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Lymph does not originate in the blood capillaries that pick up tissue fluid
Interferons are not secreted in response to bacterial infection
Pyrogens does not act by increasing the set point for body temperature in
the thalamus
The antigenicity of a molecule is not due to specific region of it called
Clonal selection of T cells does not happen in the thymus
Nave T cells cannot synthesize antibodies
Humoral immunity takes care of intracellular viruses, whereas cellular
immunity takes care of extracellular viruses

Red bone marrow is the point of origin of all immune cells of the
lymphatic system
Mucous membranes prevent most pathogens from entering the body
because of the stickiness of the mucus and the presence of lysozymes
Pus is made out of dead neutrophils, macrophages, and other tissue
debris from damage tissue
Interleukins are chemical signals by which immune cells communicate
with each other
Helper T cells respond only to epitopes attached to MHC proteins
Cytotoxic T cells respond only to antigens bound to MHC-I proteins
Some antibodies against foreign antigens can react to similar selfantigens causing autoimmune disease

Lymphatic vessels recover about 15% of the fluid filtered by capillaries

Lymph is similar to blood plasma, but very low in protein

Special lymphatic vessels called lacteal absorb dietary lipids that are not
absorbed by the blood capillaries
The palatine tonsils are the largest, and their surgical removal
(tonsillectomy) used to be one of the most common surgical procedures
performed in children
All these forces help lymph to flow except the lymphatic node pump
Collecting ducts are the largest of the lymphatic vessels and they empty into
the subclavian veins
Immune surveillance is a process in which natural killer (NK) cells
nonspecifically detect and destroy foreign cells and diseased host cells
This organ shows a remarkable degree of degeneration (involution) with age:
This is the only lymphatic organ with afferent lymphatic vessels: lymph node
Removal of the thymus will be the most harmful of all for a one-year-old
All these belong to the second line of defense except: the gastric juices
Eosinophils are found especially in the mucous membrane, standing guard
against parasites and allergens
Neutrophils employ a respiratory burst to produce bacterial chemicals such
as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and hypochlorite (HClO)
Complement fixation can lead to any of the following effects except:
endogenous pyrexia
Interferons are secreted by cells infected with viruses, alerting neighboring
cells and protecting them from becoming infected
This figure shows the faction of a natural killer cell
A pyrogens is a substance that causes fever
This is the first of a series of neutrophil behaviors in inflammation:
Impaired use is not a cardinal sign characteristic of inflammation

Basophils of the blood help to get defensive leukocytes to the site quickly by
releasing an anticoagulant called heparin and a vasodilator called histamine
All these cellular agents participate in inflammation except cytotoxic T cells
These are a group of proteolytic enzymes secreted by natural killer (NK)
cells: granzymes
Complement C3b protein coats bacteria and stimulates phagocytosis by
neutrophils and macrophages in a process called opsonization
Interferons are antimicrobial proteins
One characteristic of immune response is specificity. This means that
immunity is directd against a particular pathogen
Vaccination stimulates artificial active immunity
Cellular (cell-mediated) immunity is effective against cancer cells
An epitope is the region of the molecule that is recognized by antibodies
T cells achieve immunocompetence in the thymus
T cells undergo positive selection in the thymus, which means they multiply
and form clones of identical T cells
The serum used for emergency treatment of snakebites stimulates artificial
passive immunity
The majority of T cells of native lymphocyte pool wait for the encounter with
foreign antigens in the lymphatic tissues
All of the following can act as antigen-presenting cells except T cells
Helper T cells recognize antigens when they are bound to a major
histocompatibility complex (MHC) protein
Anti-gen presenting cells usually display processed antigens to T cells in
lymph nodes
Helper T cells DO NOT secrete fever-producing chemicals
Helper T cells participate in both nonspecific resistance and immune

Cytotoxic T cells are like natural killer NK cells because they both secrete
granzymes and perforin
Many T cells can live up to decades

Antibodies DO NOT differentiate into memory antibodies, which upon reexposure to the same pathogen would mount a quicker attack
This is the correct sequence of events in the humoral immune response:
Antigen recognition antigen presentation clonal selection
differentiation attack
Each immunoglobulin (Ig) has two antigen-bonding sites
IgG constitutes about 80% of circulating antibodies in plasma
This is the class of immunoglobulin that provides passive immunity to the
newborn: IgA
Before B cells secrete antibodies they differentiate into plasma cells
The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) targets mainly helper T cells
Most common allergies are the result of Type I (acute) hypersensitivity
Beta cell destruction that causes type 1 diabetes mellitus is a type IV
(delayed) hypersensitivity
A person who is HIV+ and has a helper T cells counter lower than 200
cells/uL has AIDS
Autoimmune diseases are disorders in which the immune systems fails to
distinguish self-antigens

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