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Botanical Name Tinospora cordifolia
Synonyms Avyath, Amrt, Amrtavalli, Kundali, Guducik, Gundra, Cakragi,
Cakralaksana, Cadrahsa, Jivantik, Jvara ngini, Jvarri, Tatrik, Deva nirmit,
Dhr,Nga kanyaka, Naga kumrik, Bhisakpriy, Mandali, Madhupariii,
Rasyani, Vatsdani, Vayasth, Var, Visaly, syma, Surakrta, Som, Soma valli
Names in different language
Marathi : Ambarvel, Gulavela
Oriya : Gulochi, Gulancha
Hindi : Gibe, Gurach
Kannada : Arnryta balli, Ugani
Malayalam: Amrytu, Sittamrytu
Telugu : Tippa teega
Bengali : Giloe, Gulancha
Punjabi : Batindu, Gibogularich
Gujarati : Gado, Gulo
Sikkim : Gurjo
Tamil : Amrida Valli, Pattigai Silam,
It is one of the non-controversial drug used in Ayurvedic medicine. It used for
Grhi, Vta hara, Dipaniya, Kapha-Raktahara and Vibandhahara , Medhya
Classification according to Caraka, Susruta & Vagbhata

Caraka : vayahathapana, daha prasamana, trshna nigraha, stanya sodhana

Susruta : guducyadi, patoladi, valli pancamula, kakolyadi, aragvadhadi
Vagbhata : guducyadi, patoladi, aragvadhadi
Varieties & adulterants - (CV controversy, AD adulterants)
1. Gudci
2. Kandodbhav Gudci. - Tinospora sinensis / T. malabarica - [AD]
3. Padm Guduci
4. T. Crispa - [CV]
(I) T. cordifolia Miers (Menispermum cordifolium Wilid.)
It is a large climber with succulent, corky and grooved stems; branches possess
slender pendulous fleshy roots.
Leaves- membranous, glabrous, 5-10 cm long, cordate; peti.2.5-7 cm long.
Flowers- in racemes of about 5 cm; axillary, terminal or from the old wood, pale
yellowish white in colour.
Fruits- carpels, dorsally convex, ventrally flat, size of a large pea.
(ii) T. cinensis: (T. malabarica (Lam.) Miers).
It is a large climber with 2 cm diameter stem, old branches are smooth and shining,
more or less warty light coloured papery bark, yong parts covered with whitish
Leaves- membranous, sparingly pubescent above, broadly ovate-cordate,8-24 cm
long, petioles 6-14 cm. long, striate.
Flowers- arranged in pseudo racemes arising from the old branches, simple,
pedunculate, yellowish green coloured.
Fruits- drupes 1-3, scarlet or orange coloured.

Distribution & Habitat

Both species are distributed almost throughout India.
Cultivation Propagated by cuttings of stem. It can be grown in almost any types
of soil and under varying climatic conditions.
Distinguishing microscopic characters of T. cordifolia & T. sinensis



3.Mucilage cells
4. Vascular strands
5. Xylem

T. cordifolia

T. sinensis

Become disintegrated into Broken into areas capping

scattered irregular patches the vascular bundle and
in the cortical region.
remain persistent even
after further screening
A large crystal of calcium
oxalate is present within
the lumen of each cork
well developed, in each
strip of vascular strand

Poorly developed

6. Pith

very narrow and

composed of thin walled


7. Starch content

Comparatively poor.

T. Cordifolia
diterpenoid , tinosporin ,Tinosporide ,cordifolide ,Tinosporidine ,beta sitosterol
isolated stems; cordifol, heptacosaflol , octacosanol , furanoid diterpene,
tinosporide , 1, 8-norclerodene glucosie tinosporaside, glycosider, cordifolisides
A-E and two phenyl propane glycosides ,Isocolumbin, tetrahydropalmatine,
magnoflarine and palmatine
T. malabarica
sitosterol, tetracosanoic acid , tinosporin ,Tinosporinone ,
allyloxyl,dibenoylethane , Kokusaginine ,glucoside,
Rasa - Tikta, Kasya (leaf is considered as Madhura by Kaiyadeva)
Guna - Guru, Snigdha
Virya - Usna
Vipka Madhura
Karma - Tridosa amaka, Medhya, Rasyan, Dipaniya, Grhi, Medohara,
Kadghna, Jvara hara, Dha-prasamana

