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Handout 1

Direction 1: Read the passage1
Learners need to take responsibility for their own learning, that is, they need to become
autonomous learners. This is a difficult thing for some learners to do. Becoming an autonomous learner
involves deciding what words to learn, making decisions about how to learn them and revise them, seeking
out opportunities to use the language, and keeping motivated to keep on with learning and using the
language. Becoming an independent learner also involves gaining knowledge about language learning so
that there can be informed reflection on learning and known how to proceed with learning. Teachers need
to support learners in these jobs.

Question 1: Find the words in bold in above passage. Use the context to help you match each word to
the correct definition.

1 Knowledge

h) a duty to be in charge of someone or something, so that

you make decisions and can be blamed if something bad

____ 2. Responsibility

a) to change something because of new information or ideas

____ 3. Autonomous

b) to help them because you want them to succeed

____ 4. Revise

c) to continue to do something that has already been planned or


____ 5. Opportunity

d) careful thought, or an idea or opinion based on this.

____ 6. Independent

e) having the ability to work and make decisions by yourself

without any help from anyone else

____ 7. Reflection

f) not owned/controlled by something

____ 8. Proceed

g) a chance to do something or an occasion when it is easy for

you to do something

____ 9. Support

i) the information, skills, and understanding that you have gained

through learning or experience

Author, I.S.P. Nation. (2008), Teaching Vocabulary Strategies and Techniques,, p. 7. Boston, USA. Heinle

Handout 2
Vocabulary List


Part of























a duty to be in charge of someone or something, so
that you make decisions and can be blamed if
something bad happens.
having the ability to work and make decisions by
yourself without any help from anyone else.
to change something because of new information or
a chance to do something or an occasion when it is
easy for you to do something.
not owned/controlled by something.
careful thought, or an idea or opinion based on this.
to continue to do something that has already been
planned or started.
to help them because you want them to succeed.

Handout 3
Crossword Puzzle2
Learner A


Author, I.S.P. Nation. (2008), Teaching Vocabulary Strategies and Techniques,, p. 45. Boston, USA. Heinle
The Teacher's Corner. Retrieved from://

Handout 3
Crossword Puzzle4
Learner B


Author, I.S.P. Nation. (2008), Teaching Vocabulary Strategies and Techniques,, p. 45. Boston, USA. Heinle
The Teacher's Corner. Retrieved from://

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