The Quest Game: Chapter 9 Woodelves 1,7

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The Quest Game

Chapter 5


Chapter 9 Woodelves

1,7 - 12,000 supplies = 80,000 coin

1,7,12 - 16,000 supplies = 100,000c

( Time Help Rounds now to get 1320 supplies each)

( No reason to use workshop except if short )

( Use Properity Tower AW every 3 h)

( Time with Help Rounds to get 2600 supplies each)

8 - 8 bread (1h)= 30,000c + 1000s

8,13 - 8 bread (1h)s = 40,000c + 1000s

(after 8 set 8 to 3h for 2&4 , 2 at 15min etc.)

Or just do this one every hour for 90,000c + 3000s
for 3 h instead of 2 and 4 for 40,000c + 13,000s

(after 13 set 8 to 3h , leave 2 to 1h for 9)

2 - 6 adv tools (3h) = 40,000c + 4000s

2,14 - Gain 4000 PLANKS = 35,000 + 2500s

(after2 set 8 to 1h for #8 &, leave 2 at 3h for #4)

( * use trader to complete 2 quests instead of 1)


Upgrade 1 boosted mfg 9+ = 50,000c + 3000s

Upgrade 1 mfg 11+ = 50000c + 5000s


Upgrade 1 mfg 9+ = 50000c + 3000s

Upgrade 1 boosted mfg 11+ = 50,000c + 5000s


3 - Gain 2500 MARBLE = 20,000c + 4000s

3 - 6 adv tools (3h) = 80,000c + 2000s

( * use trader to complete 2 quests instead of 1)

( * 9h Run complete 2 quests instead of 1

(after 3 set 8 to 1h for #8 & leave 2 @ 3h for #4)


Upgrade 1 bldg 9+ = 30,000c + 7,000s

Upgrade 1 Res 11+ = 50,000c & 6,000s


Upgrade 1 Wkshp 6+ = 30,000c + 5,000s

Upgrade 1 bldg 11+ = 20,000c + 9,000s


Solve 4 encounters = 50,000c + 5,000s

Upgrade 1 Wkshp 11+ = 40,000c + 7,000s


4 - Gain 170,000 c & 2 adv tools (3h) = 9,000s

1 (24h) PLANKS = 150,000 c


( * reset the 2 to anything fast, like 15 min)


5 - Gain 1200 GEMS = 30,000c + 3000s

Fight & win 3 encounters = 50,000c + 6000s

( * 9h Run complete 2 quests instead of 1)


Complete a Province = 30,000c + 4000s

Solve 4 encounters = 40,000c + 8000s


Gain 4 relics = 50,000c + 5000s

Complete a Province = 20,000c + 4000s


6 - Gain 1800 SILK = 50,000c + 1000s

1 24h dust + 16,000 s = 150.000c

( * 9h Run complete 2 quests instead of 1)


Fight & win 3 encounters = 50,000c + 5000s

1 24h silk + 16,000 s = 150.000c


1 (24h) GEMS + 12000 s = 120.000 c

Gain 4 relics = 60,000c + 6000s


Upgrade 1 Res 9+ = 30,000c & 7,000s

4 - Gain 200,000c+ 2 advtools (3h)= 13000s

( * time this one so your here just before)

( leave all 8 for 9 & 2 )

1 (24h) MARBLE + 12000s = 120,000 c

9 - 10 Bev (5m)s + 2 Bread (1h) = 15,000c

(set 10 5 min - done reset 10 1 hr or 8 to 3hr +2 1hr)


Spend 12 KPS = 25,000 c +2500 s

5,10,15 - Gain 4000 DUST = 50,000c+ 1000s

( * use trader to complete 2 quests instead of 1)


Research 1 technology = 20,000 c + 7000 s

6,11,16 - Gain 4000 SILK = 15,000c + 4500s

( * time this one so your here just before)

( * use trader to complete 2 quests instead of 1)

1 (24h) SILK + 12000s = 120,000 c


Here is the gist of the Quest game. We don't use The decinable quests like we use quests in a contest
and we are loosing out, with stuck decinable quests. If you look at Declinabe Quests differently and
you play the quests like a game you can collect huge amounts (millions) of coin and supplies, with
which you can buy goods wholesale, research, etc. This is a mind blowing addition to your normal play
and if we share it on the open forum then I am sure Innogames will stop it, rebalance it, change it and
break it..

