November 122016

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - November 12,

Why is singing the glory of the Lord highly beneficial to us in the present times? Bhagawan
lovingly explains to us today.

Today many people do not attach importance to

reciting Lords Name. It is a great mistake. Many are
facing a lot of problems because they are not
doing namasmarana. In the present age (Kali)
chanting the divine name alone can redeem your
lives. There is no other refuge! Singing the Lords
glory is highly sacred. There are many snakes of
wicked qualities in the anthill of your heart. When you
recite the divine name, all the snakes of bad
qualities will come out. Namasmarana is
like nadaswaram which attracts snakes and brings
them out of anthills. Let this mellifluous name
(nadaswaram) be your breath of
life (jeevanaswaram). Repeat Gods name
incessantly in order to get rid of evil qualities. Let
each and every street reverberate with the singing of
divine glory. Let each and every cell of your body be
filled with divine name.
- Divine Discourse, Apr 14, 2002

God is nameless and formless, but He responds instantly

when the seeker takes
any one of His many names intensely. Baba
12 nvMbr,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: ies zmwny dy smyN ivc,Bgvwn dI squqI ivc Bjn gwauxy,swnUM ikauN
lwBkwrI hn?Bgvwn,ipAwr nwl swnUM,smJwauNdy hn[

au`qr: A`j-kl,bhuq swry lok,Bgvwn dy nW dw ismrx krn nUM,koeI mh`qqw

nhIN idMdy[ieh,bhuq v`fI glqI hY[bhuq swry lokW nUM,keI iksm dIAW muSklW
AwauNdIAW hn ikauN jo auh,nwm-ismrx nhIN krdy[ies kl-Xug ivc,kyvl
Bgvwn dw nW hI quhwfy jIvn dI pUrqI kr skdw hY[ies qoN ibnw hor koeI
rsqw nhIN hY[Bgvwn dI mihmw dw gux-gwx krnw bhuq hI piv`qr hY[quhwfy
idl dI vrmI ivc,kmIny guxW vwly keI s`p hn[jd qusIN Bgvwn dw nW aucwrx
krdy ho,bury guxW vwly s`p,bwhr inkl jWdy hn[nwm-ismrx,nwdsvrm(bIn)
dI qrHW hY ijhVw s`pW nUM,vrmI iv`coN Awpxy vl iKcdw hY[ies nwdsvrm(rsIlI
Awvwz) nUM,Awpxy jIvn dw rsIlw swh bxwau[bury guxW qoN mukqI pwaux
leI,Bgvwn dw nW lgwqwr pukwrdy rho qW jo qusIN , bury guxW qoN Cutkwrw pw
lau[Bgvwn kry hr glI Aqy muh`lw,Bgvwn dy nW dIAW qrMgW nwl gUj
auTy[Bgvwn kry ik quhwfy SrIr dw hr koSwxU,Bgvwn dy nW nwl Br jwvy[(14
ApRYl,2002 dy idvX pRvcn)[
Bgvwn dw, nw qW koeI nW huMdw hY Aqy nw hI koeI rUp pr jd koeI Bgq,aus dy
keI nwmW iv`coN iksy nW dw aucwrx kr ky aus nUM pukwrdw hY qW auh,ausy vyly aus
dI pukwr nUM suxdy hn[(bwbw)[

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