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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam November 11, 2016

What should we do to turn mini jungles in the cities to loving homes where the Lord
dwells? Bhagawan lovingly guides us today.

Your home (griha) must resound to the name of

Govinda; otherwise, it is just a cave (guha),
where wild animals dwell. The soul needs a
house, and your body itself is its house. In that
house too, the Lords name must be heard, or
else it is a mud pot (ghata), not a human beings
body. Then your homes will be immersed in the
highest peace (shanti)! Obedience to the Lords
command is the secret to your liberation. Once
you decide that the orchard in your mind
belongs to Him, all fruits will be sweet! Your
seeking refuge for protection (saranagathi) will
render all fruits acceptable to the Lord, so they
cannot be bitter. And for water, what can be
purer and more precious than your tears
shed not in grief, but in rapture at the chance to
serve the Lord and to walk along the path that
leads to Him!
- Divine Discourse, Feb 8, 1963.

Your heart is the seat of love. That love must express itself, to begin with, in your homes.

11 nvMbr,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn

pRSn: swnUM,SihrW dy Coty jMglW nUM ipAwr Bry GrW ivc bdlx leI, kI krnw
cwhIdw hY,ijhVy ipAwr Bry GrW ivc Bgvwn,vws krdy hn[Bgvwn,A`j
swfw,ipAwr nwl mwrg-drSn krdy hn[
au`qr: quhwfw Gr,goibMd(Bgvwn) dy nW nwl gUMjnw cwhIdw hY nhIN qW ieh
Gr,iek guPw vWg hI hovy gw ij`Qy jMglI jwnvr rihMdy hn[Awqmw nUM rihx leI
iek Gr cwhIdw hY Aqy ieh Gr,quhfy SrIr dy AMdr hI hY[ies Gr dy AMdr
vI,Bgvwn dw nW suxweI dyxw cwhIdw hY nhIN qW ieh iek im`tI dy GVy dy brwbr
hovy gw Aqy ies SrIr nUM , SrIr nhIN ikhw jw sky gw[iPr quhfw Gr mhwSWqI dw Gr bx jwvy gw[quhwfy mokS pRwpq krn dw rwz(gupqpn),Bgvwn dI
AwigAw dw pwlx krnw hY[jd qusIN ieh PYslw kr lau gy ik quhwfy mn dy
bwgIcy dy mwlk Bgvwn hn qW aus bwgIcy dy swry Pl,imTy hox gy[aus
vyly,quhwfy v`loN kIqI quhwfI rkSw dI ibnqI,auh swry Pl dvy gI ijs leI
qusIN,Bgvwn nUM pRwrQnw kro gy Aqy aus dw Pl kVvw nhIN hovy gw[iPr,pwxI dI
jgHw ijhVy quhwfy A`KW iv`coN inkly AWsU, KuSI dy AWsU hox gy nw ik,du`K dy AWsU
Aqy qusIN aus rsqy qy clx lg pau gy ijhVw rsqw,aunHW kol phuMcx dw hY[(08
PrvrI,1963 dy idvX pRvcn)[
quhwfw ihrdy,ipAwr dw sQwn hY[aus ipAwr dw pRgtwvw,quhwfy Gr qoN hI SurU
hoxw cwhIdw hY[(bwbw)[

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