to change my answer in terms of whether the course objectives provide the
foundation upon which everything else is built. Working on writing my objectives has provided
SOME REAL CLARITY for me in terms of providing direction for the project. While the analysis
is so very important, the work on writing the objectives forces you to get very specific. With the
work Ive spent on this part of the project this week, I feel more strongly in agreement with your
statement Dr. Kay!
I just really struggled with this part of the project, at least in the beginning. I spent a lot of time
this weekend reviewing the Dick, Carey & Carey text from my instructional design course earlier
(by the way, I am so glad that Ive held on to my textbooks), particularly the section about
developing assessments. Until I really just dove in the deep end with developing objectives, I
found myself struggling with being able to visualize what the project will look like when it is
completed. Very powerful exercise!
I have enjoyed working with the SME (limited time with her), but I feel very much encouraged to
meet with her after working on the project this weekend.

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