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Saraca indica
Family : Leguminoseae.
Latin name : Saraca = after Dr. Sarasin - French physttan, indica = of
English name : Ashoka tree.

Sanskrit names : Ashok, Hemapushpa, Vanjul,

Kankeli,Plndapushpa, Gandhapushpa, Nat, Ashogham.


Botanical Description : The tree is 8 to 10 mtrs.high and leaves resemble

mango leaves. Tender leaves are red and soft. Flowers - grow in dusters,
initially yellowish brown but then turn to red and are scented. Legumes 7 to 25 cms. long, 4 to 5 cm. broad, flat and containing 4 to 8 oblong,
flat seeds. Flowering occurs in spring and fruiting in autumn.
Habitat : Bengal , south India, Burma.

Chemical Composition : Bark contains metoxylene and a small amount

of iron.


Guna : laghu. ruksha

Rasa : kashaya. tikta;
Vipaka: katu:
Virya : sheeta;
Dosha kaphapittaghna.

External uses : Local application is done in pain and poisoning.

Internal uses : Its astringent property is useful in diarrhoea, dysentery,
intestinal worms, thirst etc.
Circulatory system : (Flowers and trunk) Menorrhagia, dysmenorrhoea,
bleeding diathesis. oedema and burning due to inflammation. Also useful

in dysuria and urinary calculi. It is specially useful in uterine inertia,

pain, menorrhagia and leucorrhoea.
Dose : Milk boiled with its bark is given. Bark decoction - 10 to 20
gms.; seed powder - 2 to 3 gms.:
flower powder - 2 to 3 gms.

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