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Scene 1: Sarah and Marsha are in a stand-off in front of the

Whirlwind of Opportunity statue. Marsha is stuck within the
Whirlwind of Opportunity. Sarah is pointed in her direction
holding a baseball bat.
Youre probably wondering how I got here? Well, heres the story.

Scene 2:
(Location: University of Tennessee Knoxville campus)
Open with a landscape shot of campus. Show outside and inside of
Fred Brown Hall. Sarah moves into her dorm moves.
Sarah and Marsha looks around.
Whoa. And you thought the dorms would look shitty.
It's not all that.
Marsha looks down at the fountain with a frown.
Why the hell is there a fountain here? And could it be any
brighter in here? And why the hell is there a subway here? With
the money youre spending here you would think this college would
at least put a Jimmy Johns or something.
Sarah rolls her eyes.
you've been complaining since we got here.
There's a lot to complain about!
Groups of people pass by staring at them.

Who the hell is she talking to?

Well, that is the last of the boxes. (Looks around and sighs
(Carries a backpack full of clothing) Whew! (Wipes forehead) What
hard work! I finally finished unpacking all of my stuff
Um, Marsha(Looks almost embarrassed by Marshas presence) You
didnt have to pack all of your belongings.
(Looks to Sarah unaware of Sarahs embarrassed expression)Sweet,
Sarah. We are going to have so much fun walking to class
together, eating in the dining hall together, staying up all
night together, making new friends
Marsha (States her name as if to interrupt her)
(Marsha is again unaware that Sarah is trying to speak) We can
join all the student organizations and maybe even rush a
Marsha listen I dont think(Cut off by Marshas ongoing
AH! We will go out to all the parties and get LIT! (Exclamatory
MARSHA! (interrupts Marsha in a yelling tone)I am an adult now. I
can do all of these things on my own.

I know youre an adult Sarbear and can do all of this on your own
(Sarah interrupts again) Marsha I need to do this all on my own.
I think it is time that we part
(Sarahs new roommate Jelena enters) Well, howdy there! You must
be my new roommate. Im Jelena!!! It is a pleasure to meet you!
(Sarah timidly enters into Jelenas handshake)It is really nice
to meet you Jelena.
(Showing clear jealously and making faces behind Jelenas back at
I am hippity hopping down to the dining hall if you want to join!
Absolutely! I will be down there in a second!
Are you really going to choose her over me> (Jealous tone)
Please, Marsha dont make a scene. We will discuss all of this
when I return.
Scene 3
(Location: Pedestrian Walkway)
Time has passed since Sarah moved into her dorm.
Sarah gets rid of Marsha. Marsha stalks her.
Sarah, Jelena,and Marsha are walking down the pedestrian walkway.
What the hell was I thinking signing up for an eight am class?
Sarah shrugs.

how bout we go to a party tonight at [insert fraternity name]? We

can meet some cute guys and get turnt up?
Who the hell says turnt

up anymore? Is it 2013?

So ya wanna go?
Sure, what ti-[Marsha]
Sarbear! Its a school night! I thought we were going to get a
head start in the reading for your Psychology class.
It starts at 11-[Marsha]
11!? Thats too late for a party. If this country bumpkin, hick
is going to ruin her education then let her but-[Sarah]
I would love to go.
They stopped walking when they reached HSS.
Cool beans. Ill see ya later, then.
Jelena walks away.
Hippity Hopping? Turnt up? And now Cool beans? Sarah, maybe we
should get us a new roommate No, how bout

you just do a buyout?

We can have our own room!

(Marsha frowns)
Yeah, we. We always shared rooms. Ever since you were six wanting
your own sister.

Sarah sighs.
We need to talk.
About what? Whats to talk about?
Dont you think it's strange for me to still be keeping my
imaginary friend?
Why would it be. Plenty of people are still best friends even in
Dont you get it? Do i need to spell it out for you? Im too old
to be keeping you around. I dont need you anymore.
So what do you need? Jelena? And what kind of name is Jelena,
anyways. Lets talk about this.
What is there to talk about? Take a hint. I dont want you
Sarah walks away.
Marsha stands alone on the ped walkway. Camera zooms out.

