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Journals First Day and Last Day

First Day:
Sunday Oct. 16th. First day at AlQarayen
kindergarten, my feeling was tension about
the school and my MST, My thinking was
muddled I thing about my last TP and how I
going to improve my personality and deal
with all the mistakes I do it before. I start my
day with helping my teacher when she was
hanging the students work on the classroom,
while we working she ask me about the
college and we talking about the TP. The
classes start at 8:30, they beginning with
morning assembly, taking attendance, write
the date of the day, see the weather and
reading quraan. The teacher which teach
early childhood didnt have a time to herself
while she is in school, she must take care of
the children on all the time, first I feel that is
really hard to take care for about 27 students
on all the time while they eating, playing and
study, but by the end of the day I understand
that when I imagine myself a part of them I
can do it.

Journals First Day and Last Day

Last Day:
Wednesday Nov. 9th. The hardest day in the
school, I cant describe my feeling at that
time, working in school it an interesting
routine each day learn new thing each day I
feel that I a part of the school life, see the
children, teach them, take care of them, solve
their problems and helping them. I gained a
lot of experiences, including the activities,
how to deal with the stubborn child, having
good relationship with the students and deal
with special needs children. My MST link the
theories in her teaching, the classroom are
student center, she ask the student to
organize the classroom by their own and she
help them, when its a time for the areas she
give the children a choice to choose in which
area they like to learn and play.

Journals First Day and Last Day

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