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Name: __________________________

Quiz on

Presocratics, II
1. Review: Anaximanders arche was ______________.
2. Anaximenes held that air becomes denser by a process like ________________,
which is something he could have observed in Miletus.
3. Draw Anaximanders theory of how the first human beings were born:

4. Xenophanes taught that she whom men call Iris, this too is a ______________,
purple and red and yellow to behold.
5. Xenophanes distinguished between the truth or knowledge and
______________, which is fashioned among all men or about all things.
6. Xenophanes claimed that the earth must have been under water at some
point in the past, as could be proved by a ________________ of a fish.
7. What did Xenophanes say about the gods of the Ethiopians and Thracians?

8. Why did Pythagoras object to someone beating a puppy?

9. Heraclitus book was dedicated to Artemis in her temple in the city of

10.Cratylus interpreted Heraclitus river fragment to be teaching a doctrine of
total __________, in which everything is changing all the time.
11.Heraclitus criticizes _______________ for not knowing Day and Night, for they
are one.
12.Heraclitus criticized ________________ for teaching polymathy, which he
called evil trickery.
13.The Stoics doctrine of ecpyrosis was derived from Heraclitus teaching that
both god and the cosmos can be compared to ____________.
14.Account, meaning, or explanation are all good translations of the Greek
word ______________.
15.Parmenides poem is written in dactylic hexameter. What else was written in
this poetic meter?
16.In Parmenides fragment 1, he is being transported by wise _____________s,
who take him to the house of the goddess.
17.The house of the goddess is protected by bronze _______________s, which
Justice overcomes to bring Parmenides into the house.

18.The goddess urges Parmenides to judge by _________________ the muchcontested examination spoken by me.
19.The idea that ________________________________________ is a path entirely
unable to be investigated, according to Parmenides.
20.Parmenides says that the same thing is for _______________ and for being.
21.Give an argument for Parmenides conclusion that what-is cannot come to be.
Number your premises and be sure that the argument appears valid.

22.List 4 properties of what-is, according to Parmenides:

23.Zenos book was written to prove that there are not _____________ things.
24.Draw a cartoon of Achilles and the tortoise, showing what Zeno thinks makes
it a puzzle.

25.List or name (do not explain) the other three paradoxes that Zeno proposed,
other than Achilles & the turtle and the problem of the heap.

26.Write, from memory, the original wording of Heraclitus river saying, as

recorded in fragment 39:

27.Extra credit: that Empedocles thinks the constituent primordial principles of

the universe are Earth, Air, Fire, Water, __________________ and

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