Properties of other variety of Gudci

Rasa Katu;
Virya Usna and Vipka Katu.
It is specially useful in visa rogas, vatikaa & Paitika.
Internal Use:
Digestive system Useful in thirst, vomiting, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, liver
disorders. jaundice, acid-peptic disorder, dysentery and worms. It increases
Circulatory system : Raktavahasrotogami. Guduchi satva is effective in cardiac
debility, blood -- disorders. rheumatoid arthritis, splenomegaly. gout and anaemia.
Respiratory system : Useful in cough
Reproductive system : Aphrodisiac being shukragami. snigdha and madhur vipak.
Urinary system : Effective in prameha, mainly in diabetes and disorders of urinary
Skin : It is used in skin disorders like dermatomes and erysipelas etc. It is also
useful in syphilitic ulcer.
Temperature : Juice of Guduci is used in chronic lever and typhoid fever. It reduces
burning. normalizes temperature, improves appetite and increases the strength.
Satmikaran : Useful in weakness and good rasayana for all seven dhatus.
Important Yogas or Formations
Guduchyadi churna, Guduchyadi kwath. Guduci loha, Ameutarishta, Guduchi Taila
Dosha : Tridosha.
Dhatu: Rakta, meda. dravdhatu. shukra ( rasayani.)
Mata : Mutra

Part used
Stem, leaf, areal roots.
Dose Stem powder 3-6g; decoction (1/20) - 50-lOOmI; Infusion (1/10) - 30-60
ml; fresh juice 10-20m1; Gudci Sattva 1-2g;
DE 250-500mg (stem); TR (1/8) 2-8 ml
Indications Jvara, Trsn, Vtarakta, Pndu, Kmal, Dha, Prameha, Kushta,
Chardi, Krmi, Kand, Raktras, Medoroga, Visarpa, Ksa, Jar Vydhi.
Gudci Sattva
The process of Sattva (cold water extract) is not traceable in the Brhat Trayl texts.
It is mainly developed during the medieval period. The process involves, cursing of
Gudci stems and extracting in the cold water at room temperature (i.e.; without
heating). After repeated extractions the cold- infusion is dried and the obtained
solid powder is called as Guduci Sattva. It has been in extensive use in India as a
valuable tonic, alterative and anti-pyretic.
Important research work going on
1. anti-rheumatic and diuretic
2. anti-inflammatory property
3 inhibition of constrictor response of histamine and acetyl choline on smooth
4. Hepatoprotective activity
5. The antioxidant activity
6. serum and tissue cholesterol, phospholipids and free-fatty acids levels.
Therapeutic Uses
1. Medhya.-. The fresh juice of Guduci (20m1 twice daily) may be used
2. Jvara.

(a) Guduci Svarasa (juice) + Satvari svarass equal parts (l0 ml each) are mixed
together and given along with jaggary in vta jvara (S.S.Ut. 39/174)2.
(b) Decoction prepared with Guduci, Parpata & Amalaki (500- l00 ml) may be
administered in case of Pitta Jvara (Ha. Sam.3/ 2/71).
3. Prameha Guduci Svarasa with honey (A.H.Ci.1216)4.
4. Slipada Guduci Svarasa along with ginger oil (Taila) is given orally (C.D.42/1
5. Amlapitta-.- Leaves of Gudci, Nimba and Patola are made into juice and
administered along with honey (B. P.Ci.10/16).
6. Chardi Gudci Hima Kasya may be given orally along with honey
(Bha.Pra,Ci. 17/21).
7. Vtarakta Chronic administration of Guduci in either juice or paste or powder
or decoction form will definitely cure Vtarakta (B.P.Ci. 29/41 & V. M. 23/10).

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