Attendence Management System

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Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System

Operating Instruction of
Checking Attendance
Management System

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System

Chapter I System introduction ......................................................................................................... 3

Chapter II system installation ........................................................................................................... 3
Chapter III How to use .......................................................................................................................... 7
Preparation before using the system................................................................................................................. 7
System login ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
Software activation .......................................................................................................................................... 8
Use of system ................................................................................................................................................... 9
Basic information ..................................................................................................................................... 9
1. Branch settings ............................................................................................................................. 9
2. User management ....................................................................................................................... 10
3. Download user information ........................................................................................................ 13
4. Upload user information............................................................................................................. 13
5. Device management ................................................................................................................. 14
6. Festival settings ......................................................................................................................... 24
7. Leaving settings ....................................................................................................................... 25
8. Team number settings............................................................................................................... 25
9. Checking attendance rule settings ............................................................................................ 28
10. Worker arrangement ............................................................................................................... 30
System management............................................................................................................................... 31
1. Operator management .............................................................................................................. 31
2. Operating log of system ........................................................................................................... 32
3. Data maintenance .................................................................................................................. 33
4. Initialization of system .................................................................................................. 34
5. Database settings ................................................................................................................ 34
6. Change database access password .................................................................................... 35
Records query ........................................................................................................................................ 36
1. Checking attendance records ............................................................................................ 36
2. Management records ................................................................................................................ 36
3. Supervising records .................................................................................................................. 37
4. Check current attendance of workers ....................................................................................... 38
5. Checking attendance report forms ............................................................................................. 39
6. Download records ..................................................................................................................... 40
Abnormal attendance disposal ............................................................................................................... 41
1. Leaving on business/leave settings of workers ........................................................................ 41
2. Forget to sign in/sign off disposal ............................................................................................ 42
3. Late/early leaving disposal ....................................................................................................... 43
4. Resting change/Go-on working settings ........................................................................ 44
Access control settings ........................................................................................................................... 45
1. Time sect settings ....................................................................................................................... 45
2. Group settings .......................................................................................................................... 46
3. Opening combination settings .................................................................................................. 47
4. Access control permission settings .............................................................................. 48
Supervising operation............................................................................................................................. 49
1 Open the supervising window ................................................................................................ 49
2 Stop supervising ..................................................................................................................... 50
3 Close the supervising window................................................................................................ 50
External connection of application ......................................................................................................... 50

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System

Others ..................................................................................................................................................... 51

Chapter I System introduction

The attendance management software appropriates to all access control attendance machine of our company.
System hardware configuration requirements: P-II or computer of higher configuration.
System software running environment: appropriates to operating systems of the WINDOWS series, now supports
Chinese and English versions.

Chapter II system installation

Execute setup program: setup.exe, as shown in Figure 1,Click [Next] to execute the next operation


Click [Next] to execute the next operation, as shown in Figure 2

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System


Choose: I accept the terms in the license agreement, Click [Next] to execute the next operation, as shown
in Figure 3


Click [Next] to execute the next operation, as shown in Figure 4

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System


Click [Next] to execute the next operation, as shown in Figure 5


System defaults setup catalog as \program Files\probsoft\, if require to change, click [Change] is ok.
Click [Next] to execute the next operation, as shown in Figure 6

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System


Click [Next] to execute the next operation, as shown in Figure 7


Click [Install] to install the system, after finish, it will appear as shown in Figure 8

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System


Congratulations! Setup operation was successfully completedYou may use the system.

Chapter III How to use

Preparation before using the system

Connect well with attendance machine and turn on power supply before the first use of the system

System login
It will generate a corresponding software icon on desktop (name: Attendance Managerment System) after
complete the System installation, double-click the icon you may enter the system, if not set an
administrator, you do not need to enter any user name and password. The current user is temporary super
administrator with all system administrative privileges. After set a administrator, you must enter your login
number and password to enter the system, as shown in Figure 9

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System

Figure 9
Note: after entered the right login number and password (if require to change password, click small bulb

Software activation
Confirm that connection of the attendance device is OK, then choose menu [device management]function,
click [add] to increase attendance device( default the number of new attendance machine as 1, default IP
address:, please enter the right parameters of the device, click [testing connection], after a
successful connection and click [OK] to add device, choose the main menu [others] to enter [about]sub
menu function, after select a right device name, click to [activate software]then you may activate it (Note:
no-activation for non-products of the company).
As shown in Figure 11

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System

Figure 10
Note: If not activate the software, any users shall have query function of software of this system.

