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Sakwala Chakraya Archaeological Survey of Ceylon North-Central and Central Provinces. Annual Report 1901 by H.C.P.Bell CCS., Archaeological Commissioner ‘Ordered by his excellency the Governor io be Printed, Colombo: LI - 1907 CEYLON. Printed by H. C. Cottle, Government Primer, Ceylon, i) Tisavewa Ruins. ‘Upon the completion of the three groups of nuined buildings situated immediately east of Ruwanveli Dagaba excavations were transferred to a fresh locality, about a mile to the south-west of the Udamaluwa (Sacred Bo Tree enclosure), containing ruins of an entirely different character from any yet exploited. A ridge of granitic formation can easily be traced running on from the Vessagiri Rocks northwards, past Isuruminiya, below the bund of Tisavewa. Thence it erosses the Anuradhapura-Puttalam Road, and bisects the Mirisavetiya area and Basawakkulam tank; and tends ever north through the western portion ("Galge" and other rocks)+ of the Lankarama and Jetawanarama areas. ‘The portion of the ridge just beyond the northem confines of Isurumuniya Rock Temple lies at the very foot of the embankment of the tank Tisevewa), and is marked by a line of rocks of less magnitude than the Isuramuniya boulders. ‘The rocks are mostly crowded together into two clusters (¥,,Z), both resting upon the narrow ...eba.... ridge. The separate entity consist of caves, structural buildings, and three exceptionally fine pokunu formed of dressed stane, the whole, belonging either to the Isurumuniya sangharamaya or to a sister monastery adjoining it. The rains at this ancient site, though comparatively isolated did not eseape considerable modification by later time additions, into which brick and mortar freely entered. Rocks Z. Behind the pansaia, south-west, is the second line of boulders (Z), separated from the bathing-house and northem cluster of rocks (¥) by 10 yards of open space. These southerly boulders, four or five in all, are both more massive and taller than those of the other group. The most southerly exhibits rectangular grooves of some building which once crowned its summit; both faces of two boulders, overhanging west and east, were adapted as cave shelters. ‘The Site of the Sakwala Chakraya on the bund of Tisavewa in ‘Anuradbapura, Lanka. ‘Text on this page extracted from an original copy of Annual Report. The photographs were taken when I visited the site in 1991, and again in Novernber 1995. The site is unmarked and unknown to most tourist guides. Maybe it should remain that way until properly protected. Cave No 2 lies beneath the west face of the penultimate rock forming its back and roof and floor. Ic was entered by a few steps leading down from the rock ridge. ‘Awor, and hardly recognizable asanaya of bricks rests against the rock at back. To the left (north) of this seat, or alter, is cut shallowly on ihe steeply projecting rock face 2 great chakra, or circle 6 ftin diameter, scored by rectangular divisions containing figures (mostly small circles), the whole grt, asa tyred wheel, by a band on which is, displayed variant piscine and crustacean life swimming round from right to lef. The centre of the chakra is filled by a large circle comprising seven concentric rings, within a square 1 ft in.,0 which eross lines are

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