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Feasibility analysis :

Introduction :
Finding a good job is not always easy. Sometimes you just dont know where
to begin your search. First you want to figure out what types of jobs interest
you? Then figure out your availability. What days of the week? Fulltime or
Days or afternoons? You want to know and understand your qualifications.
The Internet has many places where you can search for local job listings.
There are lots of websites that you can find great jobs such as or
Career They also give you the option to send your resume right
through the email, which is very convenient. Or you could even get
addresses, phone numbers, or fax number.
Also if you pick up your cities daily newspaper you can find many job listings
in your area. They can provide you with the same information names and
numbers. Finding a job this way is a little quicker than the Internet but its
just not as advanced as online. While out getting a newspaper usually by
them you can find the employment guide, this guide shows your local listings
that are hiring immediately. Sometimes there is a magazine called career
search, which it shows local jobs to. You can also call a phone number in the
magazine, which will give you the option of immediate interviews.
Employers that wish to expand their talent search pool can do so by simply
creating an online employment application. This allows job seekers from
anywhere in the country and the world to get information about the company
and submit an application without mailing in hard copy. It also allows an
employer to evaluate how well a job candidate can follow simple directions .

Service feasibility
Desirability of the service :
As its known , here in northern Cyprus , there isnt a professional job
website that helps employees (graduates and undergraduates ) to find jobs .
when we gathered to figure out a solution for finding jobs here , we came up
with this idea . Creating such a website in trnc is absolutely something
prosperous and desirable by all. Employers and employees both are winning
sides in this scenario

There are a lot of foreigners in trnc , the vast majority of them find a lot of
difficulties in finding jobs . It isnt easy to find any in a small country , and
having a language barrier even complicates it more .
These days everything can be done online , it is even preferable if its done
online . its easier and can be accessed at any time . A lot of the foreigners
and locals would love to find an easier way to find jobs and to contact certain
companies . we searched on this topic for a while and we figured out that
some international students would love to stay here if they found a job after
graduating that suits them .
Creating is what is missing this country , it is going to be the link
between job seekers and employers .
Another thing , we are not going only after postgraduate students , or people
with experience , but we are also targeting undergraduates who are looking
for internships , that is something heavily demanded especially In Girne and
Famagusta .

The 4 main question to asked to determine the

basic appeal of the service :
1- It does 100% make sense since its a missing service in trnc , once a
missing service is provided it is reasonable for customers to go after it .
2- It does solve many problems , employment issues for everyone and
eases the process of finding a job or employees .
3- Couldnt find better timing since many college students live here and
many major companies and casinos are opening . they are going to
require for certain employees which they can advertise and ask for on
our website .
4- The only flaws can be caused by us and technical team ,. If our web
developers design the layout of the website and it doesnt seem
friendly to use , that wouldnt help at all .
Another thing is online customer service , bad communication and not
providing or answering our customers questions would be fatal to our

Service : offers a link between job seekers and employers , also students
who are aiming for internships . the website will work efficiently the whole
time providing the best services for everyone .
it was Anaras idea to come up with such a website . she is a great business
woman with a vision . Frida and Cynthia are our web developers and
engineers . Martin ,Eniola and Songul are the ones who took care of the
financial parts . while Bashar was in charge of promotion and advertising .

target market :
everyone seeking a job or offering a job . special focus on students since
there are many coming to trnc and graduating every year .

why trnc pro ?

Something needed is being offered with the best quality of service .

special feature :
We focus a lot on offering the best quality service to our customers with 24/7
customer service center . willing to help and fix any issues and provide all
the information needed .

management team :
Since Anara is the one who came up with the idea she will be our Ceo , she
has the skills required to run such a company . Eniola will be our Cfo , a
brilliant financial consultant with huge experience in different companies and
countries . Frida will be our Cto , her programming skills helped a lot in
developing such friendly-use website .

Demand :
Its pretty clear that such a service was needed in this country . when we
decided to go through with such an idea , we were confident that we would
make it . When you offer something needed and helpful you dont worry
about demands , you only worry about the way you offer to people .


Despite its small size, North Cyprus economy is experiencing higher growth
rates. North Cyprus applies a free market economy approach. Per capita
income is around 15 thousand USA Dollars. The population number is around
300 thousand. Since North Cyprus is island, service sector is dominant in the
economy. The North Cyprus social networking industry is one that truly
hasnt been broken into in a big way but its potentials are overwhelming.
Easy procedure of opening business, quick immigration, reasonably priced
property, excellent weather conditions, stable growth of economy and
tourism, government policies, without a doubt, make North Cyprus an
attractive location.


Our Target market includes students, graduates immigrants from parts of
the world like Africans, Arabs, middle easterners , the people of the USSR,
and anyone generally who wishes to use our services. Tourism is one of the
leading growth sectors in Northern Cyprus and the inflow of tourists every
year is quite a huge number and this is an advantage because most of the
tourists fall in love with north Cyprus and decide to stay
Higher Education Sector (Universities) are one of the main service sectors
for North Cyprus. Currently 6 universities are attracting students from
different countries. Currently the number of foreign students are around 40
000 from more than 65 countries.