Use of system
Basic information
1. Branch settings
Departmental datum editor: add or delete department.
Recruitment of the Departmental staff: add or delete departmental staff.
As shown in Figure 11

Figure 11
a. Departmental information includes the name of the department, staff and other information.
b. Click [add department] may increase a new department, when increase the subordinate department, we
must firstly select the required subordinate department.
(Department code must be only)
c. Click [Delete department] to delete the current selected departments.
d. Different levels of users to see information of the department is not same, such as: departmental
administrator access to the system can only see information about their own department and information of other
departments can not be seen. Departmental administrator may increase relevant information to revise this
department, which may increase or delete the subordinate department.
e. Staff recruitment: recruiting staff for the current selected departments (currently, employees have no
department).As shown in Figure 12

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System



ExplanationWhen hiring employees, select staff on the left list (can choose many one time), click [employ]
may add staff into the corresponding departments, if delete staff from the department, simply select staff
on the right list( can choose many one time), click [remove] is OK.
f. Save as documents: Save the name of the department as text files of UTF-8 format, upload to the
equipment by using [Device Management] function, renew the departmental information of the equipment
(see the Document Management functional Explanation of equipment management for specific upload
2. User management
Maintain relative information of staff (mainly relying on basic information).
Add or modify employee information.
Achieve disposal functions of redeployment, leaving, off-the-job of staff.
Upload staff information to attendance machine.
Delete the relevant information of staff in attendance machine. (Fingerprint, card, password, etc), as
shown in Figure 13

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System



a. Employees information include: attendance number (No.), name, sex, identity card number, duties, date of
birth, accession date, etc. Then click the '+' to add staff, namely you can add employees information. If amend
the information of staff, simply select the staff to revise, you can change the relevant staff information on the
right, click on '' to preserve.
b. If staff are required to change department, click [transfer employees]to pop-up department list, select the
department, and then click [OK] to complete the redeployment of current selected employees to transfer into a
new department, as shown in Figure 14



Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System

c. When staff leaves, click [OK] in the pop-up dialog window to complete the operation.
1. The off-the-job staff still exists in the database, but in a no-sector state, when there are departments
when hiring employees, the off-the-job staff can be re-appointed to the relevant departments.
2. When staff dismiss from the job, at the same time, you can choose whether it is necessary to remove
the related datum of staff from attendance machine (fingerprint, card, password, etc.).
d. In order to maintain the consistency of attendance machine data and computer data, after modify
employee name, department, password, card number, permission information, it requires upload these
information to attendance machine on time, first of all, right-click the mouse to select wait-to upload of
employees in the data browser(right-click mouse, popup drop-down menu, can select all or individual), and then
play '' on the wait-to-upload option on the right, after choose the correct attendance machine, click [upload and
update information] is OK.
e. It requires to removing of the fingerprint, password, card information of employee from attendance
machine because of some reasons, you can play ' on selected option, click [delete] is OK. When to remove
fingerprints, it needs to specify the fingerprints number (1-10 on behalf of fingerprint of10 fingers, such as
fingerprint ID is 0, it means to delete all fingerprints (1-10) of the current user). As shown in Figure 15



d. Import or export staff information from EXCEL or text file.

