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November 2016 | DurhamVeg | Web page: veg.


November 2016, Issue 1

Regional sub-group of the Toronto Vegetarian Association

Diwali annual celebration at Spicy Affairs

was a huge success
Another successful night. Aisha, from Spicy Affairs, has kindly donated some typical
items from Pakistan to be drawn among the participants to raise some funds for
Durham Veg in honor to Sally. Lucky prize winners were Lynn Tomlynson, Nicky Patel,
Marion Thomas, and Lesley Richardson. As usually some of the participants were
dressing parts of traditional Indian attire for the occasion. We welcome new guests;
we are always happy to see new and old faces at our diners and enjoy a cruelty free

Durham Veg Upcoming Events


December holidays diner @ Copper Branch, 66 Baldwin St, Whitby

Prepare to celebrate December festive holidays with DurhamVeg social group at Copper
Branch. Durham residents have received a gift with this new wholesome, 100% plant-based
foods restaurant opened in our community. They offer a large menu with foods that make us
feel great about eating. The service is fast and the staff is very friendly.

New Years diner @ Zeera Indian Cuisine, 713 Krosno Blvd., Pickering

Durham Veg Diwali Celebration

Durham Veg Upcoming Events

Toronto Starch Solution meetup

Toronto Starch Solution meetup cont.

HotRoots Soup Festival

Eating a whole foods plant-based diet

seems to be more efficient in improving

Many requests to go back to this favorite Indian restaurant. They have a huge selection of

quality of life as we age

Photo Gallery

vegetarian dishes that are easily made vegan on request. We will be meeting there in
January 2017.

News from Toronto Starch Solution meetup

By Judy Newman, Toronto Starch Solution support group
Some of you may have attended our Toronto Starch Solution monthly potluck lunches
at Don Mills and Eglinton and I wanted to invite you to a very special one that is coming
up on Sunday, November 20 at 1:00 pm.
Location: Don Heights Unitarian Congregation, 18 Wynford Drive #102 (1 block north
of Eglinton & 1 block east of Don Mills), North York, ON

Parking is available and is FREE for this event. (Just ignore the paid parking signs.)

Toronto Starch Solution meetup cont.
Parking is available and is FREE for this event.
(Just ignore the paid parking signs)
To find us by bus:

The #100 Flemingdon Park bus stops right

across the street from Don Heights; get off
this bus at Gervais Drive.

The #25 Don Mills bus (get off at Wynford

Drive and walk east one block)

The #34 Eglinton East bus (get off at Don

Mills and Eglinton, walk north to Wynford
and a block east to Don Heights)
If you have want more information, please email . Hope to see some of
you on Nov 20.

Toronto Starch
If you are familiar with Dr John McDougall and
his starch based, whole foods, plant based way
of eating, we are a support group who follow
his guidelines.
This event is particularly
relevant for people with chronic illness, such
as high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis,
digestive issues, heart disease or with a desire
to lose some weight (even substantial
amounts) without feeling hungry or deprived
Feel free to invite friends or family who find
themselves diagnosed with a chronic condition
and feel powerless to change it. These medical
conditions are not a normal part of aging or
the human condition and they can often be
treated and even reversed with food.
At November's potluck - Dr. John McDougall,
author of The Starch Solution will be speaking!
We will be connecting with Dr. McDougall live,
via Skype. This will be an opportunity to meet

him and be able to ask questions of this

wonderful man who is our mentor. Because
of his work, we are losing weight and gaining
health. If you are not familiar with the starch
solution, check out his website at
McDougall friendly recipes are available on
his website or at For folks
like you who are already vegetarian or vegan,
it's a short step to cooking with whole plant
foods and no added oils. Please bring a copy
of the recipe or a list of ingredients so that
people with food sensitivities/allergies can
feel comfortable. A donation of $1 is
appreciated to defray costs.
If you would like to join us, RSVP at your
earliest. We expect this potluck to reach
maximum attendance.
You will also find us listed on Toronto Meet
Up and on the TVA events calendar.

HotRoots Soup Festival on February 21 to 24, 2017 at Oshawas

City Hall and Ministry of Finance Lobby
from 11:30 am to 1pm.
HotRoots Soup Festival
Feb 21 to 24, 2017 at Oshawas
City Hall and Ministry of Finance
Lobby from 11:30 am to 1pm. We
would love to have our members
joining us for a hot vegan soup
any day at one of these locations.
Volunteers to assist at the soup
stations during the week are also
needed. If you would like to
HotRoots Partners:
Oshawas BIA, City of Oshawa &

Eating a whole foods plant-based diet seems to be

more efficient in improving quality of life as we age
What are the most important reasons we should aim to eat a whole
foods plant-based diet instead of relying on medication?
We can read on Dr, Michael Gregers M.D. FACLM article Medical Care:
The Third Leading Cause of Death (you can read the whole article by clicking on
the title) an interesting explanation of how much we overestimate the
benefits of drugs and underestimate the benefits of a healthy diet. I
have come to this conclusion on my own by observing for several years
the lack of improvement people I know have achieved with the medical
treatments they have received.
In trusting that drugs will solve our health issues we exempt our
responsibilities and allow ourselves to eat whatever we want.

Lifestyle medicine is very important

for all the reasons mentioned
above. Prevention is a key to reduce
the amount of chronic disease.
Mainly because if one does not get
sick, there is less chances of having
to start on drugs or get to a
A logical conclusion: with the
reduction of heart disease and
cancer through improved diet we
would need less use of medications
which therefore would reduce the
risks of complications related to
taking them.

Some interesting facts from Dr Gregers article:

Patients tend to wildly overestimate the ability of cancer

screening and cholesterol-lowering medications to prevent
If patients were told how little benefit they would get from
such treatments, 90% said they wouldnt even bother trying it.
Studies have demonstrated that the use of pills and procedures
can help patients symptoms but reduction in mortality is
almost nonexistent
Most of the benefits from medical treatments are for acute
conditions such as broken bones and infections.
Chronic diseases do not improve that much from medications
or medical procedures which most of the time do more harm
than good.

In Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death (you can see the whole presentation
by clicking on the title) Dr Michael Greger has observed that every year:

100,000 Americans die from side-effects from prescriptions.

7,000 Americans die from getting the wrong medicine by
20,000 Americans die from other errors in hospitals.
99,000 of us die from hospital-acquired infections.
12,000 more die from surgeries that were unnecessary in the
first place.
199,000 additional deaths occur in outpatient setting also
related to side-effects from prescription drugs.

Did you know that in spite of the

highly promoted necessity of
handwashing in hospital care;

healthcare workers rarely
exceeds 50%,
less than a quarter of doctors
were found to wash their
a simple operation can
become a life-threatening

Web age:
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DurhamVeg is the eastern-most
social group of TVA
Toronto Vegetarian Association

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