Organizational feasibility :
Management prowess assessment :
Passion for business idea : high
Relevant industry experience: none
Prior entrepreneurial experience: none

Depth of professional and social networks: moderate

Creativity among management team members: high
Experience and expertise in cash flow management : none

Resource Sufficiency Assessment Tool:

Office space: 1
Lab space ,manufacturing space, or space to launch service business: 3
Key management employees: 1
Key support personnel: 2
Key equipment needed to property the business: 1
Ability to obtain intellectual property protection on key aspects of the
business: 2
Support of local and state government if applicable for business launch: 5
Ability to form favorable business partnerships: 1
-Proximity to similar firms: Neutral
- Proximity to suppliers: Strong
-Proximity to customers: Strong
-Proximity to a major research university: Strong

Financial feasibility :
Business Plan StartUp Cash and Expenditure (Budget)
When it comes to starting a convenience office (brick) and online (mortar)
business the major areas that you look towards spending the bulk of your
cash is in of course renting or leasing a standard office facility. Aside from

that, you are not expected to spend much except for paying of your
employees and getting the necessary equipment for our brick and mortar.
This is the key areas where we will spend our start up capital;

The Total Fee for Registering the Business in north Cyprus $750.

Legal expenses for obtaining licenses and permits as well as the

accounting services (software, P.O.S machines and other software) $1,300.

Marketing promotion expenses for the grand opening of Cpro office in

the amount of $3,500 and as well as flyer printing (2,000 flyers at $0.04 per
copy) for the total amount of $3,580.

Cost for hiring Consultant $2,500.

Insurance (general liability, workers compensation and property

casualty) coverage at a total premium $2,400.

Cost for payment of rent for 12 months at $1.76 per square feet in the
total amount of $105,600.

Cost for office remodeling (construction of racks and shelves)


Other start-up expenses including stationery ($500) and phone and

utility deposits ($2,500).

Operational cost for the first 3 months (salaries of employees,

payments of bills et al) $60,000

Storage hardware (bins, rack, shelves, food case) $3,720

The cost for counter area equipment (counter top, sink, water
dispenser, etc.) $9,500

Cost for office equipment (cash register, security, ventilation, signage)


Cost of purchase and installation of CCTVs $5,000

The cost for the purchase of furniture and gadgets (Computers,

Printers, Telephone, TVs, Sound System, tables and chairs et al) $4,000.

The cost of Launching a Website $600

The cost for our opening party $7,000

Miscellaneous $10,000

We would need an estimate of $250,000 to successfully set up our

convenience office (brick) and online (mortar) in north Cyprus. Please note
that this amount includes the salaries of all the staff for the first month of
Generating Funding / Startup Capital for Bee & Jay Convenience Store
trncpro, brick and mortar is a family business that is solely owned and
financed by the member of our family. We do intend to welcome any external
business partner which is why he has decided to restrict the sourcing of the
start up capital to 3 major sources.
These are the areas we intend generating our start up capital;

Generate part of the start up capital from personal savings

Source for soft loans from family members and friends

Apply for loan from my Bank

N.B: We have been able to generate about $100,000 (Personal savings

$75,000 and soft loan from family members $25,000) and we are at the final
stages of obtaining a loan facility of $150,000 from our bank. All the papers
and document have been signed and submitted, the loan has been approved
and any moment from now our account will be credited with the amount.

Overall Attractiveness of TRNCPro :

The number of other financial factors associated with the start up for
the organization (TRNCPro) and the extent of level of positivity to each
factors based on estimate rather than actual performance as it is that the
venture is yet to be in motion will be analyzed.

Steady and rapid growth in sales during the first 1 to 5 years in a

clearly defined market niche; this shows how quickly the growth of the
proposed venture will grow. With a proper advertisement tools to the mass,
the growth will be rapid. Based on potentiality in comparison to other similar
ventures, the growth will be most likely

High percentage of recurring revenuemeaning that once a firm wins
a client, the client will provide recurring sources of revenue; with a suitable
service, the level of loyalty of client will be high. Based on proposed
resources and originality of services, the percentage will be high

Ability to forecast income and expenses with a reasonable degree of

certainty; Prediction of proposed expense to certain degree is moderate.

Internally generated funds to finance and sustain growth; the level at

which funds can be generated internally within two years all depends on the
rapid growth in sales. This will be low

Availability of an exit opportunity for investors to convert equity to

cash; In a case of willingness of investors to withdraw operation, the
availability for investors to exit at will is likely available based on a contract
agreement between the Company and its Investors

Business Model

Core strategy :
Business mission :
Here to connect, share and serve !

Basis of differentiation :
When it comes to how we differentiate from others , it is in our gain since we are different .
Were the starters and we will set the basis of competition .
Another thing aiding us, is the student corner where they can share anything with each
other .the high moral and dedication of our employees and willingness to help customers
and fix any problems they face as soon as possible .