Instruction of user data upload:
Only these options (user No- BadgeNumber,, user name- Name, user department- DefaultdeptID,
Education-Pager, Nationality -Minzu, ID card number -SSN,Address-street, Enter factory date -hiredday, Date of
birth -birthday) can be upload, the document only EXCEL or CSV format is OK. The department must be the
code No. 0, 1,2,if you cant confirm the department, the department code is No.0
Document format:
1. Zhangsan 0.
2. Lisi
3. Wanger 2.
Process ( refer to the EXCEL document)
1. Press [upload] and choose the EXCEL document, then press the right button of the source file name, finally
press [next].
2. Press the [BadgeNumber] in the left field List, then press the below green +, in the pop up menu, ensure the
up right COL option be A, then press [OK].
3. Press the [Name] in the left field List, then press the below green +, in the pop up menu, ensure the up right
COL option be B, then press [OK].
4. Press the [DefaultdeptID] in the left field List, then press the below green +, in the pop up menu, ensure the
up right COL option be C, then press [OK].
5. Press [next],

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System

6. Press [next],
7. Press the [excute] to upload, then ESC after the upload finished.

3. Download user information

Down related information of uses from the attendance machine (attendance number, name, department,
authority, fingerprints, etc). As shown in Figure 16



First of all, select attendance machine which shall wait-to-download user information, click [check users of
fingerprint machine], system automatically read all employees information from the attendance machine and
display it in two parts (the existed users and new registered users), download them separately to computer.
Generally download the new registered users. Need to download the existed users selectively (when updating
datum of attendance machine is faster than the computer data), it shall cover the original user information of the
4. Upload user information
Upload fingerprint information of users to attendance machine. As shown in Figure 17

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System



Noteupload the fingerprint information of employees of the computer to attendance machine (must be the
downloaded and saved fingerprint from the attendance machine, firstly select wait-to-upload users on the
left (select-multiple) and wait-to-upload attendance machine on the right, click [Upload] is OK.
5. Device management
Read and set related information of the equipment, click on [read information] to read related information
from the attendance machine, if you want to modify the relevant parameters, just do it on the machine
directly, or change in here, then click [write to device] to write to attendance machine, update the
parameter setting of attendance machine.
5.1. Add / Remove Equipment
Click [Add], popup window for adding equipment, select communication mode, enter the correct number
of attendance machine, IP address or a COM port number, communication password (if has no password,
you do not fill in), machine name (customize), click the [Test Connect], after succeed, press [determine]
that is, successfully add an attendance equipment.
Select the corresponding attendance machines, click [delete] to remove the current attendance machine
from the system. As shown in Figure 18

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System



5.2 Fingerprint machine information

Read related information from the fingerprint machine: product model, serial number, manufacturers,
fingerprint capacity etc. As shown in Figure 19



5.3 Communication settings

Set communication parameters of attendance machine: attendance number, baud rate,

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System

communication mode, IP address etc. As shown in Figure 20



Note: the back-stage address is the IP address that computer install this software, it must set
real-time supervising equipment if needed.
5.4 Expert settings
Verify the interface settings, daylight saving time settings, Function key settings (F1-F4) and so on.
As shown in Figure 21

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System



a. Showing photos: If user has a photo on attendance machine, after confirm successful attendance of
the user (press fingerprints, enter passwords or brush credit card), it shall show the corresponding
b. Real-time fingerprint display: When the user presses the fingerprints, the screen shows the image of
the fingerprint.
c. Real-time camera: set when the user take photographs and what photo-definition it is when check
d. Daylight Saving Time settings: set relevant parameters of daylight saving time (such as: the
beginning and ending time of daylight saving time).
e. Function key settings: set shortcut functions of F1-F4, when users press the F1-F4, then implement
the corresponding functions.
f. The largest number of administrators: set the largest number of administrators in the machine.
5.5 Power supply management
Set free of the equipment, timer on, timer off, sleep, set state transition, as shown in Figure 22

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System



a. Click [restart equipment] shall re-activate the equipment.
b. Click on [power off] shall turn off power supply of the equipment.
c. Click on [power on] shall open power supply of the equipment.
d. Lock off button: pressing the shutdown button would not be able to shut down after lock off key.
e. Set time of timer on, timer off , sleep.
f. Timing State Transition: Set automatic transition time of working sign in , working sign off etc
states on attendance machine.
5.6 Access control settings
Set the relevant parameters of access control. As shown in Figure 23

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System



Note: binding of ID: the split machine must bind to the ID number of controller;
5.7 Short message management
Set related parameters of short message. As shown in Figure 24

