November 092016

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam

November 09, 2016

What is the smartest way to calm our mind? Bhagawan, Our loving God, guides us today
with a memorable example.

Of the 24 hours in a day, use six for earning and

spending, six for contemplation of God, six for sleep and
six for service to others. Most of you dont even have five
minutes to truly contemplate on the Lord, and you are not
ashamed. What a tragedy! Ponder over your present
condition (sthiti), the direction you are heading (gathi),
your capabilities (shakthi) and your inclinations and
tendencies (mathi). Then enter upon the path of spiritual
practice, step by step, so you approach the goal steadily
and swiftly, day by day. Indian culture advises the control
of the senses, not catering to them. The car is driven by
means of a wheel which is inside it, so that when the inner
steering wheel is turned, the outer wheels move. Trying to
move the outer-wheels alone is a sign of ignorance! Inner
concentration must be developed in preference to outer
distraction. Cultivate quietness, simplicity, and humility,
instead of noise, complexity and conceit.
- Divine Discourse, Mar 16, 1966

Virtuous conduct ensures mental peace and that in turn saves you from many
a physical and mental illness. Baba

09 nvMbr,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn

pRSn: swnUM,Awpxy mn nUM SWq krn dw v`DIAW FMg ikhVw hY?swfy ipAwry
Bgvwn,A`j swnUM iek XwdgwrI audwhrx dy ky smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr:idn dy 24 GMitAW iv`coN,Cy GMty kmwaux Aqy Krc krn iv`c bqIq kro[Cy
GMty,Bgvwn dI ArwDnw ivc bqIq kro,Cy GMty sOx Aqy Cy GMty lokW dI syvw ivc
Krc kro[quhwfy iv`coN kuJ lok ies qrHW dy vI hn ijnHW kol,Bgvwn dI s`cI
ArwDnw leI,pMj imMt dw smW vI nhIN hY Aqy aunHW lokW nUM ies bwry Srm vI
nhIN AwauNdI[ieh ik`nI duK dI gl hY[AwpxI hux dI hwlq au`qy ivcwr kro ik
qusIN iks idSw vl jw rhy ho,quhwfI kI SkqI hY,quhwfw kI ierwdw hY Aqy quhwfI
kI mqI hY[aus qoN bwd,Awpxw A`iDAwqimk rsqw ,hOly-hOly ieKiqAwr kro qW jo
qusIN,Awpxy lkS dI qrP,idn pRiq idn ,lgwqwr qyzI nwl kdm bVHw
sko[BwrqI s`iBXqw isKwauNdI hY ik AwpxIAW ieMdRIAW au`qy kwbU pwau nw ik ienHW
dI vwsnw nUM bVHwvw dau[iksy kwr nUM,AMdrly styirMg(c`ky) nwl clwieAw jWdw
hY[ jd AMdrly styirMg nUM GumwieAw jwNdw hY qW bwhrly pyhIey clx lg pYNdy
hn[bwhrly pyhIAW nUM, iek`ly hI Gumwaux dI koiSS krnw,AigAwnqw dI
inSwnI hY[bwhrly mnorMjn dy mukwbly ivc,AMqr-Awqmw au`qy iDAwn kyNidRq
krnw izAwdw zrUrI hY[Sor-Srwby, guMj`lpn Aqy hMkwr dI bjwey SWqI,swdgI
Aqy dieAwluqw dI Bwvnw pYdw kro[(16 mwrc,1966 dy idvX pRvcn)[
au`qm sdwcwr nwl mwnisk SWqI AwauNdI hY Aqy mwnisk SWqI,quhwnUM keI
SwrIirk Aqy mwnisk ibmwrIAW qoN bcwauNdI hY[(bwbw)[

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