The above is based on the following:

I play 2 Human cities

Chapter 5: w/ 7,4 & 3 boosts each of Marble, Silk and Gems, at mid 400 boosts and supplies
and coin at 125-150 Culture Bonus

Chapter 9: 4 each of Planks, Scrolls and Dust. (not all max lvl but boosted 744%) Supplies run
at 179% Culture Bonus.

In both worlds my workshops are not upgraded much beyond the end of the previous

You will need to adjust the list based on your boosts and Chapter.

All the decinable quests are listed above and they repeat in an endless loop. Don't be afraid to loop
around them and compare my lists with your quests. It takes about 40 fast clicks of the mouse or 3

Do not alter your regular play to chase the quests. There is no prize at the end. For example if you do
5 or 15m runs of Supplies the 3hr runs loose you alot of supplies. but

I have shown 8 or 9 steps for each chapter which can be done every 3 hours or so, in some cases you
can add addtional quests as you upgrade buildings, (shedule these like in a contest and make sure
your on the right quest when they complete), play in a tounamnent ( gain 4 relics, spend 12 KPS, etc)
or do provinces & encounters on the map.

This takes about 3 hours w/ a 3 hour run on 12 boosted mfgs. By just doing 1-8 in Chapter 5 we get
330,000 coin + 22,000 supplies This result equals 35 extra lvl 15 residences producing 3125/h + 21
extra lvl 13 workshops producing 1037/h doing 1h runs.

It appears the quest rewards are greater for earlier players in comparison with their regular
production of good, coin and supplies, since the rewards dont grow much as you progess through

I only scheduled 8 quests out of 20, The rest are based on your style of play and circumstances.

DO NOT become obsessive, play this quests when it works for you, forget about it other times. This
takes work, preplanning and concentration and can't be done 24/7 like the Game itself.

Good Luck All

Tips & Tricks:


You need the wholesaler to buy goods with all your loot, you will top the Main Mall repeatedly.
Topping out your main hall halts progess and is annoying so you should be ready to deplete it by
25% many times if your going to do this.

You can complete one each of chapter 5's, 21 quests in 3+ hours if you pre-plan and use these
tricks. You will gain in addition to your nomal play 1,250,000 coin and 75,500 supplies. This is not
repeatable since it would require a ton of spare mfgs and doing repeated research, but then
again many quests can be completed multiple times every 3 hours. With continuous play 12 hours
you could do daily min. 5,000,000 extra coin and 300,000 extra supplies.

Dont worry about coming up short on a quest and never sit there for long, decline it even if you
have 3950 of 4000 goods, or 5 of 6 bread, etc.. Decline, cry and move on. Time is money LOL.

There are 4-5 quests that deal with Supplies

The First quest is just gain supplies. There are 3 ways to gain supplies: The workshops, Helping
others that have helped you (gold hands in Notifications), and only one AW. This quest is easier if
you have an upgraded Main Hall and the Fairies Prosperity Tower AW.

You need 8 Workshops to complete the 3 or 4 others, so dont steal from one of the 8 needed to
finish #1. Use 2 at 3 hr for the quest with Coin + 2 Adv tools, get coin if needed from visiting dead

Dont worry about coming up short on a supplies quest, decline it even if you have 13,999 of
14,000 or 7of8 Adv. tools. Never sit there for long, Decline it and move on. Time is money LOL

There are 3 quests that deal with Boosted Goods

If you have room 9sq+4sq+6sq on roads, Add 1 each lvl 1 boosted mfgs to run 24h each day = an
additional 450,000 coin/day. If you have room you can pause completion by moving off a road.

Don't worry about coming up short on a Goods quest and never sit there for long, decline it even
if you have 3200 of 4000, and there are no trades available or fellows to help you. Decline it and
move on. Time is money LOL.

If you are short boosted goods and are in the trader and can aquire the number required for a
quest, advance to the right one before trading, get coin and supplies plus the trade.

There are 5 Upgrades and 3, 24hour runs of boosted Goods in both Chapters.

Time upgrades and 24 runs so the finish when your afk, preset the quest to the right one and
when you get back, just click on it.

If you have room you can pause completion by moving off a road.

You can do multiple upgrades and 24h runs as long as you space them 5 min + apart so you can
click 60 times around the quest loop, about 3 min. and get to the next before it finishes

There are 3 or 4 quests that deal with KPs, Relics, Research or Map Encounters.

Great for tournaments, especialy the 4 Relics, and spend 12 KPs, make sure you preset these
quest before doing tounaments.

Great for when your doing encounters on the Map. Again always preset before.
Always preset the quest before finishing any research

I do not guarantee the above for accuracy or completeness. Consider this a draft. I make mistakes, if
you find one tell me. Use at your own risk


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