A Tragic Love Story in France

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A tragic love story in France

Novel wrote by Ana Luisa Pinel

Chapter 1: The memorable France

We have like three day in the train and I still writing in you Diary, because we are going
to Paris I dont know if Ill like it, but like my father said: we are going you like it or
Is a joke, I already lived in Paris when I was a little girl? So at the end of the third day I
saw the Eiffel tower, is very tall
My name is Danielle Nicole Preminjer, I born in London the 17 th of April, and I have 15
years old, my mother die few minutes after I born, because she have problems with her
heart, now I life with my dad, together we go anywhere we want, I already know Egypt,
Greece, Spain, India, and Japan, my father and I begin this travel around the world
when I was a little girl like 3 years old, now I know different language, and I can
understand, also write them. The kind of writing I like is the Japanese because not all
the person can understand it, or write it, my father now how to read it but he cant write
it, my favorite dream is learn how to sing, if my mother Catherine be here she will teach
me because she was a professional teacher of music in London, but I know some day in
anyplace someone will help me to sing, because sing is my fantasy

this is the beginning of her story, she doesnt look or think what is going to happen in
a future, that is not to far, because that future is in front of her deep blue eyes, she such
want to learn how to sing, so that song will became in her tragic love story

Chapter 2: My little house, well my castle!

When I wake up, I notice that we already inside the house, well when I open the
window I saw like a fairy tale a big house, a castle, I saw a wonderful forest, with a
little lake, a garden with a maze of roses, that only outside, inside I get lost in my own
house, well the 1st time I get here I was a baby, because before we begin with the tour,
my father live here, but now I grow up so I dont know here because the house have 14
rooms, 2 kitchen, 3 living room, 2 tea table, 5 bathroom, that only I hear about, but plus
the garage, the laundry room, also the mechanic room, I think what I gonna do in this
castle, this mansion? Thank my father give me a servant that she will help me to know
better the house, in lunch time I almost get lost because there are 2 dinner room so I
doesnt know where my father was eating. I safe because I not alone, in here are like 50
person, Paris is my servant she is like me, such she is redhead and her eyes are brown
and Im dark hair with deep blue eyes. Paris help me to now where is the study room,
the kitchen, the tea table, or the others room, her mother name is London, she said that
she know me very well, because she take care of me when I was a baby, and she also
take care of her daughter Paris. I dont have an idea how that woman support 2 babies at
the same time, Paris is like three month older than me, I talk to her like my sister,
because we almost the same.
About the house, I think the all the young girls like me had envy, because I have a
mansion and some of them do not. I wish that some day this house became a dance
place a Plaza that in a very especial occasion they came a have that event. The place I
like is the balcony, is in back of the house, well all the rooms windows have one, there
you can put a chair and a table to do your homework or in the night look the stars, sing
in front of the moon. The other place I like is the stairs because they are two but they
combine together in the center of the front door, and they are like a fairy tales, when a
princess get down stair and the prince look her and dance with her, like Cinderella

Chapter 3: The wonderful meeting.

Today is a very especial day but very sad, because I was in the new school and some
people in the class do something that I did not like it. Because they was taking about
me, so when nobody was watching me, I go to the swim and become to cry, because
they were telling that I was a orphan girl, that I was stupid, and I do not have a very
good body. In addition, that I am very short and they were laughing because I never
have a boyfriend. In that moment the wind became to flow, and the flowers of some of
the trees fall down and I hear an angelical voice that said behind me:

-Please dont crying princess? A boy that was so gentle with me.
-Who are you? I said.
-That doesnt matter now, what wrong with you? The boy said.
-Some guys talk about my mother, and my mother is death. I said with a voice very
-Dont worry I am where now to protect you. He says.

After that lovely episode, we back to the class and nobody said anything in the rest of
the day, like that nothing happen, the only thing I know about him is that he is from
Germany, and he live here because their parents want that he study in a better place, and
have a better formation.
I dont know his name, but the only thing I know is that, he has a hair brown with
blonde, his voice like an angel, his hands very soft and strong; his skin color is white
but his cheeks are red and so softy and light; but the only thing that I really like and I
am in love with it, was his eyes, they whore like the reflection of the moon in a green
lagoon: very shiny, very romantic, so awesome, nice, beautiful, his eyes color are green
but that green are different, they are with a soft shine, so big, so mysterious, so silent,
but with a wonderful strong to life, to saw the future, the province, the love, the death,
the sadness, and everything in the world, to saw whats happening in the broken heart,
in a missing soul, in a tears, in the laugh, in the smile, in a full forest with problems, in a
memories lake, in the freezing air, in everything; I saw all this in few minutes, his eyes
tell me that I was safe, protected, and that in this world are someone that take care of

Chapter 4: The angels have name isnt it?

