Domain C Reflection

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Domain C Reflection
Heather Coates
National University


In this paper I will reflect on my choices of the artifacts included under Domain C in my
e-portfolio. Including specific artifacts allows me to display my strengths along with some of my
weaknesses as an educator.


Artifact 1
I still remember some of the engaging and hands on activities I did when I was in school.
As someone who does not thrive from learning out of the textbook, I have always promised
myself I would never be that kind of teacher. I feel as though students learn best when they are
able to get hands on experience and fully engage in activities. For artifact 1 I decided it would be
best to incorporate a slideshow of a squid dissection. When I was student teaching in this third
grade classroom, we were completing an oceanography unit. The students learned about squids
through videos and textbooks, however we decided to conclude the unit by getting our hands
dirty and dissecting squids. I feel as though this slideshow displays the engaging lesson that was
the squid dissection. TPE 4 is making content accessible, in my eyes this is making the content
something that the students are able to understand in many different ways. By allowing students
to read information, watch videos, and finally dissect a squid all of the senses are alive allowing
different types of learners to feel successful. TPE 5 is student engagement, what better way to get
students engaged in a lesson than asking them to find the different body parts of a squid as they
dissect the once living squids.
Artifact 2
The second artifact I included for Domain C is the breakdown of a lesson that I made
great adaptations to for my English language learner to succeed. I came up with this poetry
lesson when I was student teaching in a first grade classroom. The class I was in had a student
who had never been in school before and had only lived in the United States for two weeks. This
student spoke no English, only Farsi. Although this student couldnt necessarily understand what
was being said, she saw what the other students were doing and wanted to be just like them. I


wanted this student to feel like a part of the class and as though she could do what her peers were
doing. I utilized a large number of graphics for this lesson so that the student could follow along
during the instructional period of the lesson. Once students were writing their poems
independently, I pulled the ELL student and had her circle the word she wanted to use to write
her poem. Utilizing a word bank of English and Farsi words allowed for this student to feel
excited about her learning and feel as though she was as successful as her peers.
Artifact 3
For the final article for Domain C, I chose to write a literature review on English
Language Learners in the Classroom by Ann Nordby. After reading this article I felt as though I
learned wonderful tips that I could incorporate in my own classroom for English language
learners. As a teacher I feel drawn to ensuring the success of all of my students. Although I dont
have years of experience in teaching, I want to learn how to benefit my students to the best of my
ability. I felt as though writing a review on this article would benefit me as it would allow me to
reflect back once I have my own classroom and alter my teaching to include suggestions from
this article.

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