Urdu To English Translation For DAE, I.Com, F.A, F.SC, I.Cs, Eng-112 - Volume 1

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Urdu to English Translation | 15 Passages

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This book will help those people who are interested in learning English language. More
specifically, Intermediate students of any field like FA, F.Sc, I.CS, I.Com and DAE can get
helpful material. Important Urdu passage have been translated into English and written in
this book sentence by sentence so that an individual could learn easily. This is volume 1;
soon next volume will be available for more passages. If you are interested and want to
stay up to date Visit www.taleem-edu.blogspot.com .

www.taleem-edu.blogspot.com .


Prepared & Translated By Mr.Nasir Raza | Volume 1 | Year 2016 |

Website: www.taleem-edu.blogspot.com

Urdu to English Translation | 15 Passages

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Table of Contents
Passage 1 Allama Iqbal ................................................................................................................. 3
Passage 2 Health & Sports ............................................................................................................ 4
Passage 3 Science & Technology .................................................................................................. 5
Passage 4 Health & Exercise ......................................................................................................... 6
Passage 5 Traffic Laws .................................................................................................................. 7
Passage 6 Hard work & Success ................................................................................................... 7
Passage 7 - Population ..................................................................................................................... 8
Passage 8 Pakistan & Sports ......................................................................................................... 9
Passage 9 A Good Citizen ........................................................................................................... 10
Passage 10 Islamic Heroes ......................................................................................................... 11
Passage 11 Tipu Sultan ............................................................................................................... 12
Passage 12 A Good Boy .............................................................................................................. 13
Passage 13 Pakistan & Summer Season ..................................................................................... 13
Passage 14 Forgiveness.............................................................................................................. 14
Passage 15 The Farmer .............................................................................................................. 15
Link to Passages on Website: ......................................................................................................... 16
............................................ 16

Prepared & Translated By Mr.Nasir Raza | Volume 1 | Year 2016 |

Website: www.taleem-edu.blogspot.com

Urdu to English Translation | 15 Passages

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Passage 1 Allama Iqbal

Allama Iqbal is our national poet.

He was born in Sialkot.

He also got his early education from there.

After wards, he went to Lahore.

He passed his M.A in philosophy there.

He was appointed in Govt. College as professor for some days.

Then he went to England.

He started practice of Law in Lahore after his return from England.

Prepared & Translated By Mr.Nasir Raza | Volume 1 | Year 2016 |

Website: www.taleem-edu.blogspot.com

Urdu to English Translation | 15 Passages

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But he did not like it.

Most of his interest was in national issues and poetry.

When he finds that Muslims are poor, uneducated and backwards all
over the world, he feels really sad.

Passage 2 Health & Sports

Sports are important for health.

Therefore, there should be facilities for sports.

Sports are an important part of our civilization.

So that, government should provide playgrounds for its
Prepared & Translated By Mr.Nasir Raza | Volume 1 | Year 2016 |
Website: www.taleem-edu.blogspot.com

Urdu to English Translation | 15 Passages

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Sports equipments should be inexpensive.

Our players have enlightened the countrys name through good
sports play.

It is expected that they will show good play in SAF games and PakIndia series this year.

Passage 3 Science & Technology

Western world has made tremendous progress in science and

In East, Pakistan and India are also advancing in this field.

Pakistan and India are atomic powers.

And they have great destructive weapons.
Prepared & Translated By Mr.Nasir Raza | Volume 1 | Year 2016 |
Website: www.taleem-edu.blogspot.com

Urdu to English Translation | 15 Passages

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It is the time of need that these countries should resolve their
issues/matters thorough table talks/dialogues.

And spend their resources in progress of science and educating
their people.

In this regard, steps taken by both governments are encouraging.

Passage 4 Health & Exercise

It is necessary to get up early in the morning to maintain good

The morning exercise and walk keep you active the whole day.

Cool and fresh air in the morning is a great blessing of nature.

Prepared & Translated By Mr.Nasir Raza | Volume 1 | Year 2016 |

Website: www.taleem-edu.blogspot.com

Urdu to English Translation | 15 Passages

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According to doctors opinion, every healthy person should walk at
least 3 miles in the morning.
Passage 5 Traffic Laws

To respect traffic laws is our duty.

We can save ourselves from many traffic accidents by doing this.

Youth should pay attention to it.

If you explore the traffic accidents then reality becomes very clear
that these accidents often take place because of not following traffic

Passage 6 Hard work & Success

Hard work is the key to success.
Prepared & Translated By Mr.Nasir Raza | Volume 1 | Year 2016 |
Website: www.taleem-edu.blogspot.com

Urdu to English Translation | 15 Passages

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It is greatness in hard working.

Nothing could be achieved without working.

All people who succeeded in the world were hard workers.

They did their work seriously and regularly.

The person, who wants to achieve his objectives by ignoring his
work, is a fool.

P a s s a g e 7 - P o p u l a ti o n

Rapid growth in population has created so many problems.

People are forced to live with their families in small houses.