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System



When the user checks attendance, the attendance machine shall show short message of specified
user within designated time. Such as: the company hope to show happy New Year! on the New
Year's Day, you may set the message type: for all, sending time: 1 January, 2009, contents of
message: happy New Year! When setting is OK, when checking attendance of all staff on January 1,
2009, the attendance machine will display this information.
Edit short message, click the corresponding datum of the following data browser to change, click
[Save], then click [write to device] to change the corresponding information of the equipment.
5.8 Door bell settings
Set belling time, time length, voice and other parameters. As shown in Figure 25

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System



5.9 other settings

Set language, date format, language functions etc. As shown in Figure 26

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System



a. Click on [set to system language], set the current language as system-based display language. You can also set
the system language in the submenu of the main menu [others].
b. Click [Lock-in time], write the current time automatically into the equipment, synchronizing the device time.
c. Click on [Clear User Data] will clear all registered user information of the attendance machine.
d. Click on [Clear attendance data] will clear all registered attendance records of the attendance machine.
e. Click on [Remove the management records] will clear all management records of the attendance machine.
f. Click [upgrade firmware] will upgrade software of the attendance machine.
g. Record settings: If the device management records or verification records (attendance records) is too much, the
current residual record number is less than the current setting value, please clear records of the equipment in time
(download and save all records before clearing), otherwise when the remaining number of records arrives at 0, it
will not be able to normal attendance.
5.10 File management
Upload and download relevant documents of the device (screensaver files, attendance records file, the user
data files, photos documents, etc). As shown in Figure 27

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System



Note :'#####': for the user ID; 'YY', 'MM', 'DD', 'HH', 'MM', 'SS': the representative of year, month, day,
hour, minute, second .
Download documents:
a. Screensavers images (*. jpg): First of all, select file type (0), and select save path, click [Download File] is
b. Screensavers voice (screensaver.mp3): First of all, select file type (1), and select save path, click [Download
File] is OK.
c. System sound (0.mp3 ~ 49.mp3): First of all, select file type (2), and select save path, enter the file name (0 ~
49, do not enter the extension), click [Download File] is OK.
d. Registration voice (##### voice.mp3/wav): First of all, select file type (3), select save path, and enter the file
name (such as user ID is 16, enter 00016voice), click [Download documents] is OK.
e. Registration of photos (#####. jpg): First of all, select file type (4), select save path, and enter the file name
(such as user ID is 16, enter 00016), click [Download File] is OK.
f. Photo verification (YYMMDD-HHMMSS-#####. jpg): First of all, enter the date range, select save path,
click [read photo file] that shall file name of verifying photo in appointed date range, select to download the file
(select-multiple), click on [download file] is OK.
g. The name of the department (part.txt): First of all, select file type (6), and select save path, click
[Download File] is OK.
h. User information (ENROLLDB.dat): First of all, select file type (7), select save path, and enter the file
name (ENROLLDB, must be capitalized, not enter the extension), click on [Download file] is OK .
i. Management records (SLOG.dat): First of all, select file type (8), select save path, and enter the file name
(SLOG, must be capitalized, not enter the extension), click on [Download file] is OK.

