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BBB4M: Culture Presentation

You and a partner or two, are to select a country of interest to you. Each group must select a different
country. Create a Power Point (or use another presentation software) to teach the class about the culture
and business practices of this country. The Power Point must be well-organized, consistently formatted,
include images, properly sourced, and contain a maximum of 30 slides.
Your presentation must have the following elements:

(suggested number of slides)

1. Title Slide (1)

2. Geography location, a map, climate (3)
3. History brief overview of historical information that affected the countrys culture (3)
4. Major Religions brief description, holidays, beliefs (2)
5. Demographics population, ethnic make-up (2)
6. Politics type of system (1)
7. Negotiation Style time perception (monochronic or polychronic), personal distance (3)
8. Language teach 10 new words, silent language (gestures), forms of greeting (4)
9. Business Protocol gift-giving, punctuality, scheduling, dress, entertaining/typical food (5)
10. Hofstedes Cultural Dimensions provide the ratings and explain (2)
11. Other Information tourist attractions, etc. (2)
12. Works Cited (2)
You and your partner will present to the class within 12 minutes. Possible extras about your country:
wear an article of clothing, bring in a small simple food item, or play a musical selection.



Accurately identifies and describes significant aspects of culture
All topics adequately covered
Effective transfer of knowledge and skills to new context (Power Point): consistent
design and formatting, large font, points not paragraphs, sourcing of images and
info. (Works Cited follows MLA, APA, etc.)
Hand in hard copy of Power Point (6 slides per page).
Selected information, images, and organization of material, presents a thorough but
concise, creative and appropriate illustration of the countrys culture. Animation is
not distracting.
Class presentation is interesting: clear voice, speaks without reading, eye contact,
smooth transition between speakers.
Power Point contains no spelling errors, grammar mistakes, punctuation errors.

Due Dates: Mon - Wed, Oct. 21 - 23

Ministry Expectations
1.1 - demonstrate effective use of business communication techniques (e.g., in business reports, presentations);
3.1 - describe the challenges an international company may encounter with regard to ethics, values, language, and business
practices in the various countries in which it operates (e.g., accommodating protocol and customs of local culture during
international meetings, managing culturally diverse workforces);
5.2 - describe working conditions (e.g., with respect to gender roles, business customs and practices, means of
communication, structure of the work day) in various international markets;
- analyse differences across cultures in perceptions, interpretations, and attitudes (e.g., in relation to gender, hierarchical
structure, communication, actions, events) that might affect how individuals work in another country;

- compare management and negotiation strategies in other countries

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