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Black women

make 64 for
every white male
dollar, and Latina
women make 53
for every white
male dollar.

While a collegeeducated white

American has an
average net worth of
$75,000, a collegeeducated black
American has an
average net worth of
less than $17,500

Black men
make even
less: 72 for
every dollar a
white man

Blacks need to
complete not one
but two more levels
of education just to
have the same
probability of getting
a job as a white guy


The average net

worth of black
households is
$6,314, compared
to $110,500 for
the average white

White women
make 78 for
every dollar a
white man

A black college
student has the
same chances of
getting a job as a
white high school

African American
children comprise
33.2% of missing
children cases, but
only 19.5% of
cases reported in
the media.

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