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System

j. Attendance records (GLOG.dat): First of all, select file type (9), select save path, and enter the file name
(GLOG, must be capitalized, not enter the extension), click on [Download file] is OK.
Upload documents
a. Screensavers images (*. jpg): First of all, select file type (0), and select save path, and enter the file name
(not enter the extension), click [Upload File] is OK.
b. Screensavers voice (screensaver.mp3): First of all, select file type (1), and select save path, the file shown
automatically, must be the name of this file, if not, please change. Then click [Upload File] is OK.
c. System sound (0.mp3 ~ 49.mp3): First of all, select file type (2), and select save path, enter the file name (0 ~
49, do not enter the extension, must enter one , then upload one), click [Upload File] is OK.
d. Registration voice (##### voice.mp3/wav): First of all, select file type (3), select save path, and enter the file
name (such as user ID is 16, enter 00016voice), click [Upload documents] is OK.
e. Registration of photos (#####. jpg): First of all, select file type (4), select save path, and enter the file name
(such as user ID is 16, enter 00016), click [Upload File] is OK.
f. The name of the department (part.txt): First of all, select file type (6), and select save path, the file shown
automatically, must be the name of this file, if not, please change. click [Upload File] is OK.
g. User information (ENROLLDB.dat): First of all, select file type (7), select save path, and enter the file
name (ENROLLDB, must be capitalized, not enter the extension), click on [Upload file] is OK.
h. Management records (SLOG.dat): First of all, select file type (8), select save path, and enter the file name
(SLOG, must be capitalized, not enter the extension), click on [Upload file] is OK.
i. Attendance records (GLOG.dat): First of all, select file type (9), select save path, and enter the file name
(GLOG, must be capitalized, not enter the extension), click on [Upload file] is OK.

6. Festival settings
Make corresponding set for attendance in accordance with vacation rules of national holidays. Such as:
take 3-day for Labor Day holiday. As shown in Figure 28




Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System

Enter the festival name, beginning time of leave, the number of days. May add, modify, and delete records.
7. Leaving settings
Add, modify or delete the type of leave. At the same time, set related calculation rules of leave, as shown
in Figure 29



a. Holidays mainly include private affair leave, sick leave, marriage leave, maternity leave, bereavement
leave, injury leave, annual leave and other types.
b. Set whether or not be the paid holiday of designated holidays.
8. Team number settings
Add, modify or delete team number.
Set time sect categories
Add, modify, delete time sect of team number
As shown in Figure 30

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System



a. The name of team number can not be repeated, including the name of team number, beginning of using date,
periodical number, periodical units.
Cycle frequency: periodical number* periodical units
Cycle number is digital, periodical units are days, weeks, months.
b. Time sect settings of team number, select week first (day - 6), and then set working time sect of every day. As
shown in Figure 31

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System



c. Set this time sect for normal or overtime working, if record it as overtime, need to set how much is the
overtime hours. Play '' on current week, expresses as working days, otherwise for rest days.
d. Time period type settings (add, modify, or delete): As shown in Figure 32

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System



Enter all possible used working time period of the company (name of time sect, working hours,
off-working time, beginning time of sign in and sign off, remember the late time, leave early time, the number of
working days, whether or not must to sign in or sign off).
Display different time periods on different colors.
Users sign in / sign off time should inside between the beginning time and ending time, or else it
shall be considered as invalid attendance time (namely, when calculating the attendance, not to
participate in the calculation). Please be prepared to set up according to the situation of the company.
The user of AT100 must set this value strictly, otherwise you cant download and calculate the
attendance record.

9. Checking attendance rule settings

Set corresponding attendance rules adapted for the company. Mainly include: basic settings,
computation rule.
Basic settings:
Set name and abbreviation of unit, as shown in Figure 33

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System



Attendance computation rule: As shown in Figure 34




Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System

Set time length of one working day, record as late that how many minutes after working time, and
record as early leave time that how many minutes ahead of off duty day, record how many minutes late
or absent from working with no signing in and off duty with no signing off, record as absent that how
many minutes late one time, record as absent that how many minutes that leave work early, record as
overtime that how many minutes after signing off Calculate the attendance report forms in accordance
with this rule.
Overtime: If you designate the overtime period to be free overtime, the sign in, sign out record cant be
calculated, Otherwise the sign in and sign out record should be calculated.

10. Worker arrangement

Departmental work arrangement, employee arrangement, arrangement cancellation, arrangement
printing, as shown in Figure 35



a. Department scheduling: select departments that need to arrange, click the [department scheduling], set
parameters of sign in / sign off well, select team number, click [Save] to arrange for all staff of the current
departments. (Disk icon for the [Save] button)
b. Staff scheduling: select employees that need to arrange (select-multiple), click the [staff scheduling], set
parameters of sign in / sign off well, select team number, click [Save] to arrange for the current selected
employees. (Disk icon for the [Save] button)
c. If you want to cancel scheduling, firstly, select staff that required to remove (select-multiple), click [Cancel
scheduling] is OK.
d. Calculation of attendance at work: whether or not calculate attendance for staff that set the current team

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System

number, if not calculate, cancellation of playing '' is OK.

e. Normal rest on Holidays: whether or not calculate attendance for staff that set the current team number at
work on holidays, if play'', then employees do need to work on holidays.
f. Overtime effectively: set whether or not effective of overtime for the current team number of staff. Play ''
means valid overtime, otherwise invalid (namely: overtime is not calculated to attendance).

