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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam November 03, 2016

Often we describe that our life is a struggle. Are we really fighting the right battle? What
should we be working on? Bhagawan explains to us today in crystal clear terms.

You must strive to diagnose your own character and

discover the faults that are infesting it; do not try to
analyse the character of others and seek to spot
their defects. Life is a campaign against foes; it is a
battle with obstacles, temptations, hardships and
hesitations. These forces are within every individual
and so the battle has to be incessant and perpetual.
Like the virus that thrives in the bloodstream, the
vices of lust, greed, hate, malice, pride and envy
sap the energy and faith, and lead one to untimely
fall. Ravana had great scholarship, wealth, power,
authority, even the Grace of God but the viruses
of lust and pride lodged in his mind brought about
his complete destruction. He could not dwell in
peace and joy, even for a moment, after these
viruses began their job. Remember, virtue is
strength and vice is weakness.
- Divine Discourse, Mar 16, 1966.

Take care of your character and your reputation will take care of itself. Baba

03 nvMbr,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: AsIN Awm kihMdy hW ik swfy jIvn ivc bhuq sMGrS hY[kI AsIN,AslI
lVweI lV rhy hW?swnUM,kI krnw cwhIdw hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,swP-swP
smJwauNdy hn[

au`qr: quhwnUM cwhIdw hY ik pihlW Awpxy cwl-clx bwry soco ik myry ivc ikhVy
nuks hn; dUijAW dy cwl-clx Aqy dUijAW dy nuks l`Bx dI koiSS nw
kro[jIvn,duSmnW bwry j`doijhd hY;rukwvtW,lwlc,AOiKAweIAW Aqy iJjkpn
bwry lVweI hY[ieh qwkqW hr mnu`K dy AMdr hn,ies leI,ieh lVweI lgwqwr
Aqy sQweI hoxI cwhIdI hY[ijs qrHW vwiers,KUn ivc v`Ddw-Puldw hY ausy
qrHW,lwlc,cwhq,nPrq,vYr,GmMf Aqy eIrKw mnu`K dI SkqI Aqy ivSvwS nUM
kmzor krdIAW hn Aqy AwiKr ivc aus dw pqn kr idMdIAW hn[rwvx,bhuq
ivdvwn,DnI,SkqISwlI, SwSk sI Aqy aus nUM Bgvwn dw AwSIrvwd vI pRwpq sI
pr aus dy AMdr dI vwsnw Aqy hMkwr ny aus dw pUrI qrHW ivnwS kr id`qw[jd
,aus dy AMdr dIAW vwiersW ny Awpxw kMm SurU kr id`qw,aus dy AMdr nw SWqI
rhI Aqy nw hI KuSI[Xwd r`Ko,mnu`K nUM sd-gux SkqI idMdy hn Aqy pwp,kmzorI
idMdy hn[(16 mwrc,1966 dy idvX pRvcn)[
Awpxw cwl-clx TIk r`Ko,quhwfw sqkwr Awpxy Awp hoxw SurU ho jwvy

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