ETEC 590 - Eportfolio Proposal

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University of British Columbia

ETEC 590 64A - ePortfolio Proposal

Chris Hurst

October 3rd, 2016

Dr. F. Feng

The purpose of my ePortfolio is to provide me a platform to showcase my learning and growth that has
occurred over the span of my MET (Masters of Educational Technology) program. This ePortfolio will
enable me to present my knowledge of the courses and concepts in the 9 MET classes and highlight the
connections between learning, theory and practice through the artifacts shared. The process of creating
and maintaining an ePortfolio is an important step in the learning process as a professional, but also a way
to give back to the educational community by sharing my experiences in hopes to aid others in their
To demonstrate understanding of the ties between educational theory and practice throughout the
MET program
Demonstrates depth of knowledge through reflections
Meets TQS and MET 590 course requirements
Review and update my philosophy of teaching and learning
The primary intended audience for my ePortfolio are educators. I feel that the artifacts and
reflections would be of most interest to education learning about educational technology or simply
interested in the theory and course work of MET grads studied. I would also like this portfolio to have a
professional feel and view for prospective employers. As an Primary Years Program (PYP) teacher, I follow
the inquiry cycle in our daily learning. Teaching the PYP and teaching inquiry lessons was a great change
for me early on in my career and I sometimes view my journey through the MET program in the same
manner. Therefore I will be incorporating K
ath Murdochs model of the inquiry cycle.
References & Resources to be used (Evidence & Tools):
My ePortfolio will be created using This website interface is user friendly and has
pre-loaded apps into the design dashboard, therefore I feel there are less chances or errors and uploading
or formatting issues during the process of creating the site. My current school uses this website platform, so
I am a little familiar with how it functions and adding content.
MET Course Artifacts:
ETEC 500 - Assignment FA1 (Individual) - Text - Research Proposal
ETEC 510 - Design Project (Group) - Design Proposal + FlipOneLesson website + Curriculum Guide
ETEC 511 - Discourse Leadership Case Study (Group) - Website
ETEC 512 - Constructivism Presentation (Group) - Visme + Webquest Guide
ETEC 520 - E-Learning Readiness Audit (Group) - Paper
ETEC 530 - A Constructivist Lesson (Individual) - Paper
ETEC 531(current) - Media Study Guide (Group) - Despicable Me Study Guide
ETEC 532 - Collaborative Inquiry Project (Group) - Art in Science
ETEC 540 - History of Japanese Writing System (Individual)
ETEC 590 (current)
Artifacts will include different media types and formats depending on the course and assignment.
* Add assignment criteria and description for each



Conduct peer review of classmates proposal and review feedback provided to me

Start the initial setup of my Weebly site (add apps, sections, general layout,

Apply peer review feedback to my proposal

Add all courses into site and MET description, objectives, etc.

Upload all artifacts for courses

Complete reflection for courses 500, 510, 511, 512, 520

Complete reflections for courses 530, 531, 532, 540, 590

Peer review classmates ePortfolio

Review aesthetics of personal ePortfolio and how artifacts are displayed


Review peer critique and apply changes

Start working on video tour for home page of ePortfolio (have most of script


Peer review of ePortfolio

Complete introduction video
Share ePortfolio with 1~3 work colleagues for feedback


Apply peer review changes from all individuals

Run through the whole site to test it for last minute errors


Present final ePortfolio on 590 course site and submit to professor

Assessment Rubric

An understanding of the theory and research

presented in the program. Able to critically
evaluate, generate research findings and
demonstrate these findings and learning.


Reflections display evidence of critical analysis of

course concepts and development of personal


An adequate number of samples included. These

samples are displayed using a balance of media
types. Selection of these artifacts display an
overall development throughout the MET


The site offers a well-structured design which

allows visitors to navigate easily. Links and
embedded media function correctly. The eP is
creative, original and the style, colour scheme,
text and format are aesthetically pleasing.




Murdoch, K. (2016). Home. Kath Murdoch. Retrieved 3 October 2016, from

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