Today I saw again that boy and he seat in front of me, so all the day I ask what was his
name, but he never answer me. So in recess in the same swim I saw him the first time, I
seat and he seat beside me so I begin to talk about my father and I and all about our
tour, he never interrupt, he only listen very carefully what I was talking about, after
some minutes he said:

-Your life is very interesting, I like the way you life.

-But you didnt answer my question, what is your name? I said very curious.
-I cant, because is very complicated.
-I dont care about it, such tell me. I said with a voice that was very happy.
-Im an angel, so you cant tell my name. He said laughing, and with his eyes very
-But the angels have names isnt it? I said laughing with him.
-Yes my name isJonathan Wyatt Matthews nice to meet you Miss by the way,
whats your name? He asks me, because we didnt know our names.
-Nice to meet you Mr. Matthews, my name is Danielle Nicole Preminjer. I said a little
-Alright miss Preminjer, I really happy to have the opportunity to meet you, and be your
friend. He said looking me, very sweet.
-Thanks to understand me, and Im happy too. I said with my eyes looking him directed.

After that the bell rang and we back to the classes. I wrote this down because I think Im
in love with him, not because just like fall in love, is just the way he is and tell me he is
cute isnt it, and he is very mysterious, but he is very good, nice, he help me, and he is a
excellent student.
I dont know if he is in love with me but I will ask him some day. But I am very
childish because nobody falls in love so fast, in an instants right? I do not think so.

Chapter 5: It is truth?

Our friendship have 3 mouth now and everything was perfect and every day I like him
more and more, put that love became a tragic farewellit is truth? What happen today?
Please tell me is a nightmare!... and I dont know if this day is happy, sad, horrible,
wonderful, I dont know what to said, what did I do?....

We were in the class and I write in a paper my confession:

Im in love with you John, I do not want to make you feel uncomfortable, is just
happen, but I need answer, please tell me what do you think? DN
Minutes later I gave it to him, he stand up and putted me in front of the class, and he
look at me, hug me, then he put his eyes closer than mine, but so close that I could hear
his hearts beat, and I knew that he was going to kiss me, and I was right, he kissed me in
front of all the class, but later I die because he said:
-Sorry Danielle, I love you too, but we cant be together, your family and mine cant be
together ever, because your last name is avery important and Im not

So I interrupt him with:

-Poor the rich, isnt it? Im nothing for you, right? You such play with me because I
have money, or because you saw a little rich girl crying in the swim, do you know
something? I regret to have this friendship and to get in love with you, John Wyatt
Matthews, and other thing I hate you, I will act like I never met you, never felt
something for you, and good-bye forever my dear lovely honey, gentleman, my angel

After I finish crying and want to fly away, because he broke my heart, also this was the
first time I get in love and he said no, because our economic position was different!
How ridiculous!!! He got me and kissed me again, but I push him away, and look him
indifferent and I said furious but crying because I cant forget him:
-What are you doing, did I know you? Oh, sure you are the poor boy isnt it? Sorry
darling, but like you said we can not be togetherI was crying telling this horrible

After that horrible episode, it is truth what happen? Did I said that, how can I did that to
him, I love him, but he doesnt want to cause problems, so that right he said no, but Im
sure that he still feeling something, I dont know but maybe.
Please God forget me, please tell him that I always love him and I can wait until he
loving me again, please erase this awful afternoon forever in his heart and mine too

Chapter 6: What are you doing?

Today I cry all the day because my sweet John tell me something that broke my heart
more that was before

We were in the class, and accidentally we stumble together, so he stands up like

nothing, and he look me and said:
-What are you doing, this is my place?
-Sorry is my mistake, John. I said a little nervous.
-Mr. Matthews please, well to you Miss Preminjer. He said looking me with freezing
-What do you said? Why? Please forget what happen last time, is the first time I react
like that. please John
-We cant, I said I love you and I swear I still do, but we cant be together. He said with
the sweet angelical voice, that he had at the first time we met.

So I understand that he still loving me, but our last name is totally different, but I dont
care about our names, such our love, our story, our fairy tale, our friendship, so I said:
-I love you too, our name doesnt care now, such stay with me, hug me, forgive me,
love me, please dear.