Childrens dont have any place to play.
Prepared & Translated By Mr.Nasir Raza | Volume 1 | Year 2016 |
Website: www.taleem-edu.blogspot.com

Urdu to English Translation | 15 Passages

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Colleges and schools are small in numbers.

Facilities of transportation means cannot support the pressure of

So that, a number of children remains with no education.
Passage 8 Pakistan & Sports

Pakistan has made great name in the field of Sports.

Specially, our players have got great success in hockey and cricket.

Pakistan has continuous wins in squash.

And in cricket, our matches with India are seen with great interest all
over the world.

Prepared & Translated By Mr.Nasir Raza | Volume 1 | Year 2016 |

Website: www.taleem-edu.blogspot.com

Urdu to English Translation | 15 Passages

10 | P a g e

Now, TV has made these matches more popular
Passage 9 A Good Citizen

It is a duty of good citizen to respect law.

He should abide by traffic laws.

He should pay all kind of taxes.

He should protect the life and property of other citizens.

He should love his country.

And he should be ready for any kind of sacrifice for the progress of
his home-land.

Prepared & Translated By Mr.Nasir Raza | Volume 1 | Year 2016 |

Website: www.taleem-edu.blogspot.com

Urdu to English Translation | 15 Passages

11 | P a g e

Passage 10 Islamic Heroes

Pious Caliph lived a very simple life.

They ate ordinary food and wore simple dress.

They had no special privileges.
They knew that they are answerable before Allah for their acts.

They were answerable before their people.

They withdrew only the amount of money which was enough to meet
their needs.

Their clothes had patches.

Prepared & Translated By Mr.Nasir Raza | Volume 1 | Year 2016 |

Website: www.taleem-edu.blogspot.com

Urdu to English Translation | 15 Passages

12 | P a g e

We should pray by heart that Pakistan may get such a leader.

Who could do something constructive and progressive for this
country instead of plundering.

Passage 11 Tipu Sultan

Tipu Sultan led the Army of Haider Ali when he was sixteen only.

Haider Ali was fighting at Karnatak in the battle Meysore.

He was informed that Banlore was attacked.

Tipu was sent to fight with attackers.

This minor brave fighter defeated his enemies.

Tipus whole life is tale of struggle and troubles.
Prepared & Translated By Mr.Nasir Raza | Volume 1 | Year 2016 |
Website: www.taleem-edu.blogspot.com

Urdu to English Translation | 15 Passages

13 | P a g e

P as s age 12 A G ood B oy

I am a good boy.

I wake up early in the morning.

I go for a walk daily.

I serve my parents.

I pay attention to my studies so that I could be successful.

P a s s a g e 1 3 P a k i s ta n & S u m m e r S e a s o n

Heat is at peak in the month of June and July.

The sun blazes, trees and flowers fades.

Prepared & Translated By Mr.Nasir Raza | Volume 1 | Year 2016 |

Website: www.taleem-edu.blogspot.com

Urdu to English Translation | 15 Passages

14 | P a g e

Conditions of Animals become worst because of heat and thirst.

People stay at their homes in after noon.

The roads become desolated.

People pray for rain.

Allah shows mercy on them.

Soon, it starts raining.

And people thanks to Allah.

P as s age 14 F or gi v enes s

It is good to forgive.

Prepared & Translated By Mr.Nasir Raza | Volume 1 | Year 2016 |

Website: www.taleem-edu.blogspot.com

Urdu to English Translation | 15 Passages

15 | P a g e

But it should not mean that murderer, dishonest and devastators
should be forgiven.

It prevails restlessness, lawlessness and severity.

The question arises that can a society be reformed with these

Obviously, it seems right but it is necessary to kill the reason of
these crimes.

Passage 15 The Farmer

A farmer is an important person of society.

It is him, who grows food for us.

He wakes up early in the morning and ploughs in the fields and
Prepared & Translated By Mr.Nasir Raza | Volume 1 | Year 2016 |
Website: www.taleem-edu.blogspot.com

Urdu to English Translation | 15 Passages

16 | P a g e

trusts in ALLAH.

He spreads seeds in the fields.

After few days, small sprouts come out.

He waters the crops.

Soon, the crops get ready.

Link to Passages on Website:

Passage 1 Allama Iqbal
Passage 2 Health & Sports
Passage 3 Science & Technology
Passage 4 Health & Exercise
Passage 5 Traffic Laws
Passage 6 Hard work & Success
Passage 7 - Population
Passage 8 Pakistan & Sports
Passage 9 A Good Citizen
Passage 10 Islamic Heroes
Prepared & Translated By Mr.Nasir Raza | Volume 1 | Year 2016 |
Website: www.taleem-edu.blogspot.com

Urdu to English Translation | 15 Passages

17 | P a g e

Passage 11 Tipu Sultan

Passage 12 A Good Boy
Passage 13 Pakistan & Summer Season
Passage 14 Forgiveness
Passage 15 The Farmer

Prepared & Translated By Mr.Nasir Raza | Volume 1 | Year 2016 |

Website: www.taleem-edu.blogspot.com

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