System management
1. Operator management
Add, modify or delete information of administrator (Super administrator and departmental managers).
Super administrator is the highest administrator, and the super administrator may set all permissions of
administrators, other administrators may set the permissions of subordinate administrator. As shown in
Figure 36



a. After entering into operator management functions, right-click the mouse, popup drop-down menu, click
[Add super administrator], showing a list of departments and counterpart staff list, after select staff, click
[OK] that is, the current staff shall become super-administrator. Select [Cancel administrator], then
cancel the administrator privileges of current staff.
b. Right-click the mouse, popup drop-down menu, click [Set Password] to change password of the
current designated administrator (can modify password of lower-level of administrator only, other

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System

administrators can not modify password of the current user except for super-administrator, it can be
modified by the super-administrator only).
c. Right-click the mouse, popup drop-down menu, click [set operating authority] to set related
authority of the current administrator for using the system, you may set operator permission of
lower-level of administrator only, other administrators can not modify permission of the current user
except for super-administrator, it can be set by the super-administrator only. In the pop-up menu
function list, play '' on the function of granted using permission and play ' ' on the function of
prohibition of use (Can Select All / Clear All), there are two permissions: query and editing permissions.
For those users that need to view datum only, you may set query permission.
d. Administrator Information are displayed in red owing to the level is higher than the current
administrator. It means that the current user can not edit the permissions.
2. Operating log of system
See operation records of using this system (number and name of operator, operational objectives and
time etc), as shown in Figure 37



Note: When operating log note too much, you can delete records before the specified date.

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System

3. Data maintenance
3.1Database backup
Require to backup system database periodically for safe, especially make a backup in different areas.
When the system is destroyed because of accident, it shall be used to restore datum.
Note: If set password for the database, please remove password first before compress database (reset
password as empty).
3.2restore backup
Restore the backup database into the system:: First of all, withdraw from the system, there is a Backup
catalog in the current directory of the software, save the backup database file, change the name of
required restored file to prob2008.mdb, and then copy it to the current software Contents to cover the
damaged database file.
3.3 Database compression
When the system uses in a longer period of time, the database may become relatively large and take up
more disk space, so you can use this feature to compress datum, or use before the backup namely
compress first and back up it.
Note: If set password for the database, please remove password first before compress database (reset
password as empty).
3.4 Stale datum erasing
When the system runs for some time, due to the augment in the amount of datum, it will cause the
system to run slower, and require to use this feature to remove some out-of-date datum (transfer or
completely delete). As shown in Figure 38



A. Enter the expiry date, you can back up, transfer or compress attendance records, abnormal records.
B. The deadline must be one month ago. It means that system must hold datum of the last month at least.

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System

C. After storing the removal of out-of-date data in text form, there will be permanently deletion from the
database. Store the text in the current directory of software.
4. Initialization of system
Erase all current datum of the system (such as: employee datum, attendance records etc), restore to
initial state of the system.
A function for super administrator of the system, it is used generally after tryout of the system and before formal
use, or use when to confirm that all current data is invalid. After start system formally, please do not use this
feature. Super administrator should manage this feature well.
5. Database settings
Choose the database system for connecting (Microsoft.Jet 4.0 OLEDB Provider). The name of
ACCESS database file is prob2008.mdb. Set connection parameters in system settings.
As shown in Figure 39


As shown in Figure 40


Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System



When system prompting that the database connection fails, use this function to re-choose and re-connect to
the database.
Save database connection parameters in the local configuration file.
6. Change database access password
Change access password of database. The system default password as empty, as shown in Figure 41



This feature is used for system database encryption to prevent illegal open and modify or destroy the
data secretly in the database.
When a password is empty, you can relieve the database access password.

