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Goal 2

Allowing more dialogue during the lesson to enhance the

knowledge and the relationship between educator and students

Action and TP
Time Frame:

I should start it from the beginning because it is very important to start

in right way.
Start dialogue with students and give them chance to talk and discuss
which lead to improve them


Have enough cognitive and knowledge that support that goal e.g. more
reading and research. Camera to collect evidence

Strategies to
support you to
achieve your goal

Use classroom learning environment strategy, communication with

students visual or put stickers as a note. Also, classroom climate that
support my goals

Data collection
tools to be used
to provide
evidence of the
success of the
action to be
submitted in your
Summary for this

I will have my technology resources which promote my plans e.g. videos,

photos and weebly website that I put all my documents and resources

As a result from my reading I understand that, to develop students in

different positively domains e.g. socially, morally and psychologically
which will helps me as a teacher to improve my educationally approach
with student. I read an article that is to say dialogue begins when
people meet (Omer Sener & Frances Sleap, 2013).

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