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Self Retrospective Study,

SELF RETROSPECTIVE STUDY: A study that involves recollecting past events.
This design is mainly employed to measure and understand change and to include a
time dimension to the data that can be used to identify causal factors contributing to
any observed change. The capacity of a retrospective study to adequately detect
change and ascertain causes depends on how well the investigator can reconstruct the
past from the vantage point of the present.
The main purpose for collecting retrospective data is that such data provide a means
of measuring change for either descriptive or explanatory purposes. Retrospective
studies rely on recalling information about the past but vary in the extent to which
they rely on such recall. An oral history, for example, is totally reliant on people
recalling the past (Sage Dictionary).
In your self study, please include a minimum 6 theories of adolescent development
that you have learned this semester that may have influenced you in your recollection
of your growth and life experiences.
Also use APA citations both in the body of your texts and in your references/works cited.
Each student will complete a retrospective self-case study. You will spend a significant
amount of time in the first few weeks reflecting on your own life experiences, and the
ways in which your experiences as a son or daughter, a sibling, a student in school, and
so on have impacted on your personality and outlook on the world. Reading the assigned
works of memoir and fiction will also give you ways of thinking about the impact of
family, culture, community and school experiences on you as a child. You will write a
retrospective case study in which you use these movies, discussions and readings to
inquire into your own socialization and development. What people and events influenced
your decision to become the person you are today? What events in your childhood and in
your adolescence were turning points for you? Who gave you messages that you should
believe in yourself? How have you dealt with negative people and adverse
circumstances? How are all these influences reflected in who you are now and how you
live your life? Looking at your personality today, what do you think will be your most
important priorities in life? Why? Just writing a general history of your life is not
sufficient: please address the questions posed here. Please proofread for grammar and

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