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System

Records query
1. Checking attendance records
Check and print attendance records of related staff according to specified requirements. May print
report forms and export EXCEL table, as shown in Figure 42



a. Designate department, select the list of employees, and determine date range may view
corresponding attendance records (department, name, number, date, sign in / sign off).
b. Use different colors to show Sign in and Sign off, it is easy to distinguish.
c. Select to export specified item for exporting EXCEL.
d. query the revised manual attendance records (namely abnormal disposal of attendance). Query by
designating departments and employees, determining the beginning and ending dates.
2. Management records
Check, export or print management records of attendance machine, as shown in Figure 43

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System



3. Supervising records
Check, export or print supervising records of the equipment (in-out records and alarm record), as
shown in Figure 44

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System



Select [the alarm record] on the lower left quarter, it shows alarm records; choose [in-out record], it
shows that access records.
Delete stale records of specified date. If there are too many records, it is recommended periodically
clean in order to improve system performance.
4. Check current attendance of workers
Check and print current employees states: On guard and no on guard. Export EXCEL form. As shown
in Figure 45

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System



Specify departments and enter the date can view the current situation of employees: on-the-job and
no-on-the-job (departments, attendance number, name, last time for sign in and off)
5. Checking attendance report forms
Compute attendance report forms or abnormal attendance forms of employees, export EXCEL
documents or print report forms. As shown in Figure 46

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System



a. Select date range only to calculate the attendance report forms for all staff.
b. Select date range, departments and name of staff to calculate attendance report forms of specified
department or staff.
c. Abnormal attendance records (name, attendance number, working hours, off- working hours, late
hours, early departure time, absent time from work).
d. Click [Export] to export the EXCEL file.
e. Click [Print] to print attendance report forms and abnormal attendance report forms.
6. Download records
Download attendance records and management records from attendance machine (also can be read from
the file). Please download the attendance records firstly before calculate attendance.
As shown in Figure 47

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System


a. selecting 'Download new' means that download the latest attendance records only, the past
downloaded records have no longer to download. Please use this function as soon as possible, regularly
download the records to prevent too large datum and slow download speed.
b. select 'Download all' means download all attendance records from attendance machine. When
more attendance records exist, the download speeds will be very slow.
c. Click on [download attendance record] means downloaded attendance records from the equipment
directly, click on [read from the document] means read records from the specified files. The name of attendance
records document is Glog.dat, name of management records document is Slog.dat, they need to use U disk to
download from the device.

Abnormal attendance disposal

1. Leaving on business/leave settings of workers
Make related settings about Staff who is away on business that can not participate in regular
attendance in order to ensure accurate attendance results. Export and print EXCEL form of related
records. (Customize to export or print text). As shown in figure 48

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System




Choose the department and the staff, ascertain the begin and end time, then set the leave or go out, and mark
out the reason of leave or go out, you should play in the go out option when you go out.
b. If you want to amend the record which has been set, you should delete the record firstly, then add the record
c. If the leave/go out less than one day, the date of the begin and end time should be same.
d. The go out or leave record can be printed or led out the EXCEL document.

2. Forget to sign in/sign off disposal

Use this function to deal with no sign in and sign off of staff due to special reasons. As shown in
Figure 49

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System



Select departments and the corresponding staff, and then determine the disposal type (work attendance,
off-work attendance, overtime attendance, off-overtime attendance, out, go back), and finally enter the sign
in and off time, Click [OK] to save.
3. Late/early leaving disposal
Use this function to dispose that staff late / early leave due to special reasons or wrong attendance
state (such as: participation in activities outside and other official businesses), change the original late
/ early leave of attendance records or wrong states of attendance records to regular form. As shown in
Figure 50

