November 072016

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam November 07, 2016

What is the barometer for selfless love and devotion? Bhagawan, lovingly reminds us
today so we may self-introspect.

If our love, belief and affection are confined to

our nearest kith and kin, that will be the lowest
kind of selfish love. On the other hand, if you
stretch a little beyond the narrow region of
your family and extend your faith and belief to
your countrymen, then it becomes
intermediate. If you treat the entire world as
one and regard all the people living in it as
one, and extend your faith and sympathy to all
of them, then it is the highest kind of selfless
love. Gradually we should move from the
limited circle of our family to the wider circle of
our country and then expand to the Universe.
When we talk of humanity, it should not be
confined to a small group of people. There is
only one caste, and that is the caste of
humanity, and when we talk of humanity, we
must extend our selfless love to all species in
the Universe too.
- Summer Roses on Blue Mountains, 1976, Ch 15.

Winning love through love is the vital aspect of devotion. Baba

07 nvMbr,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: insvwrQ ipAwr Aqy insvwrQ BgqI dw kI pYmwnw hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM
Xwd duAwauNdy hn qW jo AsIN Awpxw Awqm-nrIKx krIey[

au`qr: jy swfw ipAwr,ivSvwS Aqy lwf-dulwr,Awpxy irSqydwrW qweIN hI sIimq

hY qW ieh swirAW qoN GitAw svwrQ vwlw ipAwr hovy gw[ies dy ault,jy qusIN
ies ipAwr,ivSvwS nUM,irSqydwroN dy dwiery qoN QoVw hor vDw ky Awpxy dyS dy
lokW qweIN lY jWdy ho ho qW ieh ipAwr,svwrQI Aqy insvwrQI ipAwr dy ivckwr
vwlw ipAwr kuhwvy gw[jy qusIN,sMswr ivc rih rhy hr pRwxI nUM iek smJ ky
swirAW nwl ipAwr krdy ho qW ieh ipAwr,s`cw insvwrQ ipAwr kuhwvy
gw[irSqydwrW nwl ipAwr krn dy nwl-nwl Awpxy dyS Aqy swry bRhmMf nwl
ipAwr krn dw AiBAws kro[jd AsIN mnu`Kqw dI gl krdy hW qW ieh,lokW dy
Coty smUh qweIN sIimq nhIN rihxw cwhIdI[mnu`K dI iek zwq hY Aqy auh hY
mnu`Kqw dI zwq Aqy jd AsIN mnu`Kqw dI gl krdy hW qW swnUM Awpxy insvwrQ
ipAwr dw pRXog,swry jIvDwrI jIvW nwl krnw cwhIdw hY[(smr roizz Awn blU
mwaUntynz,1976,A`iDAwey 15)[
BgqI dw mu`K rUp,ipAwr rwhIN ipAwr dw ij`qxw hY[(bwbw)[

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