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When f(x) is negative the curve of y = f(x) is concave ____________________.

a. Downward
b. To the right
c. Upward
d. To the left


If the second derivative of the equation of a curve is equal to the negative of the equation
of that same curve, the curve is:
a. A paraboloid
b. A sinusoid
c. A cissoid
d. An exponential

3. A function F(x) is called __________ of f(x) if F(x) = f(x)

a. Explicit function
b. Derivative
c. Implicit function
d. Antiderivative

Points of derivatives which do not exist (and so equals zero) are called __________.
a. Stationary points
b. Minimum points
c. Maximum points
d. Minimum and maximum


At the point of inflection where x = a

a. f(a) 0
b. f(a) = 0
c. f(a) > 0
d. f(a) < 0


At the minimum point, the slope of the tangent line is

a. Negative
b. Infinity
c. Positive
d. Zero


What is the point where the second derivative is zero?

a. Maxima
b. Minima
c. Inflection point
d. Point of intersection


The point on the curve where the second derivative of a function is equal to zero is called
a. Maxima
b. Minima
c. Point of inflection
d. Critical point


The point of the curve where the first derivative of a function is zero and the second
derivative is positive is called
a. Maxima

b. Minima
c. Point of inflection
d. Critical point
10. Evaluate the integral of tanh u du.
a. in sinh u +c
b. in cos h u + c
c. cosh u + c
d. coth u + c
11. The field of mathematics which rest on upon the fundamental concept of limits and was
created by Newton and Leibniz
a. Physics
b. Calculus
c. Boolean Algebra
d. Quantum mechanics
12.The ___________ of a relation is the set of second elements of the pair in the relation.
a. Domain
b. Range
c. Graph
d. Function
13. The relation in which there is exactly one range element associated with each domain
a. Graph
b. Set
c. Formula
d. Function
14.The ______ of a relation is the set of first elements of pairs in the relation
a. Domain
b. Range
c. Graph
d. Function

15.Any set of ordered pair is called a _____

a. Relation
b. Range
c. Domain
d. Graph
16.Any pair of elements (x, y) having a first element x and a second element y is called
a. Range
b. Domain
c. Coordinates
d. Ordered pair
17.The operation of finding the derivative of a function
a. Differentiating
b. Differentiation
c. Differential

d. Integrating
18.The derivative of a function is identical to the _____ of the graph of the function
a. Tangent
b. Secant
c. Slope
d. Normal
19.The _______ derivative of the function is the rate of change of the slope of the graph
a. First
b. Second
c. Third
d. Fourth
20.The point on the graph where the tangent line is either horizontal or vertical is known as
a. Point of inflection
b. Critical point
c. Stationary point
d. All of the above
21.The critical points of a graph occur when the derivative of a function is
a. Zero
b. Approaches infinity
c. Zero or approaches infinity
d. Either 1 or -1
22.At point of inflection,
a. y = 0
b. y = 0
c. y is negative
d. y is positive
23. at a point where y = 0, if y changes from positive to negative as x increases,
a. Y is minimum
b. X is maximum
c. Y is maximum
d. X is maximum
24.The point where the second derivative of a function is zero
a. Maximum point
b. Minimum point
c. Point of intersection
d. Point of inflection
25.The point where the first derivative of a function is zero and the second derivative is
a. Maximum point
b. Minimum point
c. Point of inflection
d. Critical point
26.A point at which the curve changes from concave upward to concave downward and vice
versa is known as
a. Point of intersection
b. Point of deflection
c. Point of inflection

d. Yield of point

a point where y = 0, if y changes from positive to negative as x increases

Y is maximum
Y is minimum
X is maximum
y is minimum (kindly double check, must have been a typo error page 30) maximum point,

a. the curve is concave downward
b. y is negative
c. y = .0
d. all of the above
29.________ is also known as the composite function rule
a. LHospital rule
b. Trapezoidal rule
c. Simpsons rule
d. Chain rule

30.The LHospital rule was formulated by

a. Marquis de lHospital
b. Marrione de lHospital
c. J. Bernoulli
d. I. Newton
31.A collective term for maxima or minima, whether absolute of relative is called
a. Infinitium
b. Extrema
c. Domain
d. None of the above
32.Catenary is the shape assumed by perfectly flexible uniform cable hanging between
supports. It is a graph of
a. Parabola
b. Y = sinh x
c. Y = cosh x
d. X = cosh y
33.In calculus, all functions are classified as either algebraic or transcendental. Which of the
following is NOT an algebraic function?
a. Rational integral function
b. Irrational function
c. Rational fractional function
d. Exponential logarithmic function
34.The integral of any quotient whose numerator is the difference of the denominator is the
_____ of the denominator.
a. Reciprocal
b. Product
c. Logarithm

d. Derivative
35.Many integrals may be evaluated by introducing a new variable of integration in place of
the original variable, the two variables being connected by some suitable formulas. This
process is called
a. Integration by parts
b. Integration by substitution
c. Partial derivatives
d. The chain rule
36. The variable inside the integral is called variable of integration or integration variable. It
is sometimes referred to as
a. Calculus variable
b. Dummy variable
c. Limits variable
d. Limits range
37.The area of the surface generated by rotating any plane curve about a certain axis in its
plane is equal to the product of the length of the arc and the distance traveled by its
a. Varignons theorem
b. First proposition of pappus
c. Method of section
d. Second proposition of pappus
38.The volume of any solid revolution is equal to the generating are the times the
circumference of the circle described by the centroid to the area. This is known as
a. First proposition of pappus
b. Cavalieris theorem
c. Second proposition of pappus
d. Simpsons rule
39.Newton was inspired by an apple. Pappus propositions were inspired by what fruits?
a. Apple and pear
b. Lemon and orange
c. Apple and lemon
d. Apple and banana
40.When the ellipse is rotated about its shorter axis, the ellipsoid is
a. Paraboloid
b. Prolate
c. Spheroid
d. Oblate

the ellipse is rotated about its longer axis, the ellipsoid is


42.When a catenary (y = cosh x) is rotated about its axis of symmetry, it generates a solid
a. Paraboloid
b. Conoid
c. Catenoid

d. Hyperboloid
43.A solid revolution of a parabola is known as
a. Paraboloid
b. Hyperboloid
c. Catenoid
d. Conoid

44.A _______ section of a surface of revolution is the section containing the axis of revolution
a. Right
b. Central
c. Median
d. Meridian
45.Who invented the symbol for infinity? (check the symbol written on the book page
a. John Stockton
b. John Venn
c. John Wallis
d. John Napier
46.Calculus was invented by
a. Newton
b. Leibniz
c. Gauss
d. Newton and Leibniz
47.Varignons theorem is used to determine _________
a. Location of centroid
b. Moment of inertia
c. Mass moment of inertia
d. Moment of area

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