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Monday June 14, 2010 - This Day in History

Notable Quotes, Events, Deaths & Births

Interesting Holidays
Japan: Rice Planting Festival.

1642 - Massachusetts passed the first compulsory education law in the colonies.

1775 - The United States Army was established by the Continental Congress.

1777 - The Continental Congress adopted the Stars and Stripes as the nation's flag.

1789 - English Captain William Bligh and 18 others, cast adrift from the HMS Bounty seven weeks before,
reached Timor, after traveling 4,000 miles in a small, open boat.

1834 - Isaac Fischer, Jr. of Vermont patented sandpaper.

One from the they don’t make em like they used to department…

originally made by gluing grains of sand to heavy paper sheets. Today sandpaper is made primarily with quartz,
aluminum oxide, or silicon carbide grains, 

The first recorded instance of sandpaper was in 13th century China when crushed shells, seeds, and sand were bonded to
parchment using natural gum. Also shark skin has been used in the past

Sandpaper was originally known as glass paper, as it used particles of glass. Glass frit has sharp-edged particles and cuts well,
sand grains are smoothed down and work less well. Cheap counterfeit sandpaper has long been passed off as true glass paper;
Stalker and Parker cautioned against it as far back as the 17th century.

Glass paper was manufactured by John Oakey's company in London by 1833, who had developed new adhesive techniques and
processes that could be mass-produced. A process for making sandpaper was patented in the United States on June 14 1834 by
Isaac Fischer, Jr., of Springfield, Vermont.

1841 - The first Canadian parliament opened.

1846 - U.S. settlers in Sonoma proclaimed the Republic of California.

1881 - The player piano was patented by John McTammany, Jr. of Cambridge, Massachusetts.

1940 - German troops entered Paris during World War II.

1951 - The U.S. Census Bureau dedicated the UNIVAC, the world's first commercially produced
electronic digital computer.

1954 - President Dwight Eisenhower signed an order adding the words "under God" to the Pledge of
1954 - Americans took part in the first nationwide civil defense test against atomic attack.

1982 - Argentine forces surrendered to British troops on the Falkland Islands, ending the Falkland
Islands War.

 The Falklands War started on Friday, 2 April 1982 with the Argentine invasion and occupation of the Falkland
Islands and South Georgia, and ended with the Argentine surrender on 14 June 1982. The war lasted 74 days, and
resulted in the deaths of 257 British and 649 Argentine soldiers, sailors, and airmen, and three civilian Falklanders.
It is the most recent conflict to be fought by the UK without any allied states and the only external Argentine
war since the 1880s.
 A British naval base was established in the Falkland Islands in 1833.

 In 1833 Charles Darwin, the author of Origin of Species, visited the Falkland Islands as a member of the HMS Beagle
 During the early part of the First World War the British defeated German warships at the Battle of the Falkland Islands.

 Argentina still claims the islands

2002 - A car bomb exploded near the US Consulate in Karachi, Pakistan killing 12 people and wounding
more than 50 others, all Pakistanis.

Notable Births
 1811 - Harriet Beecher Stowe, American novelist.
 1820 - John Bartlett, American quotations compiler, editor.
 1864 - Alois Alzheimer, German psychiatrist, pathologist.
 1906 - Margaret Bourke-White, American photojournalist.
 1909 - Burl Ives (Icle Ivanhoe), American singer, actor.
 1928 - Che Guevara, Argentinean communist revolutionary.
 1946 - Donald Trump, American entrepreneur, real estate developer.
 1961 - Boy George (born George Alan O'Dowd), British pop singer-songwriter.
 1969 - Steffi Graf, German tennis player.