Target customer :
Our Target market includes students, graduates immigrants from parts of the world like
Africans, Arabs, middle easterners , the people of the ex -soviet union, and anyone
generally who wishes to use our services. Tourism is one of the leading growth sectors in
Northern Cyprus and the inflow of tourists every year is quite a huge number and this is an
advantage because most of the tourists fall in love with north Cyprus and decide to stay
Higher Education Sector (Universities) are one of the main service sectors for North
Cyprus. Currently 6 universities are attracting students from different countries. Currently
the number of foreign students are around 40 000 from more than 65 countries.

Market scope :
Fortunately , our market scope is not narrowed down to certain aspects . any corporation ,
company , or other kind of employers can reach us and post their vacancies with the
requirements they need . same goes with job seekers from different backgrounds .
The main focus is providing the best service for customers . .

Students will take a major part in our business due to us offering also internships , jobs for
undergraduates and post graduates .

Resources :
Our core competencies give us an added advantage in the service industry in
north Cyprus. One of them is that while other traditional job sites offer just
jobs we have an extra touch with the students corner and it makes it an all in
one package. We at trnc-pro also have a great passion and dedication for our
business idea that makes us more than determined to be the best, our high
level of employee moral cannot be over emphasized as we cannot wait to
begin to explore what north Cyprus can be in the service industry. We are
also very open to suggestions and feedbacks and we take customers very
seriously. At trnc-pro, we also connect all the universities and people in every
city in North Cyprus. Our management team is also very international, we
have many of the nationalities in Cyprus represented so we know what the
culture of the nationalities in north Cyprus and our site is multi-lingual. We
have also acquired a huge partnership base as most major companies and
universities have decided to partner with us and trade information and ideas
on how to make us better.

Our key assets are financial which we getting from family and personal
savings and loans from banks, human assets which are all the founders of
the business, partnership with large firms and universities is also an asset.
Corporate culture.

TRNCPro major proposed source of revenue is advertisement and
subscription service for firms. This mix of revenue makes sense given
TRNCPros core strategy and its resources. The more traffic it gets the higher
its popularity and more revenue its will earn. TRNCPros cost structure is
based on cost containment and high fixed/low variable cost model. TRNCPro
has a moderate infrastructure cost driven by networking capacity and data

storage necessary to serve over 1,000,000 registered members of the labor

Her estimated cost is $250,000 which includes; salary for the first year,
building facilities, insurance, operation cost etc. (please check financial
analysis part of feasibility analysis for full details). Means of capital funding
are through savings by the founders, support from family and friends; and
loan from financial intermediaries.

Service production:
- TRNC pro is an online job portal connecting job seekers and employers via a
website. TRNC pro will contact companies and gather information regarding
several vacancies and store them into their database. Then it will post an
advertisement of job vacancies on board.
Student corner as additional service- Providing information about rooms for
rent, exchanging books and notes.

Online through website.
Key partners- All sector local companies, Universities( University HRM
departments, University Alumni Associations) .Friends (who will volunteer to
help advertise the website) .

Jobseekers gather information about the several consultancies and prepare
their resumes according to job requirement mentioning their technical and
educational skills and send resumes to consultancies

Recruiters match the job with resumes and inform the Jobseeker through
phone or email .

Company selects appropriate Jobseeker sent by consultancies and fix time
for interviews. After final selection information is sent to Jobseeker.

Prepare Invoice:
Companies sending information about the selection of Jobseeker to
consultancies and consultancies make invoices according to selected
Jobseeker and send to company.

Company checks invoices against requirement sent by consultancies and
make payment accordingly either through cash or check.

Core strategy

Business mission

Basis of differentiation

Here to connect ,
share and serve .

Target customers

Different than others

(somehow new )
Excellent customer
Student corner
Setting the bar of
competition .


Job seekers
Students looking for
internships or postgraduate jobs

Market scope

organizations ,people
to satisfy each others
needs .



Student corner


Passion for business


Employee moral


Multi- lingual

Corporate culture

Suggestions and
feedback taken seriously
Huge partnership base.

Revenue streams


Company subscription
Cost Structure

Cost-driven business
High fixed/low variable cost
Major category cost: web-based
platform development; staff salary;
building equipment; company

$75,000 initial capital from
savings by founders
$25,000 from family and
$150,000 loan from banks



Service production
Contacting companies
and gathering information
regarding several
vacancies and store them
into their database.
Posting the position with
the job description and the
job specification on the job
portal and also searching
for the suitable resumes
posted on the site
corresponding to the
opening in the
Job sites provide a 24/7
access to the database of
the resumes to the
employees facilitating the
just-in-time hiring by the
Employee locates and fills
out a job application or
submits resumes over the
Internet for the advertised
Student corner-Providing
information about rooms
for rent, exchanging books
and notes.

Online through website.

Key partners
All sector local companies
Universities( University
HRM departments,
University Alumni
Friends (who will volunteer
ally help to advertise the

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