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The Vernier caliper is a precision instrument that can be used to

measure internal and external distances extremely accurately. It
also used to precisely measure linear dimensions. Not only that,
vernier caliper is a very useful tool to use when measuring the
diameter of a round objects like cylinders because the
measuring jaws can be secured on either side of the
circumference. This instrument may be used to measure outer
dimensions of objects (using the main jaws) , inside dimension
(using the smaller jaws at the top), and depth (using the stem).

Parts of Vernier Caliper

Parts of a vernier caliper:

1. Outside large jaws: used to measure external diameter
or width of an object
2. Inside small jaws: used to measure internal diameter of
an object
3. Depth probe: used to measure depths of an object or a
4. Main scale: scale marked every mm
5. Main scale: scale marked in inches and fractions
Vernier scale gives interpolated measurements to 0.1 mm or
Vernier scale gives interpolated measurements in fractions of
an inch

6. Retainer: used to block movable part to allow the easy

transferring of a measurement.
How To Take Outside Measurements Using A Vernier
Step 1 - Tighten jaws of caliper around object :
Hold the object you are measuring in one hand, and
tighten the lower jaws around the object by adjusting
the thumb screw with your other hand.
Step 2 - Ensure object is lying straight in jaws :
Ensure that the object being measured is lying straight
in the jaws with the dimension being measured being
parallel to the main body of the calipers.

Step 3 - Turn lock screw :

Turn the lock screw to tighten the jaws so that you can
remove your object and take your reading.
Step 4 - Read measured value :
Read the value of the measurement that shown on the
vernier caliper.

How To Take Inside Measurements Using A Vernier


Step 1 - Zero caliper :

Close the jaws completely so that the caliper reads zero.
Insert the upper jaws into the hole you are measuring.
Step 2 - Open internal jaws :
Open the internal jaws using the thumb screw, until the
outside of each jaw touches the circumference of the
Step 3 - Turn lock screw :
Turn the lock screw to tighten the jaws so that you can
remove your object and take your reading.

Step 4 - Read measured value :

Read the value of the measurement that shown on the
vernier caliper.

How To Measure Depth Using A Vernier Caliper

Step 1 - Turn thumb screw to extend depth rod :

Move the thumb screw gradually until the end of the
end of the beam scale makes contact with the top of the

Step 2 - Position rod in hole :

Position the rod so that it is flat against both the bottom
of the hole and an internal side of the hole.

Step 3 - Turn lock screw :

Turn the lock screw to tighten the jaws so that you can
remove your object and take your reading.
Step 4 - Read measured value :
Read the value of the measurement that shown on the
vernier caliper.

How to Read The Scale

6mm + 0.6 mm = 6.6mm

Type of Vernier Caliper

1. Dial Caliper

In this instrument, a small, precise rack an

opinion drives a pointer on a circular dial, allowing
direct reading without the need to read a vernier scale.
Typically, the pointer rotates once every inch, tenth of
an inch, or 1 millimeter. This measurement must be
added to the coarse whole inches or centimeters read
from the slide.
2. Digital Caliper

The Digital Caliper is a precision instrument that can be

used to measure internal and external distances
extremely accurately. The example shown below is a
digital caliper as the distances/measurements, are read
from a LCD display. The most important parts have been

Application of Vernier Caliper

1. Automobile Sector :
The Vernier caliper also has different uses in the
automobile sector where a dial caliper is used which has
a range of 0 6 inches. A dial caliper is used for
measuring inside dimensions along with the outer
2. Medical Industry :
Surgical instruments industry also has uses of Vernier
caliper, where dimensions of instruments with different
aspects are needed to be measured with high precision.
One simple example is the Forceps the distance in
between its two sides.
3. Scientific Labs :
The Vernier caliper is used for multiple reasons in the
scientific labs for studying the effects of different
temperatures on expansion of different types of metals
as an example. Other uses include precise
measurement of certain objects which is a must to
further carry on the required work like joining two pieces
of some object with high level of precision.
4. Aerospace Industry :
The aerospace and aviation industry is among the
industries which require extreme precision. The slightest
of change in any objects dimension have numerous
effects not on the concerned object but all other
connected objects as well. Micro meter which offers high
precision is used measurements of small objects or
other objects which require high level precision. The
digital caliper and the dial caliper is also used

depending on the work under focus. For example

students are taught how to measure basic dimension
using Vernier caliper like diameter, volume of cylinder
and sphere.

Vernier calipers work by using two graduated scales. The first is a main scale
which is similar to a ruler, and the second is a special graduated scale, called the
vernier, which slides alongside the main scale. This vernier scale provides readings
of a fraction of a unit on the main scale.
Vernier calipers can be used to measure both internal dimensions and external
dimensions, and some varieties can also measure depth.

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