Notable Deaths
 1801 - Benedict Arnold, American general in the Continental Army during the American
Revolutionary War.
 1946 - John Logie Baird, Scottish inventor who developed television.
 1994 - Henry Mancini, American composer. born Enrico Nicola Mancini
Although he was drafted into the Army during World War Two, Mancini was able get switched from the infantry to the band. The
compositions for which he is best known include 'Moon River' (the theme song from the 1961 film Breakfast at Tiffany's), and the theme
music for the 1963 films The Pink Panther and Charade. He is often accredited with composing the music for the Peanuts movies, the well-
known theme Linus and Lucy in particular. 
Tuesday June 15, 2010 - This Day in History
Notable Quotes, Events, Deaths & Births
Notable Events
1215 - King John put his seal to Magna Carta at Runnymede, England, a peace treaty between John and
his barons, guaranteeing that the king would respect feudal rights and privileges, uphold the freedom of
the church, and maintain the nation's laws.

1752 - Benjamin Franklin flew the kite with a key tied to its string and proved that lightning contained

1775 - The Second Continental Congress voted unanimously to appoint George Washington as head of
the Continental Army.

1836 - Arkansas became the 25th state.

1844 - Charles Goodyear received a patent for his process to strengthen rubber; it was disputed in court
and the decisive victory not reached until 1852.

1846 - Representatives of Great Britain and the United States signed the Oregon Treaty, which
established the US-Canadian border.

1864 - Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton signed an order establishing a national military burial ground,
which became Arlington National Cemetery.

1956 - Fifteen-year-old John Lennon (b. 9 October 1940) of the music group, The Quarrymen, met 13-
year-old Paul McCartney(b. 18 June 1942) and invited him to join the group.

1969 - "Hee Haw" premiered on TV.

1994 - Israel and Vatican City establish full diplomatic relations.

2003 - Accounting firm Arthur Andersen was convicted of obstruction of justice in the wake of the
2001 Enron scandal.

Notable Births
 1902 - Erik Erikson, German-born American psychoanalyst.
 1914 - Saul Steinberg, Romanian-born American cartoonist and illustrator.
 1937 - Waylon Jennings, American country music singer.
 1954 - James Belushi, American actor.
 1958 - Wade Boggs, American baseball hall-of-famer.
 1964 - Courteney Cox Arquette, American actress and former fashion model.
 1467 - Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy.
o  Philip III, Duke of Burgundy  He was a member of a cadet line of the Valois dynasty (the then Royal
family of France). During his reign Burgundy reached the height of its prosperity and prestige and
became a leading center of the arts. Philip is known in history for his administrative reforms, patronage of
Flemish artists such as Jan van Eyck, and the capture of Joan of Arc.
o Born in Dijon, he was the son of John the Fearless
o Philip also had some eighteen illegitimate children, including Antoine, bastard of Burgundy, by twenty-
four documented mistresses 
o In 1430 Philip's troops captured Joan of Arc at Compiègne and later handed her over to the English who
orchestrated a heresy trial against her,
 1995 - John Vincent Atanasoff, American computer pioneer.
 1996 - Ella Fitzgerald, American jazz vocalist.

Wednesday June 16, 2010 - This Day in History

Notable Quotes, Events, Deaths & Births
Notable Events
1567 - Mary, Queen of Scots, was imprisoned in Lochleven Castle in Scotland.

1897 - The government signed a treaty of annexation with Hawaii.

1902 - "The Wizard of Oz" (play) opened at the Grand Opera House in Chicago.

1903 - Ford Motor Company was incorporated.

1933 - President Franklin D. Roosevelt opened his New Deal recovery program by signing bank, rail,
and industry bills and initiating farm aid.

Theodore Roosevelt

October 13, 1912: Three and a half years after he left office, Roosevelt was running for President as a member of

the Progressive party established in 1912 by Roosevelt and other political free thinkers, after he split from the

Republican Party which he had served as a member of during his Presidency. In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, John F.