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System



Select department that needs to deal with, the system lists all employees in the sectors and then select
the list of employee that needs to dispose, choose disposal type (late / early leave), input attendance
time of the original late / early leave (if not remember the time, enter the attendance time range), and
then enter the correct time of late / early leave, click [Save] to change late / early leave of attendance
records of the specified time to normal attendance records.
b. If the employee attendance time is the right, but the state is error, choose the disposal type
(state) and enter the correct attendance time, select the former state (wrong) before dispose, and
then select the disposed state (correct), click [OK ]is over.
4. Resting change/Go-on working settings
There is a change between resting date and working date because of the special requirement, that is, change
the original working date to resting date and the original resting date to working date; Go-on working means that
the staff shall not go for working after off duty at noon or afternoon, and this time recorded overtime require a
setting, as shown in Figure 51:

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System

Figure 51

Set resting change for one staff or a department. For example: staff XXX, hold a change between 13:30-17:30,
27th, June, 2009 (original resting time, changing into on working) and 8:30-12:00, 4th, July, 2009 (original
working time, changing into resting time). Set well of resting time 1 and rest time 2, then choose staff of
corresponding department, click[OK]
If you want to delete changing records, press right key of mouse on changing datum, then you may delete
current records or delete all records of named changing time (if there is change on resting time, it requires to
delete all original changing records and reset changed time).
Go-on working settings: input beginning time and ending time in time sect , mark the setting as overworking
time(minute), choose the corresponding staff, click[OK
The beginning time and ending time should be the off duty time of current working team( for example: the
working time of current team is 8:30-12:00, then the beginning and ending time is12:00), the ending time is the
beginning time for the next team(for example: time of the next team is13:30-17:30, then the ending time of
Go-on working is13:30)

Access control settings

1. Time sect settings
Set unlocking time sect of access control, may set 50 time sects. As shown in Figure 52

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System



Select attendance machine from the drop down box, click on [download], you may download time sect of
attendance machine to your computer. Click [Upload], you may upload time sect of the computer to the
attendance machine. As shown in Figure 53
Click [add] or [modify] to add or change time sect.



2. Group settings
Set unlocking combinations of access control, may set 5 combinations. As shown in Figure 54

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System



Select attendance machine from the drop down box, click on [download], you may download time sect
information of attendance machine to your computer. Click [Upload], you may upload time sect datum of the
computer to the attendance machine.
3. Opening combination settings
Set unlocking combinations of access control, may set 10 combinations. As shown in Figure 55



Select attendance machine from the drop down box, click on [download], you may download unlocking

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System

combination settings of attendance machine to your computer. Click [Upload], you may upload unlocking
combination settings of the computer to the attendance machine.
4. Access control permission settings
Set unlocking permission of user access control. As shown in Figure 56



Select attendance machine from the drop-down box, click on [download], you may download user access
permission of attendance machine to your computer. Click [Upload], you may upload user access permission to
the attendance machine.
Click [Edit Permissions] to increase the users access permissions, as shown in Figure 57

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System



First of all, select the corresponding time sect and validating model, and then proceed to user selection and
device selection, add user and device of required permissions to the right, click [Allow] or [prohibit] is ok.
If the time sect option is empty, it means the user's time period using Group Time Sect; if the authentication is
empty, it means authentication of users using group authentication.
Re-allocation of groups: modify group of user (which has more than 1 option).

Supervising operation
1 Open the supervising window
Open the monitoring window to begin to monitor a single or all related records of the equipment(access
records and alarm records), as shown in Figure 58

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System



NoteRight-click the device icon may run related operation.

2 Stop supervising
Stop monitoring actions of the equipment.
3 Close the supervising window
Firstly stop all monitoring actions of devices and then close the monitor window before close the monitoring

External connection of application

External to the external application executable, when do not want to withdraw from the system when other
systems want to use, more convenient.
First of all, select executable file of the application, enter the showed menu name in the system, click [OK]
shall generate a menu in the system, click on this menu to execute specified application. As shown in Figure59

Operating Instruction of Attendance Management System



Display system version information. You may activate the software here if the system has not been yet
activated (see: Chapter III- software activation).
2. Re-log in
In the case of not withdrawing from the system, when another user need to use the system, he can use
this function to re-log in the system.
3. Log out
Finish operation of system.

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