Scene 4
(Location: University of Tennessee Student Union)
Sara is eating at student union with Roommate. Marsha eating and
another imaginary friend, Ebony, approaches her. Ebony explains
why shes still there. Marsha explains her situation to her.
Shirley talks her into seeking revenge.

(Eating food from most likely Chick fil A) I am really enjoying

college thus far.
(Also eating food from one of the on-campus restaurants) Oh Yes!
College is amazing, definitely a far cry from high school.
High school was the loneliest time of my life. I never felt like
I fit in with everyone else. I always felt so bizarre. (Stated in
a somber voice)
(Looks up from food surprised and pauses eating) It was lonely
for all of us. Youre not the only one.
I am glad we became random roommates Jelena. Youve really opened
my eyes to how fun life can be when you arent imagining
The next four years are going to be the best years of our lives!
I cant wait for all the memories we will share!
Me too! (Continues to eat Chick fil A)
(Mocking tone) Imagining happiness (Exclaims seemingly to
herself) What about all the times when I made you happy!

Excuse me is someone sitting here?

No, that seat is open (Seemingly unaware that someone has noticed
her) (turns slowly realizing that she has been noticed.
[Ebony sits down]
Hi, my name is Ebony.
Wait a second... How can you see me?!?!
Im an imaginary friend too, just like you.
I thought I was the only one!
Nope. Im imaginary, too. My creator left me after she started
college. Dropped me like the last ten years of friendship was
nothing. Parties and Boys and her new friends are enough for her
now. Ive noticed that youve been left too.
YES! My creator, Sarah, left me for dead once she started hanging
out with Jelena, and what kind of name is that anyway.
[Ebony looks over at Sara and Jelena]
You should just get rid of her.

Get rid of who? Jelena?
No, get rid of Sarah. The sooner you get rid of her, the better
youll feel.
Marsha scoffs.
Get rid of Sarah? Thats your big plan? Let me guess. Youre
turning this into some cliche lifetime movie theme of If i cant
have you no one can? Ill just wait it out. Shell come back.
Trust me, sweetheart, shes never coming back. And why would you
want her back? It took her only two days after moving in to dump
your ass for that (she says pointing at Jelena).
How do you know that?
Ebony stands up.
It doesnt matter how. It happens to us all. They get a little
taste of someone knew and dump the us like were nothing.
Ebony leans over the table to Marsha.
You need to show her that you wont take this lightly. Why should
Sarah be happy while youre here all alone?

Wouldnt it make more sense to kill Jelena then?
You cant kill every friend she makes. Make her feel sorry for
hurting you. Why should Jelena have her but you cant?
Yeah...(Looks over at Sarah and Jelena laughing.) Maybe youre

Scene 5:
Location: Vol Shop
Marsha and Ebony shop for supplies to kill Sarah. Overhead rock
music is playing and the two imaginary friends are dancing.
What is the first typical item that one buys to kill someone?
(Said in a dramatic voice) The movies always show a big metal
knife with a jagged edge and blood running down the(Interrupted
by Marsha)
Ebony I doubt they sell knives at a school supplies store.
(Picks up a pair of scissors) Youll just have to settle for some
scissors then.

Scissorsyes! What else can we find here (looks around for other
supplies and rock music begins to play)
-For the remainder of the scene Marsha and Ebony jam out to the
music while also picking up their supplies[Marsha]
(Marsha has a handful of supplies in her hand and she creepily
smiles) Time to check out!
Its friend slaying time!
Scene 6:
Location: Outside of Hodges Library
Sarah is walking out of the library alone. She keeps looking over
her shoulder.
Didnt they teach you not to walk alone?
Sarah turns around. Holds up her keys.
I have pepper spray. I thought you left.
And went where? Im not real, remember? I cant just buy a bus
ticket and make a new life in who know where? Or did you think I
would just find some other six year old outcast to dump me after
twelve years?

Dont Marsha me, Sarbear.

You had to understand. Im too old-[Marsha]
Too old to be my friend? I wasnt too old before you met Jelena.
Maybe I should just kill her for the hell of it.
Enough talking. Just kill the bitch.
Who is this?
A new friend.
Marsha looks back and forth at Sarah and Ebony.
You can see her? Shes not even your-[Ebony walks toward Sarah.]
Always talking with you bunch. She had her time to explain

Ebony runs and tackles Sarah and pins her to the ground.
Marsha, this is your chance. Kill her!
Marsha walks up slowly to the two. The scissors are in her hand.

