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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam November 05, 2016

Why is it said that each ones journey is unique? Bhagawan lovingly explains and guides us today with a
practical lesson.

Every individuals struggle against their inner foes is different. Each

person gets the result according to their Sadhana (spiritual
practices), based on the deservedness of their acts in this and their
previous births. Life is not a mechanical formula, where 2 plus 2
always makes 4. To some, 2 plus 2 may be 3 or 5, depending on
their personal valuation of 2. In the spiritual path, each one must
move forward from where they already are at their own pace, in the
light of the lamp which each one is holding in the hand. Identify
defects that would undermine your spiritual career, and fix them to
advance in your journey unto Him. People buy clothes with deep
colour, so that they may not reveal dust or dirt; they do not prefer
white clothes, for they show plainly their soiled condition. But, do
not try to hide your dirt in darkness; be ashamed of soiled natures
and endeavour to cleanse them fast.
- Divine Discourse, 16 Mar 1966

Every living being in this world is knowingly or unknowingly on a spiritual pilgrimage.


05 nvMbr,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: ieh ikauoN ikhw jWdw hY hr iek XwqRw ,AwpxI iksm dI huMdI hY?
Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn Aqy swfw mwrg-drSn krdy hn[
au`qr: hr iek dw, Awpxy AMdrly duSmnW nwl sMGrS krn dw FMg, v`K v`K
huMdw hY[hr mnu`K nUM,AwpxI aus swDnw dw Pl imldw hy,ijhVI swDnw,ies jnm

Aqy ipCly jnm dy krmW au`qy inrBr krdI hY[jIvn,auh PwrmUlw nhIN hY ijhdy
ivc,do jmW do,cwr huMdy hn[keI lokW leI,do jmW do iq`n jW pMj ho skdy
hn[ieh,aus dI ,do leI AwpxI kImq r`KI hoeI hY[hr mnu`K nUM,Awpxy h`Q
ivc jgdI hoeI lYNp dI rOSnI nwl ,aus A`iDAwqimk rsqy qoN A`gy jwxw cwhIdw
hY ij`Qy auh pihlW KVw hY[quhwnUM,Awpxy auh nuksW nUM pihcwxxw cwhIdw hY ijhVy
quhwfI A`iDAwqimk rsqy dI rukwvt hn[rukwvtW nUM Kqm krn qoN bwd,Bgvwn
nUM imlx dw rsqw swP ho jwvy gw[lok,gUVy rMg dy kpVy KrIddy hn qW jo anHW
au`qy peI DUl jW im`tI dw pqw nw l`gy[auh,ic`ty kpiVAW nUM cMgw nhIN smJdy
ikauN jo aunHW au`qy,jldI mYl ivKweI dyx l`g pYNdI hY[pr quhwnUM,hnyry ivc,AwpxI
burweI nhIN CupwauxI cwhIdI Aqy koiSS kro ik auh burweIAW nUM jldI dUr
kro[(16 mwrc,1966 dy idvX pRvcn)[
ies sMswr ivc hr mnu`K,is`Dy jW A`is`Dy FMg nwl,A`iDAwqimk rsqy qy cilAw
hoieAw hY[(bwbw)[

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