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Assalamualaikum, wr.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Umi Khotimah. In this opportunity, I would
like to demonstrate how to wrap baby. Okay, to wrap a baby of course we need
some utensils.
And the utensils are:
First, fabric or cotton, it is used for wrap baby. Put it on the table or
something flat.
Second is a table or something flat, it is used for lay down a baby.
Third, babys hat, of course it is used for cover the babys head.
Fourth babys gloves it is used for cover babys hand.
And the last one is babys socks it is used for cover babys feet. So the
baby doesnt feel cold.
And now the steps.
The first step is Place baby on the wrap at shoulder level. Next, bring arms
together on upper chest and hold firmly. After that, bring one side over both arms
and tuck under your baby, keeping arms held firmly together. And then, bring the
other side over arms and then tuck under body. And the last one is twist or folds
the end of the wrap and places it to the side so that both legs remain bent up.
The most important thing to be remembered is make sure that the wrap is not too
tight. And ensure the wrap does not cover the baby's face. Because it can be make
a baby lead to hip and breathing problems.
Thats all for my explanation about how to wrap baby, I think enough and I
say wassalamualaikum wr.wb.

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