Schrank, a saloon-keeper from New York, shot Roosevelt once with a .38 caliber revolver. A 50-page speech

folded over twice in Roosevelt's breast pocket and a metal glasses case slowed the bullet. Amidst the commotion,

Roosevelt yelled out, "Quiet! I've been shot." Roosevelt insisted on giving his speech with the bullet still lodged

inside him. During his speech Roosevelt stated, "It takes more than one bullet to bring down a Bull Moose" thus

further perpetuating Roosevelt's image as a larger than life President and the nickname of the Progressive Party,
the Bull Moose Party established in June 1912 after Roosevelt responded to reporters questioning his health

stating, "I am as strong as a Bull Moose". He later went to the hospital, but the bullet was never removed.

Roosevelt, remembering that William McKinley died after operations to remove his bullet, chose to have his

remain. The bullet remained in his body until his death. Schrank said that McKinley's ghost had told him to avenge

his assassination. Schrank was found legally insane and was institutionalized until his death in 1943

1961 - Soviet ballet dancer Rudolf Nureyev defected to the West while his troupe was in Paris.

1963 - Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman in space, aboard Vostok 6.

1977 - Leonid Ilich Brezhnev, first secretary of the Soviet Communist Party since 1964, was elected
president of the Supreme Soviet.

2001 - The Leaning Tower of Pisa opened for the first time since 1990 as work to keep it from falling over
was completed; it now leans only 4.1 m (13.5 ft) off perpendicular, 44 cm (17 in) less than its previous

Notable Births
 1829 - Geronimo, Apache leader and warrior.
o 2009, Descendents of the Apache chief Geronimo (pictured) have sued Yale University and the school’s
famous secret organization, Skull and Bones, asking for the release of Geronimo’s remains.
o The descendents say they are investigating claims that in 1918, members of Skull and Bones, including
Prescott Bush, the father of George H.W Bush and grandfather of George W. Bush, invaded Geronimo’s
grave at Ft. Sill, Oklahoma, and stole his skull, some bones and other items buried with him. Three
members of the Skull and Bones, including Prescott Bush, served as Army volunteers at Fort Sill during
World War I. The suit asks that Geronimo’s remains be returned to his native land in Oklahoma and given
a proper burial.
 1890 - Stan Laurel (Arthur Stanley Jefferson), English actor and comedian.
 1917 - Katharine Graham, American, publisher of the Washington Post.
 1920 - José López Portillo, President of Mexico from 1976 to 1982.
 1937 - Erich Segal, American author.
 1938 - Joyce Carol Oates, American writer.
 1951 - Roberto Durán, Panamanian boxer.

Notable Deaths
 1930 - Elmer Ambrose Sperry, American inventor and industrialist.
 1958 - Imre Nagy, Hungarian premier who attempted to establish Hungary's independence from
the Soviet Union, executed.
 1977 - Wernher von Braun, German scientist, who led Nazi Germany's rocket development
program before and during World War II.
 2000 - Empress Kōjun, empress consort of Japan.
Thursday June 17, 2010 - This Day in History
Notable Quotes, Events, Deaths & Births
Notable Events
1394 - Jews were expelled from France by order of King Charles VI.

1787 - The Constitution of the United States of America was completed and signed by 38 of 41 delegates
attending the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. Narrowly approved in some states, the
Constitution of the United States of Americabecame law by June 1789.

1796 - President George Washington delivered his "Farewell Address" to Congress before concluding his
second term in office.

1862 - This was the bloodiest single day of fighting in the American Civil War; more than 26,000 men
were killed, wounded, or missing in action at the Battle of Antietam in western Maryland.

1908 - The first aircraft fatality, during a demonstration at Fort Myer in Arlington, Virginia, occurred. A
propeller came loose on a plane piloted by Orville Wright and Lieutenant Thomas Selfridge of the U.S.
Signal Corps, a passenger on the plane, died of a skull fracture.

1920 - The American Professional Football Association, the precursor of the National Football League,
was formed in Canton, Ohio.

1930 - Construction began on Hoover Dam (then Boulder Dam near Las Vegas.

1939 - The Soviet Union invaded Poland, just weeks after Nazi Germany launched its assault there.

1942 - British Prime Minister Winston Churchill met with Soviet Premier Josef Stalin in Moscow as the
German army attacks Stalingrad.