After this, he hug me and he kiss me and we are boyfriends now, I dont care about
nothing, Im not afraid to the future, the province, the tomorrow, I such live today, think
and know that someone take care of me, protect me, hug me in the dark cold night, and
that someone think about me every moment, and dream with me, and love me forever

Here is the beginning of the tragic love song, know both soul are together, and they
love each other without looking around, without thinking what is gonna happen in few

Chapter 7: Sing is my specialty

Today is weekend so we decided that meet us in front of the school, because John is
going to teach me how to sing, at the beginning of the class he sing a famous song of
Frank Sinatra Strangers of the Night, he sang so beautiful, like an angel, then is was
my turn I sing the other part of the song and he said that I sang very good for a person
that are beginning to learn.

Like three hour we practice, we went outside and we sang together, in the street and all
the persons that heard us singing, applause and some of them give us money, like
minutes later I saw my father, and he was like crying because he saw me singing. John
thinks that he was the problem, and he was going away but my father stop him and asks
-Son, what is your name, how old are you, what is your special talent?
-My name is John Wyatt Matthews, Im 16, and sing is my specialty.
-Good, do you want to come to my home and dinner together? My father said
-Will be an honor, mister. John said a little nervous.
-Sorry my name is Stanley Edward Preminjer. My father said smiling.

So we go to the house, and we dinner together talking with John, now I know that he
have a sister Stephanie and he had a twin brother but he die, when they born. His
mother is very sweet and good with him, but his father has a temperament very
And his family are dedicated to the music but he is the only with his sister that love the
music, that right he is like a professional singer and he can write the notes and he
already composed 3 song, only with 16 years old. Now Im sure that he will teach me,
and my dream will became truth

Chapter 8: When are you coming back?

Now everything is gone, because my dear teacher needs to go to his home, because his
father is sick, I heard that his father had problem with his heart. I dont know what to
Something is happening, my heart hurt, Im not sure if is about because of his trip, or
because his father. My dad came to my room with Paris, because she told him that Im
worry and I still sad and I dont want to do anything, Im not going to school, I dont
want to know anything, just I want to be with him.

-Ed: Moon, please told me what wrong please trust me, Im your father. Please if you
dont want, talk with Paris, she will understand, just smile again, please sweetheart

-Danielle: Sorry Dad, is my fault, I worrying you, honestly I didnt know that this was
affecting you. Is ok, a can talk with both, remember you are my father, you are my
everythingParis Honey, thanks for worry and take care of me, I love you Darling.

-Paris: (crying) Danny, Cupcake, is ok, remember we are like sister. I will not support
seeing you sick, or sadSorry about Im a crybaby

-Danielle: Is ok, Honey. Thanks, saying that same about you.

-Ed: My little Sunshine, both of you.

-Danielle: Dad, do you think he will come back, I do not know if he will stay or if he
needs to, because he is the only boy the older one, and Stephanie needs him too with
his mother I do not want him to go away, I cant..

-Ed: Darling, shhh shhh is okay, I perfectly understand, but we need to have a little
patient, he will tell you, or he will call or something. Calm down, is okay darling!

-London: Eddy, somebody is specting you in the meeting room, he says is very urgent.

-Ed: I am arriving, can you stay with Danielle please, and I will back in a minute.

-John: I do not think, I can still waiting Edward, sorry to coming up here without
permission, but I can notDanielle

I looked at him like he was a ghost or something, but I ran crying to his arms.

-Danielle: Baby. My Angel, what are you doing here? Your father is waiting for
you, do not make an old man wait! Go, you need to go, do not worry about me,
anyways you do not need permission to coming up here darling, you can get in and went
whenever you want. Wait, You.. Are not. My John Who
are you?

-Forget me, about this, I know what are you thinking, I should be dead but I am
Johns twin brother Sebastian Matthews, I have a massage for you. Danielle, right?

-Danielle: Yes, I am what happen? Did John get hurt or your father?

-Sebastian: He is okay, my father too, thanks. But he cant come back, at least not
now he needs to stay there 2 years because he is the new owner of the music school
my dad have, but he is going to changes the names and put myself there instead of him.

-Ed: I imagine, your father can not continue with it, right?

-Sebastian: Yes, he cant move, he needs to rest a little. But my family did not know
that I was alive, well they do, Steph and John dont. Because if the music school found
out that we are twin, they will separated us to different country, and my mother knew
that they will used you like instrument of money, no like an art, something that we do
for love.

-Danielle: I.

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