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3812 US RT.

50 West, Bainbridge, Ohio 45612 | (740) 634-3925

Matthew 28:16-20

Bainbridge Church of Christ

Praise & Worship

Steve Alexander, Minister

Bainbridge Church of Christ

Steve Alexander, Minister
Home: (740) 634-2885
Nicole Cockrell, Secretary
Cell: (740) 649-9586
Church Office: (740) 634-3925

Praise & Worship

Welcome, this Lords Day!
November 13, 2016
Scripture & Prayer by: Dave Tillis
Great is the Lord..
Shout to the Lord
Whom Shall I Fear
O That Will Be Glory
Love Ran Red...
Communion Meditation by:John Weaver
Sermon by:..Steve Alexander
Glorify Thy Name
Lord, Be Glorified

Dedicated To

Serving God
(Joshua 24:14-15)

Communion Preparation:
Tammy Alexander (November)
*Please see Nicole, if you are able to help prepare
communion in the months of December and/or January.

Serving TodayNovember 13, 2016

Welcome Center: Tammy Alexander
Greeters: Clara Pollock
Nursery: Dalton Ewry and Nancy Ewry
Junior Church: Debbie Robinett
Home Communion: Lew Ewry
Call to Worship: Dave Tillis

Serving Next WeekNovember 20, 2016

Welcome Center: Nicole Cockrell
Greeters: Dave Tillis
Nursery: Melinda Hutchinson and Janis Weaver
Junior Church: Debbie Robinett
Home Communion: Joe Clyburn
Call to Worship: Paul Robinett
Communion Meditation: Dave Tillis
Worship Leader: Bill Hubbard

Upcoming Events
Ill Be HOME for Christmas!
Cantata Practice

13th @ 12:30

YOUTH Christmas Play


13th @ 12:30

Area Thanksgiving Worship

Bridge Street CoC
Seth Tinkler, Preaching

20th @ 6:30

Holiday Family FUN!

27th @ Noon


Butler Springs Christian

CampCrafters Weekend

2nd 4th @ 6:00

No Stable too Small

Youth Christmas Play

11th @ 10:30

Ill be HOME for Christmas!

Adult Cantata(Tentatively)

18th @ 10:30


Adult Christmas CantataThe first practice is

TODAY, following the Worship service. Ill Be HOME for
Christmas is a classic musical celebration that will stir
the hearts of the choir and congregation with heartfelt
stories of Christmas. Please, Join us! A light lunch is
also provided.

Youth Christmas Play PracticeAlso, following the

Service. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall. A light
lunch is provided. Thanks so much to all and Lord
please bless the hands who helped prepare in all ways.

Holiday Family FUN! This includes a Church Family

Dinner that is light, the Sunday after Thanksgiving.
We will have lots of hands on projects (like with the
Church Float), that everyone can enjoy as we work
together and get our Church ready for Christmas.
Happy Birthday, Jesus!

See it, believe it, make it happen.

We live in a world surrounded by over-the-top talented and gifted
people. Sometimes this reality can cause us to experience feelings of
inadequacy, moments of insecurity and questions of what good enough
really means and does what we have to give really matter.
The answer to all is a resounding Yes. God gave you the talents and
gifts you possess with purpose in mind. Have you ever noticed the joy
and satisfaction that well-up from deep within you when you use and
share your God-given talents and gifts? When we use our talents and
gifts for the good of others we become instruments of change and
conduits of Gods grace to the world around us.
There are three main building-blocks on which you grow your influence
through using and giving your talents and gifts: Faith, Fortitude, and
Faith believes God is who he says he is and will do what he says
he will do. To go one step farther it also believes he did not make a
mistake when he created you and gifted you with the abilities and
talents you possess. He created us all for a specific purpose and gave
us everything we need to fulfill His purpose. Through honing your
talents and gifts and working hard to improve and use them in a way
that brings honor to God your life will have impact on those around you.
The key is to let your faith be so evident through the way you give of
your talents and gifts that when others experience the beauty of what
God has given you they only see Him.
Fortitude is having strength of mind and courage to endure
adversity or hardship along your journey. Fortitude is what keeps you
focused on the call and purpose God has placed in and on your life
even when the path he has called you to walk gets challenging. The
Apostle Paul reminds us to surrender the things that slow us down, or
cause us doubts so we can run with endurance (fortitude) the race
(toward the purpose) God has set for us to run. We do this by keeping
our eyes focused on God, and running after the call he has placed on
our lives. Dont give up even when it seems others around you may be
more talented or gifted. God has placed you where you are with the
talents and gifts you have for His greatest purposes. Often times we
have the greatest opportunity to impact the lives of others by the
fortitude and faith in which we choose to use in pushing through
adversity and challenge.
Philanthropy is expressed through an active and generous effort to help
others. It is the willingness to give to others out of what you are given.
"To whom much is given much is required.
The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and
the worlds deep hunger meet. As Thanksgiving approaches keep in
mind the opportunity you have to change the world through your talents

and gifts. By choosing faith, fortitude, and philanthropy as the building

blocks upon which you establish your foundation to grow and share
your talents, you will make a lasting impact in and on the lives of others
and the world around you.
Speaking of the world, youve probably heard a thousand times that
Christians are supposed to be in the world, but not of it. But, what
does that look like? How can we interact with lost people without being
influenced by the unbelief and hostility towards God so prevalent in our
Its a lot like a boat in the water. The boat is designed to float in the
water to be in the water, surrounded by it on all sides. But there
should not be any water in the boat. Our goal as followers of Christ is to
actively engage our culture with the Gospel without allowing the
cultures ungodly morals, values, attitudes, and behaviors to infiltrate
our lives.
Some of us take our boats out of the water all together. Our intentions
are good. We want to protect ourselves and our families from the sin of
the world. Granted, its easier to live by Gods standards if we remove
ourselves from the influence of the world. But theres one big problem
with that. In doing so, we also remove the influence of Christ from the
world. Jesus calls us to go out into the world and take the Gospel (John
In the words of the apostle Paul in Romans 12:2"Do not conform to
the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of
your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what Gods
will is his good, pleasing and perfect will." This verse tells us
two things: First, its possible to discern Gods will. And second, God
knows whats best for you. That means Gods will isnt ours to create.
Its ours to discover. But how in the world do you do that? Great
question and to start answering it, we have to go back one verse to
Romans 12:1"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view
of Gods mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and
pleasing to God this is your true and proper worship."
God's will isn't a tightrope it's a playing field. And there are many
decisions that can be made on that playing field." Romans 12:1 tells us
that Gods mercy is how we get on the playing field of His will. We
receive Christ through faith. And by His grace were forgiven of our sins
and indwelt by His Holy Spirit, and then we step into the arena where
we can begin to discover His will for our lives.
We all have special gifts and talents that make us not only unique but
also great. Everyone has the power to change someones life. Everyone
has a voice and a stage and the ability to impact the world in a positive
way. Its taking action. Its pushing yourself to do what you were meant
to do. Everything is possible for the person who believes (Mark 9:23).
See it, believe it, make it happen. Who ever would have thought it was
that simple?

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