1944 - British and American air forces attempted an invasion of German-occupied Netherlands but many
of the British airmen surrendered.

1947 - James Forrestal was sworn in as first the U.S. Secretary of Defense.

1948 - United Nations mediator for Palestine, Count Folke Bernadotte, was assassinated in Jerusalem by
Jewish extremists.

1963 - "The Fugitive" debuted on TV.

1964 - TV show "Bewitched" premiered.

1967 - "Mission Impossible" premiered on television.

1972 - "M*A*S*H" premiered on TV.

1976 - NASA unveiled the first space shuttle, the Enterprise, in Palmdale, California.

1978 - At Camp David, Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat
signed the first peace treaty between Israel and one of its Arab neighbors.

1983 - Vanessa Williams of New York became the first black Miss America.

1994 - Heather Whitestone of Alabama was crowned "Miss America," the first deaf contestant to win
the title.

Notable Births
 879 - Charles III (Charles The Simple), King of France (893-923).
 1271 - Wenceslas II, King of Poland and Bohemia (1278-1305).
 1883 - William Carlos Williams, American physician, poet, playwright, essayist, writer, and
Pulitzer Prize winner.
 1900 - J. (John) Marriott, American hotel entrepreneur.
 1902 - Esther Ralston, American actress.
 1907 - U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren E. Burger.
 1923 - Hank Williams, Sr., American singer and songwriter.
 1934 - Maureen "Little Mo" Connolly, American tennis player, first woman to win the Grand
Slam in professional tennis.
 1935 - Ken Kesey, American author.
 1939 - Supreme Court Justice David H. Souter.

Notable Deaths
 1985 - Laura Ashley, Welsh fashion designer, manufacturer, and retail entrepreneur.
 1997 - Red Skelton, American radio and television comedian and host of variety show.
o All men make mistakes, but married men find out about them sooner.
o Any kid will run any errand for you, if you ask at bedtime. 
o Congress: Bingo with billions. 
o I'm nuts and I know it. But so long as I make 'em laugh, they ain't going to
lock me up.

Friday June 18, 2010 - This Day in History

Notable Quotes, Events, Deaths & Births
Notable Events
1778 - In the Revolutionary War, American forces entered Philadelphia as the British withdrew.

1812 - The War of 1812 began as the United States declared war against Britain.

1815 - At Waterloo in Belgium, Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated by the Duke of Wellington, bringing
an end to the Napoleonic era of European history.

1873 - Susan B. Anthony was fined $100 for attempting to vote for president.

1948 - The United Nations Commission on Human Rights adopted its Universal Declaration of Human

1948 - Columbia Records publicly unveiled its new long-playing phonograph record in New York City,
which turned at 33 1/3 revolutions per minute.

1979 - President Jimmy Carter and Soviet President Leonid I. Brezhnev signed the SALT II strategic arms
limitation treaty.

1983 - Astronaut Sally K. Ride became America's first woman in space as she and four colleagues blasted
off aboard the space shuttle Challenger.

2006 - The first Kazakh communication satellite was launched in a geosynchronous orbit.

Notable Births
 1877 - James Montgomery Flagg, American artist, creator of Uncle Sam illustration.
 1886 - George Mallory, British explorer, mountain climber.
 1901 - Anastasia, Russian daughter of Czar Nicholas II.
 1913 - Sammy Cahn (Samuel Cohen), American composer, lyricist.
 1942 - (James) Paul McCartney, British award-winning musician, songwriter, singer, member of
the Beatles.
 1966 - Kurt Browning, Canadian figure skater.

Notable Deaths
 1992 - Peter Allen, Australian songwriter and singer.

Saturday June 19, 2010 - This Day in History

Notable Quotes, Events, Deaths & Births
Notable Events
1862 - President Abraham Lincoln outlined his Emancipation Proclamation.

1867 - Emperor Maximilian was executed in Mexico.

1885 - The Statue of Liberty arrived in New York City aboard the French ship Isere.

