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Isao MATSUSHITA WAP Dh) POR RLBSEHRRLE) | “Tener” A CONCERTO FOR JAPANESE DRUM AND ORCHESTRA ERA alae ITHE HONG KONG ACADEMY FOR PERFORMING ARTS LIBRARY YE? 3) Ay, 2000 » GH, MAR th TOR (1 Hele (Ply-# Ac Japanese Dr 6 F MATSUSHI nm 1904 TAS, FY RY Rw ROX ORE wan: OR we RE RR 19945 8A 1B, kB MES ote KEES R a 4 999/94) TEN-YU" eaven-Play) oncerto for um and Orchestra a tt co TA, ISAO , composer First Perforanced July 30,1994 Suntry Hall, Tokyo Perfornanced by the Shinsei Nihon Syaphony Orchestra Wa-daiko : HAYASHI Bitetsu Conductor: GENDA Shigeo August 1, 1994, Hiroshima Kousei Nenkin Kaikan Perfornanced by the Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra HAR HORE Ta-daiko : HAYASHI Eitetsu me te a Conductor : TOTSUKA Naohiro am Orchestration mA YO jaiko solo (traditional Japanese drum) 3 7a-b 3 flutes (Bi By aa, THAI W BB BAD (third doubling piccolo & alto flute in G) 3 tks 8 oboes (3:4 YF Vo YaRw SBA) (third doubling English horn in F) 3 259%yb inBS 3 clarinets in B flat 2 8a-y 2 bassoons 1 ay hata— 1 double bassoon 4 kYY in 4 horns in F 3 hSYRyb inc 3 trumpets in ¢ 3 hovd—y 3 trombones lL Fa-X 1 tuba RB SAD Percussion (5 perforaers) le: Favta- (48) 1: tinpani (4) 2.2 BMRY KH, BLT 2: 9 suspended cymbals, 3 tan 3.2 RAM. O9LIL, Kot 3.: bass drum, 3 tan-tams, bongos 4 VODs, SFYRMID GD 4.5 xylophone, 5 tempel blocks 5 FATS 7 Y, DAB 5.: vibraphone, snare drum Sratyy (Bl, M2) violin (first and second) 9443 viola fan cello YIWRAR double bass comme inc TRENTHS. KEL, yan, yo Ie YERBLD ITD IA FHL. FIWR- REIT WAAR YRRBLD ADI - FEC. This score is notated in C. The piccolo and xylophone sound one octave higher double bass and double bassoon sound one octave lover than scored. sree = saree wee Dem Ocha ~ 4 —— 2 Pee , ae : = 3 bee | — } = 3 cnc 5 = k i — cones tasca — = ors ; = = } Trp | : —= 3 amt j : — \ te a rape ——— in see ene te Snape — ona. a a 2 = se = # a 7 = vata —— vite —_ via = iota —— Conte == “ = — = =—* “ 7 oe Xv | i 3 Ro it vb Wa aio var ve | ting vt Wa Dai ve | ve es ne Pie WeDat| val a! ve aia ae o —— ————<-+ —— “y Mhoweneneomr cnet. Peron ceemetbed ste ues ad rope, Ue enn Peco mene nose uw et Ela Ie FAR de ONOBER TEE, Graal, 1 anges 10 dace with x dstnet olan | | | OB dase 13 ue 16 vib waato| Vast : W1) th 18 ca, a> ves WeDato| j | (sy) we al vat Vall ve —— w ‘Wa ato val + RAORSERRTONTCHDET. Pecfor circmseribd ates geeky an repetitively, is ras mw weDsio| alt Tk BARTEGASHEREROT, MLC, PAMREONMCORNERET S22, ‘ae prorat shold lapovse vigorously, as If in aloe with the Jyanse drum geforce, 2B Wedai| val vat ve 1111411} — 1 184 888 ttt Ltt} itt 32 38 Uae fis 42 sp> WeDait| vat val a4 45 a 50 te Timp ome a> eo D> val val 52 Ta ays Wedato FU AR Gk te Ze th 7 ARSE ae WABEUIBAORMRBR, TH LN 5RAOMROdT. MELT. KeMenE HU SRB LTRALTER. LOABVHER, RELL, GATMMCHALERT 3, RR, SSWRBORABL. WY LG >THITK 5. COMB INAH Tit (RERE. BE, E05 SRFCRMEN SM IDOMAHSMY 2 THD, SH, AROS HEH SEG, MHSHAERML TNC. Mit, COMPBOZHENOBBEEUT, HARRAOAATRUMHLEMA, ELT F— FART IORB BOMB LS, DOWROMSEAMLE. toa ahe Eo) RREGAE. ROAAERIC Tel eM. RAMOS ICH, 19TH KY BE HRA (DMD) BRAPLELT. AVI YAWABC THORAC MM, RE. teh. He M. GRIFF 2- 2S. WRI yy vce, LOTTE BBR 2 YF — sted ABP ASE LDL, CLR A I 2 CISC) HER HO BA + 75-YRB'D -SBAS OB XY IRR, [XW RYT YF +7 2 AFARM ES |. (B—Oy RERERIR YN F YB) CRM YY RY aD S72 sAF ANWR | SF ORRRTERMARSHS. 