Marshmallow, dont this, please.
Marshmallow? Just because you say a cutsie nickname doesnt mean
shit. Come on, Marshmallow!
Marsha stands there frozen.
Sarah breaks free and sprays Ebony in the eyes with pepper spray.
Ebony screams as she wipes her eyes.
Sarah gets up and before Marsha realize what is happening Sarah
snatches the scissors from her hands.
I should've known you would do something stupid like this! You
could never think on your own, huh?
Sarah stabs Marsha in the side.
Marsha slaps the scissors out of Sarahs hands. She runs away but
Sarah catches up with her.
What the hell? Since when have you been this fast? Didnt you
gain the freshman 15, or something?

Jelena and I go to TRECs three times a week!

Fuck Jelena!What kind of fucking name is that!
(Marsha staggers towards the Whirlwind of Opportunity and climbs
inside for protection from Sarah)
Scene 7:
Location: Whirlwind of Opportunity statue on Pedestrian Walkway

We have returned to the original scene. Marsha is trapped in the

Whirlwind of Opportunity statue. Sarah is standing outside of
the statue with a baseball bat.
(Looks directly into the camera) Now you know my story.
(Returns to the fight at hand) Fine Sarah, Im calling a truce.
(Marsha steps out of the Whirlwind of Opportunity)
Marsha I am glad that you came to your senses(Marsha deals Sarah
a heavy slap in the face)
There is no you, without me bitch.
Are you crazy??? (As Marsha leans in for another smack, Sarah
punches her and staggers away)

Scene 8:
Sarah seems physically exhausted from her struggle with Marsha.
Marsha it is time to give this up. I am tired and I dont want to
fight with you anymore.
Why did you leave me Sarah? How could you toss our friendship
aside like it was nothing?
Marsha I grew out of needing an imaginary friend. I found real
friends and I stopped being lonely. I am happy now.
You will never be happy without me.
(Marsha strikes Sarah down and we see Sarah fall to the ground.
The scene ends with Marsha standing over Sarahs body.)

Ebony look I did it! She is gone!

Wow I didnt think you would actually do it.
What do you mean? You told me to go ahead and take her out.
But I never thought you would turn against her. I cant be around
you anymore. I cant be seen with such evil. (Ebony walks away)
Ebony what the hell....
(Suddenly Marsha collapses next to Sarah)

Scene 9
Location: Unidentifiable white room
Marsha opens her eyes and she appears to be in a room of nothing.
The room is white with no other objects in it.
Marsha disappears.

(Opens her eyes) Where am I? (Walks around slowly) Is anyone
here? Hello????
(Realizes she is trapped and begins pacing)
There has to be a way out. I dont deserve this!
(Pauses briefly as if she had an epiphany)
Maybe I do deserve this?
(Looks up and speaks to the air) Is this because I tried to kill
Sarah? Is this because I turned my back on my only friend? Am I

stuck here forever because of my jealousy and fear of losing all

I have ever known?
(Begins to cry)
I am so sorry Sarah. Please forgive me. I was a terrible friend.
I should have realized you needed space to grow.
(Suddenly changes to an angry mood)
But you have to realize Sarah, you left me out! You turned your
back on me when I had been so good to you. You forgot about our
past and chose someone else to be your best friend!
I cant forgive you Sarah, I wont. (Marsha begins to feel as if
she is being dragged out of this unknown white area)
No please! Dont take me! I dont want to vanish into
nothingness. NO! (screaming even louder) NO!!!
(Marsha disappears and her voice is no longer heard)
Scene 11:
Location: Pedestrian Walkway
Several months later, Sarah and Jelena are on their way to class
at the end of the fall semester.
I have such a huge final exam this week but I cant wait to go
home for the holidays.
Good luck Sarbear! Im sure youll earn that super duper A!

(Looks at Jelena as if Sarah had experienced deja vu in that

moment) Sarbear? An old friend used to call me Sarbear.
Will you see them during the holiday break?
No, we dont keep in touch anymore. Weve grown up and grown
apart. (Says off to herself) I found me without her.

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