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Progress Report
Heather Coates
National University


The purpose of this paper is to provide a progress report of the process on the creation of
my Professional Development Quest Portfolio. This paper will include a discussion of goal
achievements, frustrations, questions, concerns, and the next steps for myself and the learning
community in developing a PDQP.


I have dreamed of becoming a teacher since I could talk my older brother into playing my
student. Equipped with my own whiteboard I would force my brother to join in on playing
school. Once I turned sixteen I knew I wouldnt be happy unless I was working with children.
Entering my final year of high school, I was told teachers dont make enough money by a very
important person in my life. I thought this was him telling me he wanted a different path for me.
After two years of attempting to take nursing courses, I had anxiety in sitting my father down
and telling him I wanted to follow my dream of being a teacher; his response Ive known that
what you were always meant to do. Almost six years later and I couldnt imagine a different life
for myself.
Goal Achievements
After completing my student teaching it was difficult to realize I wouldnt be in the
classroom building bonds and relationships with the students as I decided to focus on finishing
my masters degree. However, I realize this is just one more step I needed to complete before
finally reaching my lifelong dream of becoming a teacher. I will be the first person in my entire
family to receive my masters degree and that is something that I have always dreamed of.
Accomplishing this goal is a personal achievement as I pushed myself to complete something no
one in my family has been able to do; proving to myself I am capable of completing what I set
my mind to.
My personal achievements as far as this course and my PDQP would have to be my
incorporation of technology. My focus in completing my masters has been Educational
Technology because technology is so important in education today, and Im not the most
experienced when it comes to technology. I feel as though my e-portfolio does not show my
weaknesses when it comes to technology and this is something I feel very proud of.


This process has brought minimal frustrations to light. I can tend to overthink directions
and struggle when directions are not clearly given, or more open ended. I feel as though the
instructions for each assignment have been open ended and left for the imagination. The
directions are not straight to the point in any assignment for this course. Considering this is mine,
and most likely many others first PDQP direction seemed to be lacking greatly.
I would have also been grateful for the opportunity to create an e-portfolio that I could
share with professionals I interview with. I do feel as though the PDQP pulls all of the credential
program together but I dont feel as though it is assisting with furthering my career. I had great
hopes in forming an e-portfolio that showed my strengths as an educator and I dont feel as
though literature reviews do that. I do see how artifacts could provide potential employers with
an idea of who I am as a teacher however it doesnt seem to be something I would share with
them. I feel as though if I want an e-portfolio to share with potential employers I will have to
restructure my PDQP greatly which seems rather strange as this is to be a capstone to push us
into a successful career.
Continuing on with the idea of presenting my e-portfolio to potential employers, I
question what should be changed or added to my e-portfolio to show my strengths as an
educator. I also question why we are unable to have more flexibility in what is included in our
PDQP as it is supposed to be a reflection on our own education and progress. I am curious why
although there are different specializations this class is not designed with each specialization in
mind. I would like to know why each specialization doesnt have a different capstone class, as


this course feels more like it should be a capstone for the credential program not the masters
I feel as though I have been very successful in creating my PDQP. I dont have any
concerns regarding my e-portfolio as I feel as though I have produced a quality PDQP and have
displayed my growth and knowledge as a teacher. I would have liked more samples, or even a
sample of a finished PDQP so that I would have had less questions as to what I should be doing.
I also feel as though it would have been beneficial to have the collaborate session the first week
of the course so that we could have a live teacher telling us what is expected of us.
Next Steps
The next steps in creating my PDQP are to include the artifacts I have chosen to go with
each domain. I have finally recovered all of my documents from my credential program and my
student teaching so that I can include these for my artifacts. I am working each day to include
different artifacts in my e-portfolio. I am still constructing my literary reviews as some of the
books I have read for my masters and credential program dont pertain to any of the domains. I
have been researching different articles that I feel would benefit me greater as they often are
straight to the point and provide more significant research to the topics that are being written
As for my next steps for my career as a teacher, I will continue substitute teaching this
year so that I can get my foot in the door. Substitute teaching has given me a great deal of
experience that I would not have received otherwise. I will try to get long term substitute
positions so that I am able to build connections and relationships both with the students and staff
at different schools in the district. I feel that substitute teaching has better prepared me for when I


am able to have my own class since I have been able to substitute teach from the first day of
school. I have already formed relationships with some schools and would like to strengthen those
so that I have a better chance of being hired in the following school year.


Costantino P.M. & De Lorenzo M.N., (2009). Developing a Professional Teaching Portfolio: A
guide for Success. Upper Saddle River, NJ.

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