190 7757 YR RbOS AARRERR) BML, MAICUCS— 7 V—KEC RRL BSE. RAY AYE RYT I- Ey NES YY ROK 40 (HOH 1). 1986 IGARRLR (UTI EAT ANSOLHO [HOKIS). 1988 TISCY Yorld Music Days BRAS) BUT HORM) KAR. 1980 7 4 7 F 7 7HADCD IMI BIE RM (PODS) A MAL Moke WE WHE FRRMALHES, RHEHAPA ROM. “HI-TEN—yu- A Concerto for Japanese drua and orchestra The va-daiko, a traditional Japanese percussion instrument coason to the special cerenonies of Japanese festival, often imitates the unification of heaven and earth. The powerful sounds of this festival drum that seem to reach all the vay to heaven can quickly transform to free and delicate sounds, only to fill the air once again With rich resonance, The title of this composition, composed of three Chinese characters Hi-Ten-Yu (Fly-heaven-play), symbolically suggests "flying to heaven to play anong the stars.” Like the title, this composition is divided into three part: The entire piece centers around the "¥a-daiko's free movement, vhich ranges from tranquility to vigorous activity. hile the wa-daiko’s keen, instinctive porer represents one world, another world consists of the deaands on the orchestra fron the logical construction of the piece. In all parts of this composition, T attempted to unify these tro rorlds, MA TS Uso TA) Bisa o MATSUSHITA Isa0(b, 1951) received his undergraduate and graduate degrees at Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, where he studied composition under Professors MINANI Hiroaki and MAYUZUMI Toshiro. In 1979, the Geraan Governmental Commission for Academic Exchange (DAAD) avarded hin a scholarship to study at the Hochschule der Kunste in Berlin. There he studied composition with professor Isang Yun. Presently, Natsushita is actively composing for chanber nusic, orchestra music, chorus music, and nusic for theater and film, He is also active as a conductor. After receiving an avard in the 1979 Wainichi Music Conpetition, Matsushita had participated in several ausic festivals such as the Yorld Music Days Of the International Society of Contemporary Music (ISCM) Festival in Graz in 1982, Hong Kong in 1988 and Nexico in 1993, the Horizonte Festival Berlin "85 the European Music Days in Copenhagen "85, and the Invention Festival Berlin "86. In 1988, he participated in the Japanese Contemporary Music Festival in San Francisco ‘and was invited to lecture at the University of California at Berkeley. TOKI-NO-IT0 1 (Threads of Time) for String Quartet was avarded first prize in the Moenchengladbach International Composition Conpettitioni Gersany in 1985. In 1986, Matsushita received the seventh annual Irino Prize for TOKI-NO-IT0 I (Threads of Tine) for piano and orchestra. In Octover 1988, TOKI-NO-IT0 Ml was selected for Derforsance at the opening concert of the Vorld Music Days Festival in Hong Kong. KOCHI, a collection of Matsushita's works, was released on compact disc by Fontec (FOCD 3248) in 1989. Matsushita is a professor at Shobi Gakuen College and also lecturer at the Tokyo University of Fine Arts and music,

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