1910 - Father's Day was celebrated for the first time, in Spokane, Washington.

1917 - The British royal family adopted the name of Windsor to replace Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. King Georg
V made the name change to disassociate the royal family from its German origins.

1934 - The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) was created.

1947 - Representatives of 22 European nations met at the invitation of the British and French foreign
ministers to participate in the design of the Marshall Plan for rebuilding war-torn Europe.

1952 - Television's popular "I've Got a Secret" premiered.

1953 - Julius Rosenberg and Ethel Rosenberg, convicted of conspiring to pass U.S. atomic secrets to the
Soviet Union, were executed at Sing Sing Prison in New York.

1978 - The comic strip "Garfield," by Jim Davis, first appeared.

1984 - Michael Jordan signed with the Chicago Bulls.

1987 - The Supreme Court struck down a Louisiana law requiring any public school teaching the theory
of evolution to teach creationism science as well.

1996 - A vast freshwater lake 2.5 mi under the ice of Antarctica was discovered. The lake covers 5,000 sq
mi and is kept from freezing by the friction of the ice and by heat radiating from the earth's core.

Notable Births
 1623 - Blaise Pascal, French physicist, mathematician, author, religious philosopher.
 1902 - Guy (Gaetano) Lombardo, Canadian-born American dance-band leader.
 1903 - (Henry Louis) Lou Gehrig, American professional baseball great.
 1947 - Salman Rushdie, Anglo-Indian novelist.
 1954 - Kathleen Turner, American actress.
 1962 - Paula Abdul, American singer.

Notable Deaths
 1937 - Sir James Barrie, Scottish dramatist and novelist who wrote "Peter Pan".
 1966 - Ed Wynn (born Isaiah Edwin Leopold), American comedian and actor.
o I've found a formula for avoiding these exaggerated fears of age; you take
care of every day - let the calendar take care of the years. 

 1997 - Bobby Helms, American singer.

Sunday June 20, 2010 - This Day in History

Notable Quotes, Events, Deaths & Births
Notable Events
840 - Vikings sailed up the Seine in France as far as Rouen, for the first time.

1756 - In India, over 140 British subjects were imprisoned in a cell called "the Black Hole of Calcutta"
only 23 survived.

1782 - Congress approved the Great Seal of the United States.

1793 - Eli Whitney applied for a cotton gin patent.

1837 - Victoria ascended the British throne following the death of her uncle, King William IV.

1863 - West Virginia became the 35th state.

1893 - A jury in New Bedford, Massachusetts, found Lizzie Borden innocent of the ax murders of her
father and stepmother.

1898 - During the Spanish-American War, the USS Charleston captured the Spanish-ruled island of

1900 - Chinese nationalists launch the so-called Boxer Rebellion in Peking.

1948 - The variety series "Toast of the Town," hosted by Ed Sullivan, debuted on TV; it became "The Ed
Sullivan Show" in 1955.

1955 - The AFL and CIO agreed to combine names for a merged group.

1963 - The United States and the Soviet Union agreed to establish a hot line between Washington and

1967 - Boxer Muhammad Ali was convicted of violating Selective Service laws by refusing to be drafted.
The conviction was later overturned by the Supreme Court.

1977 - Crude oil from the nation's largest oil field began flowing through the trans-Alaska pipeline to the
port of Valdez, Alaska.

1993 - The Chicago Bulls became the first NBA team in 27 seasons to win three successive

1997 - The tobacco industry agreed to a massive settlement in exchange for major relief from mounting
lawsuits and legal bills.

2001 - Pervez Musharraf was declared the President of Pakistan after winning the electoral college
2003 - The formation of Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. was announced.

Notable Births
 1899 - Jean Moulin, French World War II Resistance hero.
 1905 - Lillian Hellman, American playwright and screenwriter.
 1909 - Errol Flynn, Australian-born American film actor.
o I like my whisky old and my women young. 
Errol Flynn 
 1924 - Audie Murphy, American actor.

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